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Changing git commit message after push (given that no one pulled from remote)

I have made a git commit and subsequent push. I would like to change the commit message. If I understand correctly, this is not advisable because someone might have pulled from the remote repository before I make such changes. What if I know that no one has pulled?

Is there a way to do this?

What have you tried? Assuming you know how to change the commit message already, and then try and push, Git will tell you what you need to do to make it happen.
See answer to question "How do I edit an incorrect commit message in git (I've pushed)?"
If you amend the HEAD commit and push usually (without --force) then surprisingly it does not fail. HEAD commit message is updated with the changed commit Id. It means other commit IDs except HEAD remains intact. I noticed this behavior with git 2.8.1 version.
Simple and easy for all commits, not only most recent:


Changing history

If it is the most recent commit, you can simply do this:

git commit --amend

This brings up the editor with the last commit message and lets you edit the message. (You can use -m if you want to wipe out the old message and use a new one.)


And then when you push, do this:

git push --force-with-lease <repository> <branch>

Or you can use "+":

git push <repository> +<branch>

Or you can use --force:

git push --force <repository> <branch>

Be careful when using these commands.

If someone else pushed changes to the same branch, you probably want to avoid destroying those changes. The --force-with-lease option is the safest, because it will abort if there are any upstream changes (

If you don't specify the branch explicitly, Git will use the default push settings. If your default push setting is "matching", then you may destroy changes on several branches at the same time.

Pulling / fetching afterwards

Anyone who already pulled will now get an error message, and they will need to update (assuming they aren't making any changes themselves) by doing something like this:

git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/master # Loses local commits

Be careful when using reset --hard. If you have changes to the branch, those changes will be destroyed.

A note about modifying history

The destroyed data is really just the old commit message, but --force doesn't know that, and will happily delete other data too. So think of --force as "I want to destroy data, and I know for sure what data is being destroyed." But when the destroyed data is committed, you can often recover old commits from the reflog—the data is actually orphaned instead of destroyed (although orphaned commits are periodically deleted).

If you don't think you're destroying data, then stay away from --force... bad things might happen.

This is why --force-with-lease is somewhat safer.

Be careful with that "fix", as if they have any local, unpushed commits they will be "lost" (lost truly meaning orphaned, but recovering them is non-obvious).
you probably want to specify the branch name when you push --force, otherwise you may push more than you expected.
@user693960: Git will only push what you configure it to push.
Simply git push --force without <repository> and <branch> options works too, if you have your upstream set up.
Can you give an example of <repository>? Is it origin? org/repo? Or just repo?
Uwe Keim

Just say:

git commit --amend -m "New commit message"

and then

git push --force

It should work @ahnbizcad, you might have some other remote name, well (y)!!
It doesn't work because - as the QUESTION says - the commit is already PUSHED. Amend works for un-pushed commits.
After trying this, I get this error: remote: To prevent you from losing history, non-fast-forward updates were rejected. remote: Merge the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull') before pushing again. See the 'Note remote: about fast-forwards' section of 'git push --help' for details. ` [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)`
I successfully applied these command only after temporarily "unprotect" my branch, which happened on my GitLab-hosted project. If you have this issue, before applying these commands, please refer to this to "unprotect" the branch, and you can "protect" it again after done amending the commit message :)
works fine for me. 1. git commit --amend -m "New commit message" 2. git push --force remoteName branchName in my case remoteName is origin
Notts90 supports Monica

To edit a commit other than the most recent:

Step1: git rebase -i HEAD~n to do interactive rebase for the last n commits affected. (i.e. if you want to change a commit message 3 commits back, do git rebase -i HEAD~3)

git will pop up an editor to handle those commits, notice this command:

#  r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message

that is exactly we need!

Step2: Change pick to r for those commits that you want to update the message. Don't bother changing the commit message here, it will be ignored. You'll do that on the next step. Save and close the editor.

Note that if you edit your rebase 'plan' yet it doesn't begin the process of letting you rename the files, run:

git rebase --continue

If you want to change the text editor used for the interactive session (e.g. from the default vi to nano), run:

GIT_EDITOR=nano git rebase -i HEAD~n

Step3: Git will pop up another editor for every revision you put r before. Update the commit msg as you like, then save and close the editor.

Step4: After all commits msgs are updated. you might want to do git push -f to update the remote.

This should be accepted answer as it gives possibility to change other commits than most recent commit, unlike accepted answer. You saved my day. Thank you!
Choose n=3 for the last 3 commits: git rebase -i HEAD~3
If you edit your rebase 'plan' yet it doesn't begin the process of letting you rename the files, run git rebase --continue. And if you want to change the text editor used for the interactive session (e.g. from the default vi to nano), run GIT_EDITOR=nano git rebase -i HEAD~n.
I edited this to add a little more info. Please take a look. This was the answer for what I wanted to do, but I scrolled by it because it didn't have the header.
This created additional commit with the corrected commit message.

Use these two steps in console:

git commit --amend -m "new commit message"

and then

git push -f

Done :)

Steve Benner

It should be noted that if you use push --force with mutiple refs, they will ALL be modified as a result. Make sure to pay attention to where your git repo is configured to push to. Fortunately there is a way to safeguard the process slightly, by specifying a single branch to update. Read from the git man pages:

Note that --force applies to all the refs that are pushed, hence using it with push.default set to matching or with multiple push destinations configured with remote.*.push may overwrite refs other than the current branch (including local refs that are strictly behind their remote counterpart). To force a push to only one branch, use a + in front of the refspec to push (e.g git push origin +master to force a push to the master branch).

Very important note.
none of the force answers work for me, because I don't have ForcePush permissions on the server. Instead, I want to perform a commit which changes a previous commit message. I could write "commit message changed" to that commit's comment section.

Command 1.

git commit --amend -m "New and correct message"


Command 2.

git push origin --force

git commit --amend

then edit and change the message in the current window. After that do

git push --force-with-lease


If you want to modify an older commit, not the last one, you will need to use rebase command as explained in here,Github help page , on the Amending the message of older or multiple commit messages section

Denzel Akwany

To make sure you are making changes on the right branch

git checkout 

#to make sure you are making changes on the right branch just to be sure:

git checkout branchname


git commit --amend -m "new message"

Then push

git push --force


Another option is to create an additional "errata commit" (and push) which references the commit object that contains the error -- the new errata commit also provides the correction. An errata commit is a commit with no substantive code changes but an important commit message -- for example, add one space character to your readme file and commit that change with the important commit message, or use the git option --allow-empty. It's certainly easier and safer than rebasing, it doesn't modify true history, and it keeps the branch tree clean (using amend is also a good choice if you are correcting the most recent commit, but an errata commit may be a good choice for older commits). This type of thing so rarely happens that simply documenting the mistake is good enough. In the future, if you need to search through a git log for a feature keyword, the original (erroneous) commit may not appear because the wrong keyword was used in that original commit (the original typo) -- however, the keyword will appear in the errata commit which will then point you to the original commit that had the typo. Here's an example:

$ git log
commit 0c28141c68adae276840f17ccd4766542c33cf1d
Author: First Last 
Date:   Wed Aug 8 15:55:52 2018 -0600

    Errata commit:
    This commit has no substantive code change.
    This commit is provided only to document a correction to a previous commit message.
    This pertains to commit object e083a7abd8deb5776cb304fa13731a4182a24be1
    Original incorrect commit message:
        Changed background color to red
    Correction (*change highlighted*):
        Changed background color to *blue*

commit 032d0ff0601bff79bdef3c6f0a02ebfa061c4ad4
Author: First Last 
Date:   Wed Aug 8 15:43:16 2018 -0600

    Some interim commit message

commit e083a7abd8deb5776cb304fa13731a4182a24be1
Author: First Last 
Date:   Wed Aug 8 13:31:32 2018 -0600

    Changed background color to red

rob, this looks promising. can you show the commands needed to do an "errata commit". only this post shows up in google on these terms.
An “errata commit” is simply a normal commit with a message that references the previous erroneous commit, documenting and providing a correction for the previous mistake. git commit -m “fixed feature A” (Let’s assume git gives this a commit ID of e3ab7312... ... (later you realize your message was incorrect so now make an inconsequential change to a file like adding a space to the readme file, or use the —allow-empty git option) ... git commit -m “Errata commit for previous commit e3ab7312... original message should have been ‘fixed feature *B*’ ‘’’
...if you later need to search the git log for references to “feature B”, the errata commit will show up, but the errata commit message contains a reference to the original commit ID which provides full traceability. BTW the term “errata commit” is nothing special (there is no “errata” command nor option in git) is just my terminology for a normal commit that provides a correction to a previous commit that had an error/typo.
rob, that worked great. I was able to add a new empty commit with the correct description, that points to the original commit, by using the SHA. now, both are shown in my 'git chain' for the modules. thanks!
I'm glad that worked for you. I use the same technique to correct mistakes in commit messages. As an alternative, I just recently discovered git notes This would serve the same purpose as an "errata commit". Simply add a note to a previous commit to annotate or correct any errors in the commit message:

Simply use this 2 commands to change the commit message of your last push

-$ git commit --amend -m "New commit message." -$ git push --force-with-lease


Command 1 You need to change your commit message use the Below command git commit --amend -m "New and correct message"

Command 2 After the add a new message and then below command execute git push -f origin


I'm a little bit new to Git, but I just wanna add my experience.

git commit --amend -m "New and correct message"

This worked great but the next was the problem for me. I already pushed the commit before changing the commit message. Finally, when I tried to push to the remote, it git threw an exception. So I should have pull down again before updating the remote branch.

git pull origin branch-name

git push origin branch-name

Hope my minor experience helps you. Thanks.

That's not a great solution, because now you're going to have that commit twice, once with the old message, once with the corrected message, merged together.
Anupam Maurya
git commit --amend

edit commit message with type keyboard

git push --force


This works for me pretty fine,

git checkout origin/branchname

if you're already in branch then it's better to do pull or rebase

git pull


git -c core.quotepath=false fetch origin --progress --prune

Later you can simply use

git commit --amend -m "Your message here"

or if you like to open text-editor then use

git commit --amend

I will prefer using text-editor if you have many comments. You can set your preferred text-editor with command

git config --global core.editor your_preffered_editor_here

Anyway, when your are done changing the commit message, save it and exit

and then run

git push --force

And you're done

Interesting idea to modify a configuration setting - but what am I actually changing, and why are you recommending it? Without that, yours is merely an answer given years later.
Abdallah Awwad Alkhwaldah

additional information for same problem if you are using bitbucket pipeline

edit your message

git commit --amend

push to the sever

git push --force <repository> <branch>

then add --force to your push command on the pipeline

git ftp push --force

This will delete your previous commit(s) and push your current one.

remove the --force after first push

i tried it on bitbucket pipeline and its working fine