Skilled coder & programming freelancer.

6.0 GBP

6.0 GBP peopleperhour Technology & Programming Overseas
13 days ago


Hi, I need an "all rounder" that knows how to code, PHP, etc etc. You must be able to do everything by the book and clean, with work passing all inspections. (It will be inspected)
You will be asked to work on plugins, themes, caching setups, CSS, backend development and a host of other things when required.
Send your proposals ***Any cut & paste or A.i. Generated will be declined***
You need to work fast and give me your hourly rate. (Which will mean nothing going forward as it will be on price per task, but will give me an idea of your actual rates)
Last person worked for 4 years with us until he let us down on an important job. You will be his replacement. Ignore the price per hour, give your rate.
Regards David

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