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How to check if a "lateinit" variable has been initialized?

I wonder if there is a way to check if a lateinit variable has been initialized. For example:

class Foo() {

    private lateinit var myFile: File

    fun bar(path: String?) {
        path?.let { myFile = File(it) }

    fun bar2() {
        // May crash since I don't know whether myFile has been initialized
Maybe what you need is to make the property nullable (change type to File?) and just check if it is null instead?
Well, I actually tried that and it will do the trick, however I will have to edit the allSeries var to seriesDir?.listFiles()?.map { }?.toTypedArray(), which is not very "pretty"
You can do a plain old null check and smart cast will make it prettier. if (seriesDir != null) { allSeries = seriesDir.listFiles().map { }.toTypedArray() }
Please consider accepting more up to date answer


There is a lateinit improvement in Kotlin 1.2 that allows to check the initialization state of lateinit variable directly:

lateinit var file: File    

if (this::file.isInitialized) { ... }

See the annoucement on JetBrains blog or the KEEP proposal.

UPDATE: Kotlin 1.2 has been released. You can find lateinit enhancements here:

Checking whether a lateinit var is initialized

Lateinit top-level properties and local variables

@fer.marino: Well, Kotlin 1.2 actually allows you to use lateinit also for local variables, see…
what is meaning of :: before file?
@MalwinderSingh it creates a member reference or a class reference.
How do we check this for local lateinit, where this is something different?
Willi Mentzel

Using .isInitialized property one can check initialization state of a lateinit variable.

if (::file.isInitialized) {
    // File is initialized
} else {
    // File is not initialized

This does not provide an answer to the question. To critique or request clarification from an author, leave a comment below their post. - From Review
@gforce301 It will definetly used for checking.
Well this is the only answer that worked for me on Android Studio having Kotlin version 1.3
@gforce301 why does this not answer the question?? Was the original question changed? It seems to answer it now...
Suraj Vaishnav

You can easily do this by:




But if you are inside a listener or inner class, do this:


Note: The above statements work fine if you are writing them in the same file(same class or inner class) where the variable is declared but this will not work if you want to check the variable of other class (which could be a superclass or any other class which is instantiated), for ex:

class Test {
    lateinit var str:String

And to check if str is initialized:

What we are doing here: checking isInitialized for field str of Test class in Test2 class. And we get an error backing field of var is not accessible at this point. Check a question already raised about this.

Exactly what I was looking for and pointed me to the right direct
This should be the accepted answer for the level of detail :)
Gastón Saillén

Try to use it and you will receive a UninitializedPropertyAccessException if it is not initialized.

lateinit is specifically for cases where fields are initialized after construction, but before actual use (a model which most injection frameworks use). If this is not your use case lateinit might not be the right choice.

EDIT: Based on what you want to do something like this would work better:

val chosenFile = SimpleObjectProperty<File?>
val button: Button

// Disables the button if chosenFile.get() is null

I have a JavaFX application, and I have a button which will be always disables unless a variable (which is lateinit) has been initialized. In other words: I want the button to be disabled as long as the variable hasn't been initialized. Is there a good way to do that?
@MathewHany How would it be getting initialized normally? You might want to look at property getter/setters and a SimpleBooleanProperty which you can bind to the disabled property of the button
To be more specific, I have a simple app that contains 4 buttons, the first button will open a DirectoryChooser dialog, and the other 3 will be disabled, when the user choose a directory then all the other buttons will be available to the user.
@MathewHany you can natively implement that using a SimpleObjectProperty to hold the chosen file, then using the isNull binding to disable the other buttons.… xsveda answer is more up to date
Willi Mentzel

If you have a lateinit property in one class and need to check if it is initialized from another class

if(foo::file.isInitialized) // this wouldn't work

The workaround I have found is to create a function to check if the property is initialized and then you can call that function from any other class.


class Foo() {

    private lateinit var myFile: File

    fun isFileInitialised() = ::file.isInitialized

 // in another class
class Bar() {

    val foo = Foo()

    if(foo.isFileInitialised()) // this should work

Kind of ridiculous that you need to add a function just to check if something is initialized.
Bharat Lalwani

This will work

if (::list.isInitialized) {
else {

Sazzad Hissain Khan

Accepted answer gives me a compiler error in Kotlin 1.3+, I had to explicitly mention the this keyword before ::. Below is the working code.

lateinit var file: File

if (this::file.isInitialized) {

    // file is not null

I am using a local init variable when I use this check that gives an error like unresolved reference
Andy Jazz

To check if a lateinit var were initialised or not use a .isInitialized on the reference to that property:

if (foo::bar.isInitialized) {

This checking is only available for the properties that are accessible lexically, i.e. declared in the same type or in one of the outer types, or at top level in the same file.

what is meaning of :: before bar?
@Malwinder Singh "creates a member reference or a class reference" - Kotlin Doc
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property clientKeypair has not been initialized

Bytecode says...blah blah..

public final static synthetic access$getClientKeypair$p(Lcom/takharsh/ecdh/MainActivity;)Ljava/security/KeyPair;

GETFIELD com/takharsh/ecdh/MainActivity.clientKeypair : Ljava/security/KeyPair;
LDC "clientKeypair"
INVOKESTATIC kotlin/jvm/internal/Intrinsics.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException (Ljava/lang/String;)V

L2 LOCALVARIABLE $this Lcom/takharsh/ecdh/MainActivity; L0 L2 0 MAXSTACK = 2 MAXLOCALS = 1

Kotlin creates an extra local variable of same instance and check if it null or not, if null then throws 'throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException' else return the local object. Above bytecode explained here Solution Since kotlin 1.2 it allows to check weather lateinit var has been initialized or not using .isInitialized