Joomla 5 pagination issue & create routing url:

10.0 USD

10.0 USD peopleperhour Technology & Programming Overseas
21 days ago


I have 2 problems that, both of who should be easy to fix if you are well versed with Joomla:
1. Please see screenshot attached. I have a category of articles with pagination. For some reason the "first", "previous", "next" and "last" links have no text/symbols. Is there a setting somewhere I have accidentally turned off, or what else could it be?If there is no setting causing this, you can just tell me where in Joomla Admin I can find the right module to create an override and add the symbols myself.
2. On my startpage, I have a link that takes the user to the category page of news articles. This is the current code, which works fine: JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=YOUR_CATEGORY_ID');
However, I am told JRoute is deprecated and should no longer be used. Instead, I should use this:Route::_(RouteHelper::getArticleRoute());I just need help with adding the right arguments to this code so that the output is the same as my existing code.

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