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ip command is missing from ubuntu docker image

when i'm trying to perform ip command in ubuntu docker container, i'm getting:

bash: ip: command not found.

ubuntu version:


what package should i install for that command?



You could use apt-file search to determine the command in which package. From my ubuntu16.04, it tells me to install iproute2, I think 1804 similar.

1. Get what package need to be installed:

$ apt-file search --regexp 'bin/ip$'
iproute2: /bin/ip
iproute2: /sbin/ip

2. Install the package:

$ apt install -y iproute2

3. Verify the package is installed:

$ dpkg -l iproute2
ii  iproute2    4.3.0-1ubuntu3      amd64      networking and traffic control tools

But to use apt-file you first need to install and update its cache: $ apt-get install apt-file then: $ apt-file update

Don't forget to install the iproute2

apt install iproute2

And then you may use ip command.

Do you mean from inside the container ? How would I do that if there's no network to download anything ?
This process assumes you have Internet connection I have no idea how to do it without connection.
On ubuntu 18 host and guest. I have working connection on host, I have masquerade set in iptables, I have bridge docker0 set up all automatically. apt update in container is not working, ip, ping, route, ifconfig commands are missing, /etc/network/interfaces file is missing.
Not necessary. We can execute chroot rootfs_dir and then apt install iproute2. @Pavel Niedoba
This is only a subset of the existing answer posted one year before and does not bring any new information.
Peter Csala

Once you have created your docker with ubuntu latest or any of version image and crated a ubuntu container, you have to run your ubuntu container and install the following for the basic networking command,

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

apt-get install -y net-tools

apt-get update

This is not correct. ip is not part of net-tools
Yes, its used for "ifconfig" command