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Homebrew cask option not recognized?

I am following an online resource for installing two Mac utilities

Here is the pertinent section:

Install both Karabiner and Seil. (Here again, if you use Homebrew Cask, you can do this with $ brew cask install karabiner and $ brew cask install seil

But the cask option is not recognized?

06:51:35/shared $brew cask install seil
Error: Unknown command: cask

Then, just for laughs I tried the command without the cask:

06:55:01/shared $brew install seil
Error: No available formula for seil
Searching formulae...
Searching taps...

It is not clear what the last line of output even means: nothing seems to have happened on the system.

I am on Yosemite.

Jeremy John

As of 2021, the answer to this question for me was that instead of

brew cask install myprogram

I should run:

brew install --cask myprogram

I was trying to use it but I think you don't need to pass cask anymore. I just hit: brew install spotify It worked for me.
Found link in homebrew's Github discussion with explanation of behavior change:…
"All brew cask commands have been deprecated in favour of brew commands (with --cask) when necessary" read on
cask was warned that would be obsolete and removed in future brew versions, and should be replaced by --cask
nice brew install --cask font-fira-code

As of 2021 use this command instead:

brew install cask your-package

This is not correct, this will install the packages cask and your-package. See for the correct answer.
it's correct for me too on MacOS M1 2021

UPD: since the command brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask gives you the following error Error: caskroom/cask was moved. Tap homebrew/cask instead. please run brew install homebrew/cask

To use brew cask you should have it installed, this is a extension of brew, is not native.

To install it you need to run brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask from your command line

Homebrew Cask Github

caskroom/cask was moved, i need to use homebrew/cask instead. brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask Error: caskroom/cask was moved. Tap homebrew/cask instead.
I had the same issue @KDFinal I finally got it to work by changing the way I reference the file I was wanting to install to: "brew install --cask homebrew/cask-versions/adoptopenjdk8"
the homebrew/cask is worked on me, but it still get error after I ran cask

I had the same issue. Now you should use:

brew install --cask <package>

instead of:

brew cask install <package>

Finally, Thank you!
As I commented in the answer by @Jeremy John above, this is correct.
Steve Tauber

You can also just brew install Caskroom/cask/seil. It will automatically tap the correct cask for you :)

No available formula or cask with the name "caskroom/cask/seil". ==> Searching for similarly named formulae... Error: No similarly named formulae found.
This particular package has been obsoleted
Jeremiah Voris

None of these answers—despite some of them being correct at the moment—are showing their work and so may become no longer correct if this changes again.

I ran into this issue, stumbled on this page, and it was enough to get me curious about the change in command line and where that might be documented. Turns out you can go right here:

and any of those you click on will show you the current command to use. So, for instance, the iterm2 page:

right at the top it's got the correct command to use so if they ever change it, you'll see what the new syntax is.

Thanks for this answer. You are right with your examples. Also, if you go to, in the cask section, it lists the "new" command $ brew install --cask firefox, while earlier, the format of the command was e.g. brew cask install skype. Apparently this was changed in 2.6.0. The blog/release notes mention: "All brew cask commands have been deprecated in favour of brew commands (with --cask) when necessary", I did not find further details why they made this change though.
Sourabh Bhavsar

Use brew install --cask

It worked for me after trying multiple permutations and combinations.

duplicate of answer from @DolDurma

brew tap caskroom/cask

brew install brew-cask

Now, you are ready to brew cask.

brew didn't find the brew-cask formula, but did find brew install homebrew/completions/brew-cask-completion instead. That enabled brew cask for me.
Error: caskroom/cask was moved. Tap homebrew/cask instead.

@JeremyJohn answer is out to date, for installing Android sdk you should use this command:

brew install --cask android-sdk

Ronak Patel

Install it with this command:

brew install brew-cask-completion

Qiyu Zhang

I don't why the highest voted answer doesn't work for me. But you can do something like brew install homebrew/cask/appName

praveen kumar bommali

With macOS Big Sur , running brew install ... will works


Since Homebrew 2.6.0 released in 2020.12.01, brew cask has been deprecated and later dropped.

Homebrew not only manages TUI packages (formulae from the homebrew-core repo), it's also capable of managing GUI packages (casks from homebrew-cask repo). In the old days, brew commands like brew list, brew outdated take effect only on formula. Cask operations are separated into brew cask.

Homebrew has prioritized support for casks since 2.6.0. All the brew commands take effect on both formulae and casks. You must specify --formula or --cask explicitly to indicate them separately.

# Some examples
brew list # both formula and cask
brew list --formula
brew list --cask

brew outdated # both formula and cask
brew outdated --formula
brew outdated --cask


For me,

brew install <program_name> has worked fine till now.

For example, I was trying to install Oracle Virtual Box and the formula for it was listed as

$ brew cask install virtualbox.

I think homebrew automatically takes care of the cask dependency.

Why do I get this error: fatal: ambiguous argument 'refs/remotes/origin/master': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Jasmin Sojitra

Instead of this

brew cask install yourprogram

I have run:

brew install --cask yourprogram


I would recommend following the below steps.

Step 1: Run brew install --help

Might show something like this.

Usage: brew install [options] formula|cask [...]

Install a formula or cask. Additional options specific to a formula may be
appended to the command.

Step 2: follow the hint ot help create the command and execute.

brew install cask chromedriver


One other thing to check is that it may be installed but not linked:

$ brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
Warning: caskroom/cask/brew-cask-0.59.0 already installed, it's just not linked

This is easily fixed by running:

$ brew link brew-cask


I had the same issue before. Had my head scratching and finally figured out and use the commands like:

brew commands --cask

This worked for me.

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