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In Vim, how do I apply a macro to a set of lines?

I have a file with a bunch of lines. I have recorded a macro that performs an operation on a single line. I want to repeat that macro on all of the remaining lines in the file. Is there a quick way to do this?

I tried Ctrl+Q, highlighted a set of lines, and pressed @@, but that didn't seem to do the trick.

Offtopic question: I wasn't aware of VIM macros ( or didn't wanted to be aware :P ) Do you have some nice "lazy reader" oriented link on VIM macros?
Sure, this:… sums it up pretty well.
You can also check :he complex-repeat from inside vim

Judge Maygarden

Use the normal command in Ex mode to execute the macro on multiple/all lines:

Execute the macro stored in register a on lines 5 through 10.

:5,10norm! @a

Execute the macro stored in register a on lines 5 through the end of the file.

:5,$norm! @a

Execute the macro stored in register a on all lines.

:%norm! @a

Execute the macro store in register a on all lines matching pattern.

:g/pattern/norm! @a

To execute the macro on visually selected lines, press V and the j or k until the desired region is selected. Then type :norm! @a and observe the that following input line is shown.

:'<,'>norm! @a

Enter :help normal in vim to read more.

Yes, :help normal in vim or the link I just added.
Anything to help a fellow non-emacs user!
Nice!! Beginner tip: use V then j/k to highlight the lines you want, then type just :norm! @a
To add to the very helpful tip from @KevinBourrillion, when pressing : after highlighting the lines, the Ex input line will instead read :'<,'> to which you will then add rest of what Kevin suggested. This will make the final command read: :'<,'>norm! @a.
@GabeMoothart The ! avoids user remapping of keys. You may not need it, but an answer that works for everyone requires it.

Use global to run the macro 'a' on all lines that contain 'pattern'

:g/pattern/normal! @a

For help, check: :help global.

Just for clarification for future users: this a global Ex command.

You can also do this:

In normal mode:

[number of times to apply the macro] @ [register]

For example:


Apply the macro in register q to the next 1000 lines.

Update: the accepted answer is a lot better Update: as @kevinliu pointed out, you likely want to end the macro with a j to go to the next line.

This stops on the last line, and doesn't execute multiple time on the last line, which I was afraid of.
@Hubro, these answers from other users worked for me: :%norm! @a and vGG :norm! @a
For some reason, this worked awesomely, and the accepted answer didn't. My macro involved inserting a new line, doing stuff, and moving to the next line.
@jasonszhao yes same here. but is there anyway to not say 1000 but all lines till end.. and still take care of the new line, doing stuff, etc.
I think it should be pointed out that your macro must end with a j command to go down to the next line otherwise it will try to apply it to the same line.

There's also a plugin called RangeMacro, does exactly what you want! For everyone that can't guess by the name, what it does: it repeats a recorded macro for each line in a given range, no matter if by visual selection or by a :40,50 / :+10
