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Is R's apply family more than syntactic sugar?

...regarding execution time and / or memory.

If this is not true, prove it with a code snippet. Note that speedup by vectorization does not count. The speedup must come from apply (tapply, sapply, ...) itself.


The apply functions in R don't provide improved performance over other looping functions (e.g. for). One exception to this is lapply which can be a little faster because it does more work in C code than in R (see this question for an example of this).

But in general, the rule is that you should use an apply function for clarity, not for performance.

I would add to this that apply functions have no side effects, which is an important distinction when it comes to functional programming with R. This can be overridden by using assign or <<-, but that can be very dangerous. Side effects also make a program harder to understand since a variable's state depends on the history.


Just to emphasize this with a trivial example that recursively calculates the Fibonacci sequence; this could be run multiple times to get an accurate measure, but the point is that none of the methods have significantly different performance:

> fibo <- function(n) {
+   if ( n < 2 ) n
+   else fibo(n-1) + fibo(n-2)
+ }
> system.time(for(i in 0:26) fibo(i))
   user  system elapsed 
   7.48    0.00    7.52 
> system.time(sapply(0:26, fibo))
   user  system elapsed 
   7.50    0.00    7.54 
> system.time(lapply(0:26, fibo))
   user  system elapsed 
   7.48    0.04    7.54 
> library(plyr)
> system.time(ldply(0:26, fibo))
   user  system elapsed 
   7.52    0.00    7.58 

Edit 2:

Regarding the usage of parallel packages for R (e.g. rpvm, rmpi, snow), these do generally provide apply family functions (even the foreach package is essentially equivalent, despite the name). Here's a simple example of the sapply function in snow:

cl <- makeSOCKcluster(c("localhost","localhost"))
parSapply(cl, 1:20, get("+"), 3)

This example uses a socket cluster, for which no additional software needs to be installed; otherwise you will need something like PVM or MPI (see Tierney's clustering page). snow has the following apply functions:

parLapply(cl, x, fun, ...)
parSapply(cl, X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
parApply(cl, X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)
parRapply(cl, x, fun, ...)
parCapply(cl, x, fun, ...)

It makes sense that apply functions should be used for parallel execution since they have no side effects. When you change a variable value within a for loop, it is globally set. On the other hand, all apply functions can safely be used in parallel because changes are local to the function call (unless you try to use assign or <<-, in which case you can introduce side effects). Needless to say, it's critical to be careful about local vs. global variables, especially when dealing with parallel execution.


Here's a trivial example to demonstrate the difference between for and *apply so far as side effects are concerned:

> df <- 1:10
> # *apply example
> lapply(2:3, function(i) df <- df * i)
> df
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
> # for loop example
> for(i in 2:3) df <- df * i
> df
 [1]  6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60

Note how the df in the parent environment is altered by for but not *apply.

Most multi core packages for R also implement parallelization through the apply family of functions. Therefore structuring programs so they use apply allows them to be parallelized at a very small marginal cost.
Sharpie - thank you for that! Any idea for an example showing that (on windows XP) ?
I would suggest looking at the snowfall package and trying the examples in their vignette. snowfall builds on top of the snow package and abstracts the details of parallelization even further making it dead simple to execute parallelized apply functions.
@Sharpie but note that foreach has since become available and seems to be much inquired about on SO.
@Shane, at the very top of your answer, you link to another question as an an example of a case where lapply is "a little faster" than a for loop. However, there, I am not seeing anything suggesting so. You only mention that lapply is faster than sapply, which is a well known fact for other reasons (sapply tries to simplify the output and hence has to do a lot of data size checking and potential conversions). Nothing related to for. Am I missing something?
Joris Meys

Sometimes speedup can be substantial, like when you have to nest for-loops to get the average based on a grouping of more than one factor. Here you have two approaches that give you the exact same result :

set.seed(1)  #for reproducability of the results

# The data
X <- rnorm(100000)
Y <- as.factor(sample(letters[1:5],100000,replace=T))
Z <- as.factor(sample(letters[1:10],100000,replace=T))

# the function forloop that averages X over every combination of Y and Z
forloop <- function(x,y,z){
# These ones are for optimization, so the functions 
#levels() and length() don't have to be called more than once.
  ylev <- levels(y)
  zlev <- levels(z)
  n <- length(ylev)
  p <- length(zlev)

  out <- matrix(NA,ncol=p,nrow=n)
  for(i in 1:n){
      for(j in 1:p){
          out[i,j] <- (mean(x[y==ylev[i] & z==zlev[j]]))
  rownames(out) <- ylev
  colnames(out) <- zlev

# Used on the generated data

# The same using tapply

Both give exactly the same result, being a 5 x 10 matrix with the averages and named rows and columns. But :

> system.time(forloop(X,Y,Z))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.94    0.02    0.95 

> system.time(tapply(X,list(Y,Z),mean))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.06    0.00    0.06 

There you go. What did I win? ;-)

aah, so sweet :-) I was actually wondering if anybody would ever come across my rather late answer.
I always sort by "active". :) Not sure how to generalize your answer; sometimes *apply is faster. But I think that the more important point is the side effects (updated my answer with an example).
I think that apply is especially faster when you want to apply a function over different subsets. If there is a smart apply solution for a nested loop, I guess the apply solution will be faster too. In most cases apply doesn't gain much speed I guess, but I definitely agree on the side effects.
This is a little off topic, but for this specific example, data.table is even faster and I think "easier". library(data.table) dt<-data.table(X,Y,Z,key=c("Y,Z")) system.time(dt[,list(X_mean=mean(X)),by=c("Y,Z")])
This comparison is absurd. tapply is a specialized function for a specific task, that's why it's faster than a for loop. It can't do what a for loop can do (while regular apply can). You're comparing apples with oranges.

...and as I just wrote elsewhere, vapply is your friend!'s like sapply, but you also specify the return value type which makes it much faster.

foo <- function(x) x+1
y <- numeric(1e6)

system.time({z <- numeric(1e6); for(i in y) z[i] <- foo(i)})
#   user  system elapsed 
#   3.54    0.00    3.53 
system.time(z <- lapply(y, foo))
#   user  system elapsed 
#   2.89    0.00    2.91 
system.time(z <- vapply(y, foo, numeric(1)))
#   user  system elapsed 
#   1.35    0.00    1.36 

Jan. 1, 2020 update:

system.time({z1 <- numeric(1e6); for(i in seq_along(y)) z1[i] <- foo(y[i])})
#   user  system elapsed 
#   0.52    0.00    0.53 
system.time(z <- lapply(y, foo))
#   user  system elapsed 
#   0.72    0.00    0.72 
system.time(z3 <- vapply(y, foo, numeric(1)))
#   user  system elapsed 
#    0.7     0.0     0.7 
identical(z1, z3)
# [1] TRUE

The original findings no longer appear to be true. for loops are faster on my Windows 10, 2-core computer. I did this with 5e6 elements - a loop was 2.9 seconds vs. 3.1 seconds for vapply.

I've written elsewhere that an example like Shane's doesn't really stress the difference in performance among the various kinds of looping syntax because the time is all spent within the function rather than actually stressing the loop. Furthermore, the code unfairly compares a for loop with no memory with apply family functions that return a value. Here's a slightly different example that emphasizes the point.

foo <- function(x) {
   x <- x+1
y <- numeric(1e6)
system.time({z <- numeric(1e6); for(i in y) z[i] <- foo(i)})
#   user  system elapsed 
#  4.967   0.049   7.293 
system.time(z <- sapply(y, foo))
#   user  system elapsed 
#  5.256   0.134   7.965 
system.time(z <- lapply(y, foo))
#   user  system elapsed 
#  2.179   0.126   3.301 

If you plan to save the result then apply family functions can be much more than syntactic sugar.

(the simple unlist of z is only 0.2s so the lapply is much faster. Initializing the z in the for loop is quite fast because I'm giving the average of the last 5 of 6 runs so moving that outside the system.time would hardly affect things)

One more thing to note though is that there is another reason to use apply family functions independent of their performance, clarity, or lack of side effects. A for loop typically promotes putting as much as possible within the loop. This is because each loop requires setup of variables to store information (among other possible operations). Apply statements tend to be biased the other way. Often times you want to perform multiple operations on your data, several of which can be vectorized but some might not be able to be. In R, unlike other languages, it is best to separate those operations out and run the ones that are not vectorized in an apply statement (or vectorized version of the function) and the ones that are vectorized as true vector operations. This often speeds up performance tremendously.

Taking Joris Meys example where he replaces a traditional for loop with a handy R function we can use it to show the efficiency of writing code in a more R friendly manner for a similar speedup without the specialized function.

set.seed(1)  #for reproducability of the results

# The data - copied from Joris Meys answer
X <- rnorm(100000)
Y <- as.factor(sample(letters[1:5],100000,replace=T))
Z <- as.factor(sample(letters[1:10],100000,replace=T))

# an R way to generate tapply functionality that is fast and 
# shows more general principles about fast R coding
YZ <- interaction(Y, Z)
XS <- split(X, YZ)
m <- vapply(XS, mean, numeric(1))
m <- matrix(m, nrow = length(levels(Y)))
rownames(m) <- levels(Y)
colnames(m) <- levels(Z)

This winds up being much faster than the for loop and just a little slower than the built in optimized tapply function. It's not because vapply is so much faster than for but because it is only performing one operation in each iteration of the loop. In this code everything else is vectorized. In Joris Meys traditional for loop many (7?) operations are occurring in each iteration and there's quite a bit of setup just for it to execute. Note also how much more compact this is than the for version.

But Shane's example is realistic in that most of the time is usually spent in the function, not in the loop.
speak for yourself... :)... Maybe Shane's is realistic in a certain sense but in that same sense the analysis is utterly useless. People will care about the speed of the iteration mechanism when they have to do a lot of iterations, otherwise their problems are elsewhere anyway. It's true of any function. If I write a sin that takes 0.001s and someone else writes one that takes 0.002 who cares?? Well, as soon as you have to do a bunch of them you care.
on a 12 core 3Ghz intel Xeon, 64bit, I get quite different numbers to you - the for loop improves considerably: for your three tests, I get 2.798 0.003 2.803; 4.908 0.020 4.934; 1.498 0.025 1.528, and vapply is even better: 1.19 0.00 1.19
It does vary with OS and R version... and in an absolute sense CPU. I just ran with 2.15.2 on Mac and got sapply 50% slower than for and lapply twice as fast.
In your example, you mean to set y to 1:1e6, not numeric(1e6) (a vector of zeroes). Trying to allocate foo(0) to z[0] over and over does not illustrate well a typical for loop usage. The message is otherwise spot on.
Richard Border

When applying functions over subsets of a vector, tapply can be pretty faster than a for loop. Example:

df <- data.frame(id = rep(letters[1:10], 100000),
                 value = rnorm(1000000))

f1 <- function(x)
  tapply(x$value, x$id, sum)

f2 <- function(x){
  res <- 0
  for(i in seq_along(l <- unique(x$id)))
    res[i] <- sum(x$value[x$id == l[i]])
  names(res) <- l


> microbenchmark(f1(df), f2(df), times=100)
Unit: milliseconds
   expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
 f1(df) 28.02612 28.28589 28.46822 29.20458 32.54656   100
 f2(df) 38.02241 41.42277 41.80008 42.05954 45.94273   100

apply, however, in most situation doesn't provide any speed increase, and in some cases can be even lot slower:

mat <- matrix(rnorm(1000000), nrow=1000)

f3 <- function(x)
  apply(x, 2, sum)

f4 <- function(x){
  res <- 0
  for(i in 1:ncol(x))
    res[i] <- sum(x[,i])

> microbenchmark(f3(mat), f4(mat), times=100)
Unit: milliseconds
    expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
 f3(mat) 14.87594 15.44183 15.87897 17.93040 19.14975   100
 f4(mat) 12.01614 12.19718 12.40003 15.00919 40.59100   100

But for these situations we've got colSums and rowSums:

f5 <- function(x)

> microbenchmark(f5(mat), times=100)
Unit: milliseconds
    expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
 f5(mat) 1.362388 1.405203 1.413702 1.434388 1.992909   100

It is important to notice that (for small pieces of code) microbenchmark it is much more precise than system.time. If you try to compare system.time(f3(mat)) and system.time(f4(mat)) you'll get different result almost each time. Sometimes only a proper benchmark test is able to show the fastest function.