FanLabel: Daily Music Contests

FanLabel: Daily Music Contests

Like fantasy sports for music: create your own record label
527 days ago

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The Developer Said

“ what's up, ph. my name is Mick, and I'm the designer and director of FanLabel, an app that lets you build out your own "fantasy record label", and be rewarded for it. 🤨 how does it work? in fantasy sports, you get points based performance of the players you've picked. in FanLabel, you get points based on the success of each song you pick. that value is driven by the accumulative total of song streams, from Spotify, Apple Music, and more, combined. to make this happen, we're partnered with all major record labels (e.g. Sony, UMG, WMG), and have integrations w/ Spotify (and Apple Music, soon). 🤔 how are people using it? we recognize that music becomes more exciting when listeners are inves

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