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¥ 10500

¥ 10500 猿急送 Technology & Programming China
11 days ago


1 检测报告优化:医疗软件运行后的最终检测报告需要抓取动画图像,以及文本格式和内容的更改等; 2 软件运行环境的稳定性优化:XP系统等插件;最终能够GHOST一键安装;以及建立客户远程服务插件等; 3 保密性: 而在XP系统上运行的医疗软件的一些插件不得在未经本司同意自行拷贝。

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std::string() << ", x = " << item["x"].cast() << ", y = " << item["y"].cast() << std::endl;


C++的LuaBridge库 有例子 只需要实现几个接口
lua_State* L = luaL_newstate(); // 创建一个新的 Lua 状态
luaL_openlibs(L); // 加载 Lua 标准库
luabridge::LuaRef ret = luabridge::LuaRef::fromStack(L, -1);
std::cout << "序号: " << ret["序号"].cast() << std::endl;
luabridge::LuaRef contents = ret["内容"];
for (int i = 0; i < contents.length(); ++i) {
luabridge::LuaRef item = contents[i + 1];
if (item.isNil()) {
std::cerr << "Item at index " << (i + 1) << " does not exist." << std::endl;
std::cout << "内容 " << (i + 1) << ": 名称 = " << item["名称"].caststd::string() << ", x = " << item["x"].cast() << ", y = " << item["y"].cast() << std::endl;

¥ 500内 Technology & Programming 匠迹众包 China
2 days ago