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Plot logarithmic axes with matplotlib in python

I want to plot a graph with one logarithmic axis using matplotlib.

I've been reading the docs, but can't figure out the syntax. I know that it's probably something simple like 'scale=linear' in the plot arguments, but I can't seem to get it right

Sample program:

import pylab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
a = [pow(10, i) for i in range(10)]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)

line, = ax.plot(a, color='blue', lw=2)

Max Ghenis

You can use the Axes.set_yscale method. That allows you to change the scale after the Axes object is created. That would also allow you to build a control to let the user pick the scale if you needed to.

The relevant line to add is:


You can use 'linear' to switch back to a linear scale. Here's what your code would look like:

import pylab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
a = [pow(10, i) for i in range(10)]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)

line, = ax.plot(a, color='blue', lw=2)


This method is nice since it works with all sorts of plots (e.g. histograms), not just with "plot" (which is what semilogx/semilogy does)
I came here looking for how to use an axis for powers of two: pylab.gca().set_xscale('log',basex=2)
Matplotlib has semilogy(). Furthermore, it is easier to directly use pyplot.yscale() than to use ax.set_yscale('log'), as there is no need to get the ax object (which is not always immediately available).
If you want log scales on both axes, try loglog() or on x-axis only try semilogx()
@EOL I would advise the opposite. It is better to use an explicit ax object that to use pyplot which only might apply to the Axes you want it to.

First of all, it's not very tidy to mix pylab and pyplot code. What's more, pyplot style is preferred over using pylab.

Here is a slightly cleaned up code, using only pyplot functions:

from matplotlib import pyplot

a = [ pow(10,i) for i in range(10) ]

pyplot.plot(a, color='blue', lw=2)

The relevant function is pyplot.yscale(). If you use the object-oriented version, replace it by the method Axes.set_yscale(). Remember that you can also change the scale of X axis, using pyplot.xscale() (or Axes.set_xscale()).

Check my question What is the difference between ‘log’ and ‘symlog’? to see a few examples of the graph scales that matplotlib offers.

pyplot.semilogy() is more direct.

if you want to change the base of logarithm, just add:


Before Matplotlib 3.3, you would have to use basex/basey as the bases of log

Scott McCammon

You simply need to use semilogy instead of plot:

from pylab import *
import matplotlib.pyplot  as pyplot
a = [ pow(10,i) for i in range(10) ]
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)

line, = ax.semilogy(a, color='blue', lw=2)

There is also semilogx. If you need log on both axes, use loglog

I know this is slightly off-topic, since some comments mentioned the ax.set_yscale('log') to be "nicest" solution I thought a rebuttal could be due. I would not recommend using ax.set_yscale('log') for histograms and bar plots. In my version ( i run into some rendering problems - not sure how general this issue is. However both bar and hist has optional arguments to set the y-scale to log, which work fine.



So if you are simply using the unsophisticated API, like I often am (I use it in ipython a lot), then this is simply


Hope this helps someone looking for a simple answer! :).