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unable to obtain stable firefox connection in 60 seconds (

Getting the following error when running rspec tests

unable to obtain stable firefox connection in 60 seconds ( in rails

Using latest ruby (1.9.2) and firefox (6.0)

Using rspec-rails, capybara and several other gems, but they don't seem to be a problem. These tests run fine in another environment (linux).

Michael Durrant

[Update - this can (was for me) still be a fix for this issue in 2015 |mdurrant|]

I came across this problem lately.

You should upgrade to capybara v1.0.1 to have a correct selenium webdriver.

To be sure I added:

gem 'selenium-webdriver', '2.25.0'

in my Gemfile.

Important note:
The selenium-webdriver gem is updated, and a new version released, for every subsequent version of Firefox. Presently, version 2.25.0 is needed to support Firefox 15.

I actually did 'bundle update selenium-webdriver', but either way the goal is to update selenium-webdriver gem to 2.5.0. The tests ran fine after the update.
just did. sorry for the delay.
had to do - gem 'selenium-webdriver', '>= 2.5.0' - for firefox 11. this got me gem version 2.10...
And selenium-webdriver 2.31.0 is needed for Firefox 19. Seems like the answer is always, "get the latest selenium-webdriver."
I always just leave the version number off of selenium-webdriver and do bundle update selenium-webdriver when the version needs updating.

I couldn't get it to work with Firefox 10 on Ubuntu. Switching to Chrome helped.

Install Chrome Driver.


Capybara.register_driver :selenium_chrome do |app|, :browser => :chrome)

In your spec:

Capybara.current_driver = :selenium_chrome
... tests ...

if you're on a mac you can simply brew install chromedriver
Worked for me, except did like so: Capybara.javascript_driver = :selenium_chrome (instead of setting current_driver.)
Switching to Chrome helped you establish a stable Firefox connection? Fascinating. :)

For anybody experiencing this with Firefox 12, the current selenium webdriver (2.21) doesn't support FF12. The only solution I have found is to continue using Firefox is to downgrade Firefox, until selenium-webdriver is updated with FF12 support.

This can be done using synaptic package manager by selecting the Firefox package, and clicking Package menu > Force Version > select an earlier version. Then apply changes.

If you don't have synaptic, you can install it with apt-get install synaptic.

Update: Firefox 12 support was added in 2.22 and FF13 support was added in 2.23

Thanks a lot, saved me quite some time.
selenium-webdriver Works with FF12 for me with 2.22.0.rc1

I was getting this error because the specs were being run on a headless server. This meant there was no display for the browser to render onto.

This article suggests using a virtual X server (X Virtual Framebuffer). This allows the browser to render in a virtual display.

Install like so:

sudo apt-get install xvfb
sudo apt-get install x11-xkb-utils
sudo apt-get install xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-scalable xfonts-cyrillic

Then run the specs with the command xvfb-run in front.

xvfb-run bundle exec rake spec:features

This was the SO answer that lead me to the above article. It also gives an alternative means to use Xvfb.

its "xfonts-cyrillic", last c was missing

*/var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.35.1/lib/selenium/webdriver/firefox/launcher.rb:79:in `connect_until_stable': unable to obtain stable firefox connection in 60 seconds (*

I had the same problem, updating the selenium-webdriver did not help (it was the most current version available already).

It turns out, that I tried to run my script from an SSH session, and $DISPLAY was not set.

The problem was fixed with:

export DISPLAY=:0

before starting my Ruby script from the SSH session (use echo $DISPLAY in a terminal on the X session to find out what you need to put into this variable).

bundle update selenium-webdriver

Plus 1, In 2015 this was the easiest fix for me. No messing with hard coding versions numbers.

Adding the 'launchy' gem to my application's Gemfile worked with FF13.0, Capybara & Selenium v1.8.24.

I suspect that if this fixed the issue, it would only be because adding launchy caused a later version of capybara to be pulled in (e.g. as a dependency).

This is only a reiteration of what everyone was saying above. I checked my gemfile and made sure that the 'selenium-webdriver' didn't have any limits on it then ran a 'bundle update' and it worked.

I'm on ubuntux64 and windows 8 x64

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