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How to reload page every 5 seconds?

I am converting one layout to html; once I make the changes in code/html/css, every time I have to hit F5. Is there any simple javascript/jQuery solution for this? I.e. after I add the script, reload the whole page every 5 seconds (or some other specific time).

 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; URL=">

If it has to be in the script use setTimeout like:

}, 5000);

I think this is probably a better way of doing it than in javascript.
If the use case was that the page needed to refresh for visitors then I might agree, but for development purposes, having a block of code that you can drop into the page without having to update a URI each time is an advantage. Depending on JS isn't a problem when the developer is the entire target audience.
location.reload(1) will repeat a POST if the current page is the result of a POST. That might not be desirable, if you are looking to replicate the meta refresh in Javascript.
Reloading the current page doesn't require you to specify the page, Just: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">
Rid Iculous

To reload the same page you don't need the 2nd argument. You can just use:

 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30" />

This triggers a reload every 30 seconds.

It is discouraged when used for redirect. It is not deprecated. (And it comes in very handy when you want to refresh a page and are too lazy to learn ajax :)
This isn't working for me. Tried adding this line to this codepen to no avail.
@lololololol You have to add it in the "Stuff for " setting in the HTML's Pen Settings area. It doesn't work if you put it in the actual script.
This is great for when working locally ... thanks!
Milan Chheda

For auto reload and clear cache after 3 second you can do it easily using javascript setInterval function. Here is simple code

$(document).ready(function() { setInterval(function() { cache_clear() }, 3000); }); function cache_clear() { window.location.reload(true); // window.location.reload(); use this if you do not remove cache }

Auto reload page and clear cache

and you can also use meta for this

<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5">

Page refresh