Native App Developers required for Delivery Business

4022.0 GBP

4022.0 GBP peopleperhour Technology & Programming Overseas
279 days ago


We are looking for a technology partner to develop a mobile application for one of our startups in the UK. This is an on-demand delivery app for grocery delivery. We have attached the following information below. Mobile application developers required for Delivery App
1. 200+ screen on Figma with full prototype 2. Ios native (swift) customer app 3. Ios native (swift) driver app 4. Ios native (swift) partner store and partner manager 5. Android (Kotlin) customer app 6. Android (Kotlin) driver app 7. Android (Kotlin) partner store and partner manager app 8. Superadmin panel
SDKs to be implemented 1. Twilio (messaging and in app calling) 2. Stripe custom connect 3. Google maps 4. Firebase 5. Other misc to be confirmed
Server Side 1. Dummy prelaunch and testing (VPS) 2. AWS deployment before full launch
Programming Language 1. Swift (iOS)2. Backend Node JS 3. Kotlin (Android)4. HTML for front end 5. Github or Bitbucket for code depositary 6. Full testing 7. APIs setup

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