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How can I dynamically create derived classes from a base class

For example I have a base class as follows:

class BaseClass(object):
    def __init__(self, classtype):
        self._type = classtype

From this class I derive several other classes, e.g.

class TestClass(BaseClass):
    def __init__(self):
        super(TestClass, self).__init__('Test')

class SpecialClass(BaseClass):
    def __init__(self):
        super(TestClass, self).__init__('Special')

Is there a nice, pythonic way to create those classes dynamically by a function call that puts the new class into my current scope, like:

foo(BaseClass, "My")
a = MyClass()

As there will be comments and questions why I need this: The derived classes all have the exact same internal structure with the difference, that the constructor takes a number of previously undefined arguments. So, for example, MyClass takes the keywords a while the constructor of class TestClass takes b and c.

inst1 = MyClass(a=4)
inst2 = MyClass(a=5)
inst3 = TestClass(b=False, c = "test")

But they should NEVER use the type of the class as input argument like

inst1 = BaseClass(classtype = "My", a=4)

I got this to work but would prefer the other way, i.e. dynamically created class objects.

Just to be sure, you want the type of instance to change depending on the supplied arguments? Like if I give an a it will always be MyClass and TestClass will never take an a? Why not just declare all 3 arguments in BaseClass.__init__() but default them all to None? def __init__(self, a=None, b=None, C=None)?
I cannot declare anything in the base class, as i do not know all arguments I might use. I might have 30 different clases with 5 different arguments each, so declaring 150 arguments in the constructur is not a solution.


This bit of code allows you to create new classes with dynamic names and parameter names. The parameter verification in __init__ just does not allow unknown parameters, if you need other verifications, like type, or that they are mandatory, just add the logic there:

class BaseClass(object):
    def __init__(self, classtype):
        self._type = classtype

def ClassFactory(name, argnames, BaseClass=BaseClass):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            # here, the argnames variable is the one passed to the
            # ClassFactory call
            if key not in argnames:
                raise TypeError("Argument %s not valid for %s" 
                    % (key, self.__class__.__name__))
            setattr(self, key, value)
        BaseClass.__init__(self, name[:-len("Class")])
    newclass = type(name, (BaseClass,),{"__init__": __init__})
    return newclass

And this works like this, for example:

>>> SpecialClass = ClassFactory("SpecialClass", "a b c".split())
>>> s = SpecialClass(a=2)
>>> s.a
>>> s2 = SpecialClass(d=3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 8, in __init__
TypeError: Argument d not valid for SpecialClass

I see you are asking for inserting the dynamic names in the naming scope -- now, that is not considered a good practice in Python - you either have variable names, known at coding time, or data - and names learned in runtime are more "data" than "variables" -

So, you could just add your classes to a dictionary and use them from there:

name = "SpecialClass"
classes = {}
classes[name] = ClassFactory(name, params)
instance = classes[name](...)

And if your design absolutely needs the names to come in scope, just do the same, but use the dictionary returned by the globals() call instead of an arbitrary dictionary:

name = "SpecialClass"
globals()[name] = ClassFactory(name, params)
instance = SpecialClass(...)

(It indeed would be possible for the class factory function to insert the name dynamically on the global scope of the caller - but that is even worse practice, and is not compatible across Python implementations. The way to do that would be to get the caller's execution frame, through sys._getframe(1) and setting the class name in the frame's global dictionary in its f_globals attribute).

update, tl;dr: This answer had become popular, still its very specific to the question body. The general answer on how to "dynamically create derived classes from a base class" in Python is a simple call to type passing the new class name, a tuple with the baseclass(es) and the __dict__ body for the new class -like this:

>>> new_class = type("NewClassName", (BaseClass,), {"new_method": lambda self: ...})

Anyone needing this should also check the dill project - it claims to be able to pickle and unpickle classes just like pickle does to ordinary objects, and had lived to it in some of my tests.

If I remember correctly, BaseClass.__init__() would be better as the more general super(self.__class__).__init__(), which plays more nicely when the new classes are subclassed. (Reference:
@EOL: It would for statically declared classes - but since you don't have the actual class name to hardcode as the first parameter to Super, that would require a lot of dancing around. Try replacing it with super above and create a subclass of a dynamically created class to understand it; And, on the other hand, in this case you can have the baseclass as a general objectfrom which to call __init__.
Now I had some time to look at the suggested solution, but it is not quite what I want. First, it looks like __init__ of BaseClass is called with one argument, but in fact BaseClass.__init__ always takes an arbitrary list of keyword arguments. Second, the solution above sets all the allowed parameter names as attributes, which is not what I want. ANY argument HAS to go to BaseClass, but which one I know when creating the derived class. I probably will update the question or ask a more precise one to make it clearer.
@jsbueno: Right, using the super() I was mentioning gives TypeError: must be type, not SubSubClass. If I understand correctly, this comes from the first argument self of __init__(), which is a SubSubClass where a type object is expected: this seems related to the fact super(self.__class__) is a unbound super object. What is its __init__() method? I'm not sure which such method could require a first argument of type type. Could you explain? (Side note: my super() approach indeed does not make sense, here, because __init__() has a variable signature.)
@EOL: the major problem is actually if you create another subclass of the factorized class: self.__class__ will refer to that subclass, not the class in which "super" is called - and you get infinite recursion.
Eric O Lebigot

type() is the function that creates classes and in particular sub-classes, like in the question:

def set_x(self, value):
    self.x = value

# type() takes as argument the new class name, its base
# classes, and its attributes:
SubClass = type('SubClass', (BaseClass,), {'set_x': set_x})
# (More methods can be put in SubClass, including __init__().)

obj = SubClass()
print obj.x  # Prints 42
print isinstance(obj, BaseClass)  # True

In trying to understand this example using Python 2.7, I got a TypeError that said __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given). I found that adding something (anything?) to fill the gap would suffice. For example, obj = SubClass('foo') runs without error.
This is normal, since SubClass is a sub-class of BaseClass in the question and BaseClass takes a parameter (classtype, which is 'foo' in your example).
@EricOLebigot Can I make a call to init of BaseClass here somehow? like with super?
Yes, and still with super(), but the Python interpreter cannot work its magic anymore and interpret a bare super() directly, so you must use in set_x (or any other method of SubClass) the more explicit form super(SubClass, self).__init__().

To create a class with a dynamic attribute value, checkout the code below. NB. This are code snippets in python programming language

def create_class(attribute_data, **more_data): # define a function with required attributes
    class ClassCreated(optional extensions): # define class with optional inheritance
          attribute1 = adattribute_data # set class attributes with function parameter
          attribute2 = more_data.get("attribute2")

    return ClassCreated # return the created class

# use class

myclass1 = create_class("hello") # *generates a class*