project in oop/java

17.0 EUR

17.0 EUR peopleperhour Technology & Programming Overseas
13 days ago


the goal is to program a simplified information system for managing scientific projects in JAVA. At your disposal is a description of communication at an abstract level, that is, a basic communication interface (photo below). The provided classes/interfaces/enumerations form the project template and are placed in their respective packages. Do not change package names or package structure. Create new classes as needed, placing them in packages where they logically belong. So you will get the skeleton of the project, i.e. J. src folder with created packages and interfaces, enumerations and helper classes. There is no need to create a GUI or console control to work with the application. The functionality of the submitted application will be tested using unit tests. The template contains a simplified (minimum) suite of tests so that you can at least partially verify the correctness of your implementation. If the completed task does not pass the module tests, then it is considered incorrect. I will provide additional files and documentation after agreement with the performer. Note - the work is checked through the anti-plagiarism system, so it is forbidden to use chatgpt and others.

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