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How do I install a NuGet package into the second project in a solution?

I'm currently working on a solution that initially contained one project (My.First.Project.Name). I've installed Castle Windsor by executing:

Install-Package Castle.Windsor

I've just added another project (My.Second.Project.Name) to the solution and want to install Castle Windsor into this project also, but when I run Install-Package Castle.Windsor again, I get the error:

'Castle.Core 2.5.2' already installed 'Castle.Windsor 2.5.2' already installed My.First.Project.Name already has a reference to 'Castle.Core 2.5.2' My.First.Project.Name already has a reference to 'Castle.Windsor 2.5.2'

So my question is: How do I persuade the NuGet Package Manager to install the package into the second project?

Chase Florell

There's 3 approaches :). In NuGet 1.1 (The latest release) we've improved powershell pipelining so you can do this:

Get-Project -All | Install-Package SomePackage

That will install "SomePackage" into all of your projects. You can use wildcards to narrow down which projects:

Get-Project Mvc* | Install-Package SomePackage

That will use wildcard semantics (in this case, find all projects that start with mvc).

Get-Project SomeProject | Install-Package SomePackage

That will install SomePackage into SomeProject and nothing else.

and 3th approache is simply calling Install-Package SomePackage to install it on current project.
But what is "current" project?
The selected one in the dropdown
@jalal That doesn't work, just tried it in VS2015. The package always installed to the first project, not the current one.
@Eternal21 You can select current project from project drop-down in Package Manager Console window.

There's two approaches.

As you already learned, the Package Manager Console has a drop down that lists the projects in your solution.

The other approach is to use the -Project flag. Nice thing about that is it gives you Intellisense with the project names! For example:

Install-Package SomePackage -Project MvcApplication2


The answer is, embarassingly, blindlingly simple.

The "Package Manager Console" has a drop-down titled "Default Project" in its toolbar, changing the project there to My.Second.Project.Name then allows Install-Package Castle.Windsor to install the package into the second project.

you adverb usage is unbelievably, unquestionably, delightful
Tom Studee

In Visual Studio 2015 (as of Nuget v3.1.2) the syntax is now:

Install-Package ThePackage -ProjectName YourProjectName

Note: -ProjectName vs -Project


In Visual Studio, you can go to Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for the entire Solution. From there, select the Nuget Package you want to share between projects and click Manage. This will allow you to add a specific installed NuGet Package to whichever other projects you want.

I never knew about this window. Super powerful, nice!
I have spend one hour looking around this functionnality ! Thank you very much for this one !
I do not see a "Manage" button. Where is it supposed to be?

If you just need to copy packages from existing project to the new one, just copy and/or modify packages.config file to the new project and run Update-Package -reinstall -Project YourProjectName

Damian Vogel

There is also the option to force a reinstall. With certain problems, this helped me.

Update-Package Microsoft.Owin -Reinstall