YepCode Recipes

YepCode Recipes

JavaScript snippets to connect any service, database or API
518 days ago

Basic Information

The Developer Said

“ 👋 Hi ! This is Marcos, one of the founders of YepCode, and a proud software craftsman 🤓 NoCode integration tools are awesome for simple tasks, but when you need to create more complex information movements, use source code may be a better approach 🚀 For that reason, we created YepCode Recipes 🧑‍🍳, a set of thousands of combinations to move information between any database, service or API 🔀 * Retrieve information from any database with a streaming approach and save results in a CSV in any cloud storage system * Create a webhook that pushes information to any MQ Queue * Read a CSV from on FTP server and for each entry create a record in Airtable * Export your Shopify orders to your dat

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