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Correct way to integrate jQuery plugins in AngularJS

I was wondering what is the correct way to integrate jQuery plugins into my angular app. I've found several tutorials and screen-casts but they seem catered to a specific plugin.

For Example:

Should I create a directive like so -

App.directive('directiveName', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

And then in the html call the script and the directive?

<div directiveName ></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="pluginName.js"></script>

Thanks ahead

yes, the best approach is to wrap the required jQuery plugin's inside a directive, so you get the benefit of scope variables & control the initialization / method invokation.
I don't know how I feel about eval in any circumstance...heard its just bad practice
It should be $(element).pluginActivationFunction(scope.$eval(attrs.directiveName)); without the quotes.


Yes, you are correct. If you are using a jQuery plugin, do not put the code in the controller. Instead create a directive and put the code that you would normally have inside the link function of the directive.

There are a couple of points in the documentation that you could take a look at. You can find them here:
Common Pitfalls

Using controllers correctly

Ensure that when you are referencing the script in your view, you refer it last - after the angularjs library, controllers, services and filters are referenced.

EDIT: Rather than using $(element), you can make use of angular.element(element) when using AngularJS with jQuery

How about jQuery plugins' parameters which allow HTML content? (for example if I want to add an ng-click directive through this plain text HTML parameter)
@Fractaliste Not sure what you mean. Can you give an example?
can you explain what exactly does all $(element).'pluginActivationFunction'(scope.$eval(attrs.directiveName)); means ?
I am almost a total newbie of angularjs. I tried to use several jquery plugins and none of them worked. Do we really need to do this ? Can't they just work along angularjs ? It sound so boilerplate to me.
Why does the script need to come last ?

i have alreay 2 situations where directives and services/factories didnt play well.

the scenario is that i have (had) a directive that has dependency injection of a service, and from the directive i ask the service to make an ajax call (with $http).

in the end, in both cases the ng-Repeat did not file at all, even when i gave the array an initial value.

i even tried to make a directive with a controller and an isolated-scope

only when i moved everything to a controller and it worked like magic.

example about this here Initialising jQuery plugin (RoyalSlider) in Angular JS