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Python Logging - Disable logging from imported modules

I'm using the Python logging module, and would like to disable log messages printed by the third party modules that I import. For example, I'm using something like the following:

logger = logging.getLogger()
fh = logging.StreamHandler()
fh_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(lineno)d:%(filename)s(%(process)d) - %(message)s')

This prints out my debug messages when I do a logger.debug("my message!"), but it also prints out the debug messages from any module I import (such as requests, and a number of other things).

I'd like to see only the log messages from modules I'm interested in. Is it possible to make the logging module do this?

Ideally, I'd like to be able tell the logger to print messages from "ModuleX, ModuleY" and ignore all others.

I looked at the following, but I don't want to have to disable/enable logging before every call to an imported function: logging - how to ignore imported module logs?


The problem is that calling getLogger without arguments returns the root logger so when you set the level to logging.DEBUG you are also setting the level for other modules that use that logger.

You can solve this by simply not using the root logger. To do this just pass a name as argument, for example the name of your module:

logger = logging.getLogger('my_module_name')
# as before

this will create a new logger and thus it wont inadvertently change logging level for other modules.

Obviously you have to use logger.debug instead of logging.debug since the latter is a convenience function that calls the debug method of the root logger.

This is mentioned in the Advanced Logging Tutorial. It also allows you to know which module triggered the log message in a simple way.

I am creating a logger with __name__ r but I still see the logs from the imported modules. I am trying to configure logging with an ini configuration file.What should I do for that?
Creating a logger with __name__ also did not work for me. Maybe because I'm using a standalone script and not a "module" ? What worked for me was to configure logging for imported modules (matpplotlib, in my case) via logging.getLogger("matplotlib").setLevel(logging.WARNING) and for my script via logging.basicConfig.
I just wanted to highlightthe value of your line "Obviously you have to use logger.debug instead of logging.debug". It's an easy mistake to make using logging instead of logger but it usurps all of the clever configuration you want to set up. I've spent the last couple of hours living this!
I have no idea why this is so difficult in python. Its sad
@IanS No, that's why libraries should not use the root logger. Please open a bug report to that library and tell them to use logging.getLogger(__name__) instead.

Not sure if this is appropriate to post, but I was stuck for a long time & wanted to help out anyone with the same issue, as I hadn't found it anywhere else!

I was getting debug logs from matplotlib despite following the pretty straightforward documentation at the logging advanced tutorial and the troubleshooting. I was initiating my logger in main() of one file and importing a function to create a plot from another file (where I had imported matplotlib).

What worked for me was setting the level of matplotlib before importing it, rather than after as I had for other modules in my main file. This seemed counterintuitive to me so if anyone has insight into how you can set the config for a logger that hasn't been imported yet I'd be curious to find out how this works. Thanks!

In my main file:

import logging
import requests
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def main():

In my file:

import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def generatePlot():

I got error: 'Logger' object has no attribute 'DEBUG'. logger.DEBUG should be logging.DEBUG
Thanks! It really helps! I set matplotlib logging level after my main logging configuration and before the command which will import matplotlib. Solved!
I've set logging for matplotlib to WARNING after I've imported the module, since adding it before importing would give a lint-error. It still worked for me. I'm using matplotlib==3.3.2 in Python 3.7 if it helps.
Brendan Abel

If you're going to use the python logging package, it's a common convention to define a logger in every module that uses it.

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Many popular python packages do this, including requests. If a package uses this convention, it's easy to enable/disable logging for it, because the logger name will be the same name as the package (or will be a child of that logger). You can even log it to the same file as your other loggers.

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

requests_logger = logging.getLogger('requests')

handler = logging.StreamHandler()

Be aware, that when you try to configure your loggers like in the official basic tutorial with logging.basicConfig(...) all loggers will now either output to logging.lastResort (starting with Python 3.2, which is stderr) if no handler was given or to the handler you set. So do not use it or you will continue getting all log messages anyway.

This disables all existing loggers, such as those created by imported modules, while still using the root logger (and without having to load an external file).

import logging.config
    'version': 1,
    'disable_existing_loggers': True,

Note that you need to import all modules you don't want logged first! Otherwise those won't be considered as "existing loggers". It will then disable all loggers from those modules. This might lead you to also miss out on important errors!

For more detailed examples using related options for configuration, see, and here is a (partially working) example using YAML for config with the coloredlog library.

This works for request for example, but it will not work when the imported modules create their loggers inside their class you'd call later, like the APScheduler does when you call BackgroundScheduler.BackgroundScheduler(). See here for a solution:
This works for my case with yaml configuration file
Note that you have to import logging.config, not just logging.
what if the imported module originally has a handler or something, does this also disable those handlers?

@Bakuriu quite elegantly explains the function. Conversely, you can use the getLogger() method to retrieve and reconfigure/disable the unwanted loggers.

I also wanted to add the logging.fileConfig() method accepts a parameter called disable_existing_loggers which will disable any loggers previously defined (i.e., in imported modules).


You could use something like:


This will set my own module's log level to DEBUG, while preventing the imported module from using the same level.

Note: "imported_module" can be replaced with imported_module.__name__ (without quotes), and "my_own_logger_name" can be replaced by __name__ if that's the way you prefer to do it.

Eduardo Davalos

After trying various answers in this thread and other forums, I found this method efficient at silencing other modules' loggers. This was inspired by the following link:

import logging
# Initialize your own logger
logger = logging.getLogger('<module name>')

# Silence other loggers
for log_name, log_obj in logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict.items():
     if log_name != '<module name>':
          log_obj.disabled = True

Note that you would want to do this after importing other modules. However, I found this to be a convenient and fast way to disabled other modules' loggers.


I had the same problem. I have a file which I import in all other py files. In file I set root logger logging level to ERROR (by default its warning):

        RotatingFileHandler('logs.log',maxBytes=1000, backupCount=2),
        logging.StreamHandler(), #print to console

In other modules I import and declare a new logger and set its level to debug:

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

This way everything I log in my py files is logged, but stuff logged at debug and info level by imported modules like urllib, request,boto3 etc is not logged. If there is some error in those import module then its logged, since I set root loggers level to ERROR.


Simply doing something like this solves the problem:

logging.config.dictConfig({'disable_existing_loggers': True,})

NOTE: Wherever you're placing this line, make sure all the imports everywhere in your project are done within that file itself. :)

AttributeError: module 'logging' has no attribute 'config'
@ciurlaro: import logging.config
Andrea Bisello

Another thing to consider is the propagate property of the Logger class.

For example, py-suds library for handling soap calls, even put to ERROR


logs logs about a module called creationg a huge amount of logs

that because the propagation of the logs is True by default, setting to False, instead, i recovered 514MB of logs.

import logging
logging.getLogger("suds").propagate = False


Inspired by @brendan's answer, I created a simple logger_blocklist to which I can just all loggers I want to increase the level of. Thus, I was able to silence them all at once:

import logging


logger_blocklist = [

for module in logger_blocklist:

You can find the logger's name from the format="%(name)s" parameter, also included in logging.basicConfig(), for example: DEBUG:matplotlib.font_manager:findfont: score(FontEntry(fname='/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu/Ubuntu-R.ttf', name='Ubuntu', style='normal', variant='normal', weight=400, stretch='normal', size='scalable')) = 10.05.

In this case you want to add the logger matplotlib to your block list.

As opposed to @Finn's answer it was not necessary to have it outside main(), etc.