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What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#?

From time to time I see an enum like the following:

public enum Options 
    None    = 0,
    Option1 = 1,
    Option2 = 2,
    Option3 = 4,
    Option4 = 8

I don't understand what exactly the [Flags] attribute does.

Anyone have a good explanation or example they could post?

It's also worth noting, in addition to the accepted answer, that VB.NET actually requires [Flags] - at least according to the .NET guys:…
Note, not required in VB these days. Save behaviour as C# - just changes the ToString() output. Note, you can also do logical OR, WITHIN the Enum itself. Very cool. Cat = 1, Dog = 2, CatAndDog = Cat || Dog.
@Chalky You mean CatAndDog = Cat | Dog (the logical OR instead of the Conditional), I assume?
@DdW, partially correct: | should be used, but | is called the binary OR. II is the logical OR (that allows short-circuiting): At least according to Microsoft ;)
Thanks for asking this question. I learned here a lot.

Matt Jenkins

The [Flags] attribute should be used whenever the enumerable represents a collection of possible values, rather than a single value. Such collections are often used with bitwise operators, for example:

var allowedColors = MyColor.Red | MyColor.Green | MyColor.Blue;

Note that the [Flags] attribute doesn't enable this by itself - all it does is allow a nice representation by the .ToString() method:

enum Suits { Spades = 1, Clubs = 2, Diamonds = 4, Hearts = 8 }
[Flags] enum SuitsFlags { Spades = 1, Clubs = 2, Diamonds = 4, Hearts = 8 }


var str1 = (Suits.Spades | Suits.Diamonds).ToString();
           // "5"
var str2 = (SuitsFlags.Spades | SuitsFlags.Diamonds).ToString();
           // "Spades, Diamonds"

It is also important to note that [Flags] does not automatically make the enum values powers of two. If you omit the numeric values, the enum will not work as one might expect in bitwise operations, because by default the values start with 0 and increment.

Incorrect declaration:

public enum MyColors
    Yellow,  // 0
    Green,   // 1
    Red,     // 2
    Blue     // 3

The values, if declared this way, will be Yellow = 0, Green = 1, Red = 2, Blue = 3. This will render it useless as flags.

Here's an example of a correct declaration:

public enum MyColors
    Yellow = 1,
    Green = 2,
    Red = 4,
    Blue = 8

To retrieve the distinct values in your property, one can do this:

if (myProperties.AllowedColors.HasFlag(MyColor.Yellow))
    // Yellow is allowed...

or prior to .NET 4:

if((myProperties.AllowedColors & MyColor.Yellow) == MyColor.Yellow)
    // Yellow is allowed...

if((myProperties.AllowedColors & MyColor.Green) == MyColor.Green)
    // Green is allowed...

Under the covers

This works because you used powers of two in your enumeration. Under the covers, your enumeration values look like this in binary ones and zeros:

 Yellow: 00000001
 Green:  00000010
 Red:    00000100
 Blue:   00001000

Similarly, after you've set your property AllowedColors to Red, Green and Blue using the binary bitwise OR | operator, AllowedColors looks like this:

myProperties.AllowedColors: 00001110

So when you retrieve the value you are actually performing bitwise AND & on the values:

myProperties.AllowedColors: 00001110
             MyColor.Green: 00000010
                            00000010 // Hey, this is the same as MyColor.Green!

The None = 0 value

And regarding the use of 0 in your enumeration, quoting from MSDN:

public enum MyColors
    None = 0,

Use None as the name of the flag enumerated constant whose value is zero. You cannot use the None enumerated constant in a bitwise AND operation to test for a flag because the result is always zero. However, you can perform a logical, not a bitwise, comparison between the numeric value and the None enumerated constant to determine whether any bits in the numeric value are set.

You can find more info about the flags attribute and its usage at msdn and designing flags at msdn

Flags itself does nothing. Also, C# does not require Flags per se. But the ToString implementation of your enum uses Flags, and so does Enum.IsDefined, Enum.Parse, etc. Try to remove Flags and look at the result of MyColor.Yellow | MyColor.Red; without it you get "5", with Flags you get "Yellow, Red". Some other parts of the framework also use [Flags] (e.g., XML Serialization).
I prefer to use constants of the form A = 1 << 0, B = 1 << 1, C = 1 << 2 ... Much easier to read, understand, visually check and change.
@borrrden, hell yeahh! I found this: - see "Remarks" part: "Enum is the base class for all enumerations in the .NET Framework." and "The enumeration does not explicitly inherit from Enum; the inheritance relationship is handled implicitly by the compiler." So, when you write: public enum bla bla bla - this is a value type. But, the HasFlag method wants you to give him an instance of System.Enum which is a class (reference type:)
Enum.IsDefined does not take the FlagsAttribute into account. None of the following return true, even with the attribute: Yellow | Green, "Yellow, Green", 3
If you want to exclude a flag from the enumeration, use xor, which is ^ in C#. So if you have myProperties.AllowedColors = MyColor.Red | MyColor.Green | MyColor.Blue;. You can do: myProperties.AllowedColors = myProperties.AllowedColors ^ MyColor.Blue //myProperties.AllowedColors == MyColor.Red | Mycolor.Green
Orion Edwards

You can also do this

public enum MyEnum
    None   = 0,
    First  = 1 << 0,
    Second = 1 << 1,
    Third  = 1 << 2,
    Fourth = 1 << 3

I find the bit-shifting easier than typing 4,8,16,32 and so on. It has no impact on your code because it's all done at compile time

That's what I mean, I prefer to have the full int in source code. If I have a column on a table in the database called MyEnum that stores a value of one of the enums, and a record has 131,072, I would need to get out my calculator to figure out that that corresponds to the enum with the value 1<<17. As opposed to just seeing the value 131,072 written in the source.
@JeremyWeir - Several bits are going to be set in a flag enumeration value. So your method of data analysis is what is improper. Run a procedure to Represent your integer value in binary. 131,072 [D] = 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 [B] [32].. With the 17th bit set, an enum value assigned 1<<17 is easily determinable. 0110 0011 0011 0101 0101 0011 0101 1011 [b] [32] .. the enum values assign 1<<31, 1<<30, 1<<26, 1<<25.. etc. etc. is determinable without even the aid of a calculator at all.. which I doubt you would be able to determine at all without getting the binary rep.
Also pointing out you can bit-shift from "previous" enum values rather than directly from numbers, i.e. Third = Second << 1 rather than Third = 1 << 2 -- see more complete description below
I like this, but once you get to the upper limits of the underlying enum type, the compiler doesn't warn against bit shifts such as 1 << 31 == -2147483648, 1 << 32 == 1, 1 << 33 == 2, and so on. By contrast, if you say ThirtySecond = 2147483648 for an int type enum, the compiler throws an error.
Just to add another option that's new with C# 7, you can use 0b1, 0b10 etc. (or 0b00000001 if you like everything lining up properly!)

Combining answers (declaration via bit-shifting) and (using combinations in declaration) you can bit-shift previous values rather than using numbers. Not necessarily recommending it, but just pointing out you can.

Rather than:

public enum Options : byte
    None    = 0,
    One     = 1 << 0,   // 1
    Two     = 1 << 1,   // 2
    Three   = 1 << 2,   // 4
    Four    = 1 << 3,   // 8

    // combinations
    OneAndTwo = One | Two,
    OneTwoAndThree = One | Two | Three,

You can declare

public enum Options : byte
    None    = 0,
    One     = 1 << 0,       // 1
    // now that value 1 is available, start shifting from there
    Two     = One << 1,     // 2
    Three   = Two << 1,     // 4
    Four    = Three << 1,   // 8

    // same combinations
    OneAndTwo = One | Two,
    OneTwoAndThree = One | Two | Three,

Confirming with LinqPad:

foreach(var e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Options))) {
    string.Format("{0} = {1}", e.ToString(), (byte)e).Dump();

Results in:

None = 0
One = 1
Two = 2
OneAndTwo = 3
Three = 4
OneTwoAndThree = 7
Four = 8

The combinations are a good recommendation, but I think the chained bit-shift would be prone to copy-and-paste errors such as Two = One << 1, Three = One << 1, etc... The incrementing integers of the form 1 << n are safer and the intent is clearer.
@RupertRawnsley to quote my answer: > Not necessarily recommending it, but just pointing out you can
Thorkil Holm-Jacobsen

In extension to the accepted answer, in C#7 the enum flags can be written using binary literals:

public enum MyColors
    None   = 0b0000,
    Yellow = 0b0001,
    Green  = 0b0010,
    Red    = 0b0100,
    Blue   = 0b1000

I think this representation makes it clear how the flags work under the covers.

And in C# 7.2 it's even clearer with leading separator! 0b_0100

Please see the following for an example which shows the declaration and potential usage:

namespace Flags
    class Program
        public enum MyFlags : short
            Foo = 0x1,
            Bar = 0x2,
            Baz = 0x4

        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyFlags fooBar = MyFlags.Foo | MyFlags.Bar;

            if ((fooBar & MyFlags.Foo) == MyFlags.Foo)
                Console.WriteLine("Item has Foo flag set");

This example works even if you leave out [Flags]. It's the [Flags] part I'm trying to learn about.

I asked recently about something similar.

If you use flags you can add an extension method to enums to make checking the contained flags easier (see post for detail)

This allows you to do:

public enum PossibleOptions : byte
    None = 0,
    OptionOne = 1,
    OptionTwo = 2,
    OptionThree = 4,
    OptionFour = 8,

    //combinations can be in the enum too
    OptionOneAndTwo = OptionOne | OptionTwo,
    OptionOneTwoAndThree = OptionOne | OptionTwo | OptionThree,

Then you can do:

PossibleOptions opt = PossibleOptions.OptionOneTwoAndThree 

if( opt.IsSet( PossibleOptions.OptionOne ) ) {
    //optionOne is one of those set

I find this easier to read than the most ways of checking the included flags.

IsSet is an extension method I assume?
Yeah - read the other question that I link to for details:
.NET 4 adds a HasFlag method to enumerations, so you can do opt.HasFlag( PossibleOptions.OptionOne ) without having to write your own extensions
Note that HasFlag is much slower than doing bitwise operations.
@WaiHaLee You can use CodeJam.EnumHelper.IsFlagSet extension method which is compiled to a fast version using Expression:

When working with flags I often declare additional None and All items. These are helpful to check whether all flags are set or no flag is set.

enum SuitsFlags { 

    None =     0,

    Spades =   1 << 0, 
    Clubs =    1 << 1, 
    Diamonds = 1 << 2, 
    Hearts =   1 << 3,

    All =      ~(~0 << 4)



Spades | Clubs | Diamonds | Hearts == All  // true
Spades & Clubs == None  // true

Update 2019-10:

Since C# 7.0 you can use binary literals, which are probably more intuitive to read:

enum SuitsFlags { 

    None =     0b0000,

    Spades =   0b0001, 
    Clubs =    0b0010, 
    Diamonds = 0b0100, 
    Hearts =   0b1000,

    All =      0b1111


Yeah, combining all answers in this page, I'm using regularly this one now, but with the leading separator 0b_1111


To add another flag to an existing set of values, use the OR assignment operator.

Mode = Mode.Read;
//Add Mode.Write
Mode |= Mode.Write;
Assert.True(((Mode & Mode.Write) == Mode.Write)
  && ((Mode & Mode.Read) == Mode.Read)));


To add Mode.Write:

Mode = Mode | Mode.Write;


There's something overly verbose to me about the if ((x & y) == y)... construct, especially if x AND y are both compound sets of flags and you only want to know if there's any overlap.

In this case, all you really need to know is if there's a non-zero value[1] after you've bitmasked.

[1] See Jaime's comment. If we were authentically bitmasking, we'd only need to check that the result was positive. But since enums can be negative, even, strangely, when combined with the [Flags] attribute, it's defensive to code for != 0 rather than > 0.

Building off of @andnil's setup...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace BitFlagPlay
    class Program
        public enum MyColor
            Yellow = 0x01,
            Green = 0x02,
            Red = 0x04,
            Blue = 0x08

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var myColor = MyColor.Yellow | MyColor.Blue;
            var acceptableColors = MyColor.Yellow | MyColor.Red;

            Console.WriteLine((myColor & MyColor.Blue) != 0);     // True
            Console.WriteLine((myColor & MyColor.Red) != 0);      // False                
            Console.WriteLine((myColor & acceptableColors) != 0); // True
            // ... though only Yellow is shared.

            Console.WriteLine((myColor & MyColor.Green) != 0);    // Wait a minute... ;^D


Enum may be based on a signed type, so you should use "!= 0" instead of ">0".
@JaimePardos -- As long as we keep them honest bytes, as I do in this example, there's no concept of negative. Just 0 to 255. As MSDN warns, "Use caution if you define a negative number as a flag enumerated constant because... [that] might make your code confusing and encourage coding errors." It's strange to think in terms of "negative bitflags"! ;^) I'll edit more in a bit. But you're right, if we do use negative values in our enum, we'd need to check for != 0.
Markus Safar

Flags allow you to use bitmasking inside your enumeration. This allows you to combine enumeration values, while retaining which ones are specified.

public enum DashboardItemPresentationProperties : long
    None = 0,
    HideCollapse = 1,
    HideDelete = 2,
    HideEdit = 4,
    HideOpenInNewWindow = 8,
    HideResetSource = 16,
    HideMenu = 32

This is incorrect, you can use bitmasking even if enum is not marked as Flags.

Apologies if someone already noticed this scenario. A perfect example of flags we can see in reflection. Yes Binding Flags ENUM.

public enum BindingFlags


// BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
// Call a static method.
Type t = typeof (TestClass);

Console.WriteLine("Invoking a static method.");
t.InvokeMember ("SayHello", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Public | 
    BindingFlags.Static, null, null, new object [] {});

Mukesh Pareek

Flags are used when an enumerable value represents a collection of enum members.

here we use bitwise operators, | and &

Example [Flags] public enum Sides { Left=0, Right=1, Top=2, Bottom=3 } Sides leftRight = Sides.Left | Sides.Right; Console.WriteLine (leftRight);//Left, Right string stringValue = leftRight.ToString(); Console.WriteLine (stringValue);//Left, Right Sides s = Sides.Left; s |= Sides.Right; Console.WriteLine (s);//Left, Right s ^= Sides.Right; // Toggles Sides.Right Console.WriteLine (s); //Left

Your example is wrong (and does not produce the output it claims) because the proper use of Flags requires that your enum values have unique bits set. And there should be at least one set (unless you a pseudo value like None). Your enum should like ` public enum Sides { Left=1, Right=2, Top=4, Bottom=8 } `