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Remove final character from string

How do I remove the last character from a string?

"abcdefghij"  →  "abcdefghi"
I don't believe this to be a duplicate. In the other question, the OP asked for a substring in general. This OP asks for a very specific substring which is often very useful. I believe having this here for people to search AND for people to answer is useful. It would be nice for someone who may want 1) to take off a trailing os separator character from a bunch of paths or 2) to remove a last comma on each line of a CSV which has an empty last column or 3) to remove a trailing period/full stop (any punctuation) from the end of a bunch of sentence strings ... [more examples, no chars]
Especially when one is new to programming, asking one to figure out the my_str[:-1] from the answers in the dup link seems a bit of a jump. As the linked site appears RIGHT NOW (see the lynx command), it's hard to find. $ lynx -dump | grep -n "\[[:][-]1\]" \n 540: print(a[:-1]) \n 542: In the above code, [:-1] declares to print from the starting till the \n 548: ` Note: Here a [:-1] is also the same as a [0:-1] and a [0:len(a)-1]
I do believe this to be a duplicate of How do I get a substring of a string in Python?. The accepted answer shows how to use [:-2] for removing the last two characters of a string. I believe it should be not too hard for any programmer to infer that [:-1] can then be used to remove only the final character.



my_str =  "abcdefghij"
my_str = my_str[:-1]

Try the following code snippet to better understand how it works by casting the string as a list:

str1 = "abcdefghij"
list1 = list(str1)
list2 = list1[:-1]

In case, you want to accept the string from the user:

str1 = input("Enter :")
list1 = list(str1)
list2 = list1[:-1]

To make it take away the last word from a sentence (with words separated by whitespace like space):

str1 = input("Enter :")
list1 = str1.split()
list2 = list1[:-1]

Yes, st[-1] is only the last character of st
Actually that slice will still work even if st is empty. Well, it will return an empty string still, but you won't get an error.
What if you have a list of words and you want to delete the last character of every word? [blue, red, green] => [blu,re,gree] ?
[i[:-1] for i in ['blue','red','green']]
Looking at the examples, it is worth to mention that lists are mutable and that list.pop() method is the way to go when dealing with lists, as it removes the last item in place O(1), while [:-1] slicing creates a copy of a list without the last element in O(n-1) time plus O(n-1) space. Strings are immutable - so nothing to add.
Anshul Goyal

What you are trying to do is an extension of string slicing in Python:

Say all strings are of length 10, last char to be removed:

>>> st[:9]

To remove last N characters:

>>> N = 3
>>> st[:-N]


The simplest solution for you is using string slicing.

Python 2/3:

source[0: -1]  # gets all string but not last char

Python 2:

source = 'ABC'    
result = "{}{}".format({source[0: -1], 'D')
print(result)  # ABD

Python 3:

source = 'ABC'    
result = f"{source[0: -1]}D"
print(result)  # ABD


So there is a function called rstrip() for stuff like this. You enter the value you want to delete, in this case last element so string[-1] :

string = "AbCdEf" 
newString = string.rstrip(string[-1])

If you runt his code you shouul see the 'f' value is deleted.


Mateen Ulhaq

Using slicing, one can specify the start and stop indexes to extract part of a string s. The format is s[start:stop]. However, start = 0 by default. So, we only need to specify stop.

Using stop = 3:

>>> s = "abcd"
>>> s[:3]

Using stop = -1 to remove 1 character from the end (BEST METHOD):

>>> s = "abcd"
>>> s[:-1]

Using stop = len(s) - 1:

>>> s = "abcd"
>>> s[:len(s) - 1]