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Post an empty body to REST API via HttpClient

The API I'm trying to call requires a POST with an empty body. I'm new to using the WCF Web API HttpClient, and I can't seem to find the right code that will post with an empty body. I found references to some HttpContent.CreateEmpty() method, but I don't think it’s for the Web API HttpClient code since I can't seem to find that method.

HttpContent.CreateEmpty was from the old HttpClient prototype that was part of REST Starter kit. Unfortunately there is no equivalent in the new HttpClient.
@MichaelFreidgeim If there was a hole in the space time continuum and somehow 2013 came before 2011, then yes it is a possible duplicate.
"Possible duplicate" is a way to clean-up - to close similar questions and keep one with the best answers. The date is not essential. See… If you agree that it requires clarification please vote on…


Use StringContent or ObjectContent which derive from HttpContent or you can use null as HttpContent:

var response = await client.PostAsync(requestUri, null);

It looks like this is only in .NET framework 4.5?…
It will ship with WCF Web API but I think some of the "good parts" will make it into the framework itself.
Why isn't there any overload methods which does not require a HttpContent class? Should we at least provide something (even an empty string) to make a http post?
You can use null as the HttpContent, this will send no body in the request, e.g. var response = await client.PostAsync(requestUri, null);
Assembly System.Net.Http in version has still no nullable HttpContent parameter, so null should be not allowed. But it (still) seems to work. I could pass null!.

Did this before, just keep it simple:

Task<HttpResponseMessage> task = client.PostAsync(url, null);

This is cleaner than accepted answer, and should be voted up.
Erik Philips

Have found that:

Task<HttpResponseMessage> task = client.PostAsync(url, null);

Adds null to the request body, which failed on WSO2. Replaced with:

Task<HttpResponseMessage> task = client.PostAsync(url, new {});

And worked.

I cannot confirm this finding (but I am not sure my test was totally adequate). When I POST to one of my own APIs with a null content and look at the content found in the HttpRequestMessage, I seem to be getting a length of zero bytes.
abolfazl mousavi

To solve this problem, use this example:

   using (var client = new HttpClient())
                var stringContent = new StringContent(string.Empty);
                stringContent.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
                var response = client.PostAsync(url, stringContent).Result;
                var result = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<model>().Result;

Ivan G.

I think it does that automagically if your web method has no parameters or they all fit into URL template.

For example this declaration sends empty body:

  [WebGet(UriTemplate = "mykewlservice/{emailAddress}",
     RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
     BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped)]
  void GetStatus(string emailAddress, out long statusMask);

I'm trying to SEND an empty body. The HttpClient.Post() method requires an URI and a HttpContent object. I'm not what to pass as the HttpContent when I don't want to send anything.
So you're not using WCF. That's even easier: ... HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create("http://..."); request.Method = "POST"; HttpWebResponse respose = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); ... you result in response
I'm using HttpClient, not HttpWebRequest. Using StringContent with an empty string worked.