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Rails DB Migration - How To Drop a Table?

I added a table that I thought I was going to need, but now no longer plan on using it. How should I remove that table?

I've already run migrations, so the table is in my database. I figure rails generate migration should be able to handle this, but I haven't figured out how yet.

I've tried:

rails generate migration drop_tablename

but that just generated an empty migration.

What is the "official" way to drop a table in Rails?

Since rails generate migration has command-line options for generating migration code for creating tables, adding or changing columns, etc., it would be nice if it also had an option for dropping a table -- but it doesn't. Sure, writing the up part is simple -- just call drop_table -- but the down part, generating the table again, might not always be so simple, especially if the schema of the table in question has been changed by migrations after its initial creation. Maybe someone should suggest to the developers of Rails that adding such an option would be a good idea.
@TeemuLeisti How about just copy and paste the current table definition from schema.rb? I do it this way all the time...
@João Soares: OK, I guess that works. However, it would be nice if the process could be automated, so that you could just give a rake migration-creation command, with the name of a table as a parameter, that would produce the needed up and down functions.

Joe Kennedy

You won't always be able to simply generate the migration to already have the code you want. You can create an empty migration and then populate it with the code you need.

You can find information about how to accomplish different tasks in a migration here:

More specifically, you can see how to drop a table using the following approach:

drop_table :table_name

This worked for me too. But on full migrations (installing from scratch) the table will now be first created and later on dropped again. Is it safe to remove the create and drop migrations down the road?
Any view here on whether it's better to drop tables or revert to a previous database schema?
If you're done with the table and do not plan to use it anymore, I'd say just drop it. Better to get rid of it if its not being used.
answer by @BederAcostaBorges is more self-explanatory and accurate
How to also remove all foreign keys? There are columns in other tables pointing to the table being dropped.
Brandon O'Rourke

First generate an empty migration with any name you'd like. It's important to do it this way since it creates the appropriate date.

rails generate migration DropProductsTable

This will generate a .rb file in /db/migrate/ like 20111015185025_drop_products_table.rb

Now edit that file to look like this:

class DropProductsTable < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def up
    drop_table :products

  def down
    raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration

The only thing I added was drop_table :products and raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration.

Then run rake db:migrate and it'll drop the table for you.

A down migration should be used to recreate the table being dropped.
This migration could never be rolled back, even in development. Would it be better to just leave the down migration blank?
This is the better answer + fflyer's comment
@mjnissim and fflyer05 are correct, in order to avoid any weird thing you should recreate the table in the down method.
Dropping a table deletes all the data, if you recreate it in the down method you won't recover it so it's not actually a proper roll back. It's better to clearly indicate that the migration is irreversible than to give a false sense that it can be recovered from.
Beder Acosta Borges

Write your migration manually. E.g. run rails g migration DropUsers.

As for the code of the migration I'm just gonna quote Maxwell Holder's post Rails Migration Checklist

BAD - running rake db:migrate and then rake db:rollback will fail

class DropUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    drop_table :users

GOOD - reveals intent that migration should not be reversible

class DropUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def up
    drop_table :users

  def down
    fail ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration

BETTER - is actually reversible

class DropUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    drop_table :users do |t|
      t.string :email, null: false
      t.timestamps null: false

If you're cutting and pasting into the block from schema.rb, don't forget to also search schema.rb for foreign keys. Then add the foreign key definition to the drop_table block, e.g.: t.foreign_key "other_table"
I used the 3rd option and it worked perfectly fine for me. Thank you.
Thank You @Beder Acosta Borges I had been wondering how to properly do the migration where it was reversible. In my case it was to remove 2 tables that were not needed. So I basically generated the migration and copied the contents out of the original migration and changed the create_table to drop_table but left the do |t| block with all of the columns and it worked perfectly! TY!

Warning: Do this at your own risk, as @z-atef and @nzifnab correctly point out, Rails will not be aware of these changes, your migration sequence fill fail and your schema will be different from your coworkers'. This is meant as a resource for locally tinkering with development only.

While the answers provided here work properly, I wanted something a bit more 'straightforward', I found it here: link First enter rails console:

$rails console

Then just type:


And done, worked for me!

The model is still there until you run rails destroy model User
Only run this if you want to get rid of the table for good. Rails will be unaware of this drop. Migration is broken after running this command. Can not CREATE, DROP...ETC. ERROR SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: accruals: DROP TABLE "sometable"
WARNING: DO NOT DO THIS. You should never ever perform DDL operations on your database straight from the console. Your structure file will have no idea this change was made, your coworkers development environments will be different from your own and from production, it's just a mess. Use migrations.
Indeed, this should ONLY be done if the table ONLY exists on your local database, no one cares about the data in that table, and the migration has already been deleted and cannot be easily restored. Therefore it won't affect others with access to the repo. IE: The only time I do this if I generated the model, ran migrations then destroyed the scaffold (because of say a typo or something) without reversing the migration first. (faster to just delete the table than try to recover the deleted migration)
Shahzad Tariq

You need to to create a new migration file using following command

rails generate migration drop_table_xyz

and write drop_table code in newly generated migration file (db/migration/xxxxxxx_drop_table_xyz) like

drop_table :tablename

Or if you wanted to drop table without migration, simply open rails console by

$ rails c

and execute following command

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("drop table table_name")

or you can use more simplified command



rails g migration drop_users edit the migration

    class DropUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
      def change
        drop_table :users do |t|
          t.string :name

rake db:migrate

Mahesh Mesta

The simple and official way would be this:

  rails g migration drop_tablename

Now go to your db/migrate and look for your file which contains the drop_tablename as the filename and edit it to this.

    def change
      drop_table :table_name

Then you need to run

    rake db:migrate 

on your console.

Srikanth V

I wasn't able to make it work with migration script so I went ahead with this solution. Enter rails console using the terminal:

rails c



It works well for me. This will remove the previous table. Don't forget to run

rails db:migrate

Francis Potter

I think, to be completely "official", you would need to create a new migration, and put drop_table in self.up. The self.down method should then contain all the code to recreate the table in full. Presumably that code could just be taken from schema.rb at the time you create the migration.

It seems a little odd, to put in code to create a table you know you aren't going to need anymore, but that would keep all the migration code complete and "official", right?

I just did this for a table I needed to drop, but honestly didn't test the "down" and not sure why I would.

Strange but it looks like I'm going to have to do this too.
Or you can just use: raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration in the self.down method, so you at LEAST give yourself an error / notice if you ever try to rollback.
I would test the down just because otherwise I'm introducing untested code into my project. How can I reuse the original migration's up method? I've tried CreateMyTable.up and, ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths, X) where X is the migration that originally created the table, but neither works--in both approaches, AR first checks whether the migration has already been applied, and silently skips it if it has. `
farz bhullar

you can simply drop a table from rails console. first open the console

$ rails c

then paste this command in console


replace table_name with the table you want to delete.

you can also drop table directly from the terminal. just enter in the root directory of your application and run this command

$ rails runner "Util::Table.clobber 'table_name'"


You can roll back a migration the way it is in the guide:

Generate a migration:

rails generate migration revert_create_tablename

Write the migration:

require_relative '20121212123456_create_tablename'

class RevertCreateTablename < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    revert CreateTablename    

This way you can also rollback and can use to revert any migration


Alternative to raising exception or attempting to recreate a now empty table - while still enabling migration rollback, redo etc -

def change
  drop_table(:users, force: true) if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.include?('users')

Mike H-R

Open you rails console

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("drop table table_name")

Sarvar Khalimov

You can't simply run drop_table :table_name, instead you can create an empty migration by running: rails g migration DropInstalls

You can then add this into that empty migration:

class DropInstalls < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    drop_table :installs

Then run rails db:migrate in the command line which should remove the Installs table The solution was found here

Let me know if you have any q's, will try to answer asap

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.drop_table :table_name

If you are working in a development environment this is a much easier solution than answers with more votes

if anybody is looking for how to do it in SQL.

type rails dbconsole from terminal

enter password

In console do

USE db_name;

DROP TABLE table_name;


Please dont forget to remove the migration file and table structure from schema

You can also open it by typing just rails db

I needed to delete our migration scripts along with the tables themselves ...

class Util::Table < ActiveRecord::Migration

 def self.clobber(table_name)   
    # drop the table
    if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists? table_name
      puts "\n== " + table_name.upcase.cyan + " ! " 
      drop_table table_name 

    # locate any existing migrations for a table and delete them
    base_folder = File.join(Rails.root.to_s, 'db', 'migrate')
    Dir[File.join(base_folder, '**', '*.rb')].each do |file|
      if file =~ /create_#{table_name}.rb/
        puts "== deleting migration: " + file.cyan + " ! "

  def self.clobber_all
    # delete every table in the db, along with every corresponding migration 
    ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.each {|t| clobber t}


from terminal window run:

$ rails runner "Util::Table.clobber 'your_table_name'"


$ rails runner "Util::Table.clobber_all"


Helpful documentation

In migration you can drop table by:

drop_table(table_name, **options)


:force Set to :cascade to drop dependent objects as well. Defaults to false

:if_exists Set to true to only drop the table if it exists. Defaults to false


Create migration for drop table, for example we are want to drop User table rails g migration DropUsers Running via Spring preloader in process 13189 invoke active_record create db/migrate/20211110174028_drop_users.rb Edit migration file, in our case it is db/migrate/20211110174028_drop_users.rb class DropUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change drop_table :users, if_exist: true end end Run migration for dropping User table rails db:migrate == 20211110174028 DropUsers: migrating =============================== -- drop_table(:users, {:if_exist=>true}) -> 0.4607s

Anoob K Bava

the best way you can do is

rails g migration Drop_table_Users

then do the following

rake db:migrate



rake db:migrate:down VERSION=<version>

Where <version> is the version number of your migration file you want to revert.


rake db:migrate:down VERSION=3846656238

Pankaj Dhote

Drop Table/Migration

run:- $ rails generate migration DropTablename

exp:- $ rails generate migration DropProducts


if you want to drop a specific table you can do

$ rails db:migrate:up VERSION=[Here you can insert timestamp of table]

otherwise if you want to drop all your database you can do

$rails db:drop

Dov Benyomin Sohacheski

Run this command:-

rails g migration drop_table_name


rake db:migrate

or if you are using MySql database then:

login with database show databases; show tables; drop table_name;

Does this answer add anything to the existing, accepted answer? If not, there's no need to post this.
this creates an empty migration in rails 4.2, as already stated in the question itself.
This is EXACTLY what the OP originally tried...this answer should be removed
Adding a simple answer does not deserve to be downvoted. It still is relevant, I guess. Be kind to newer users please.
Suraj Rao

If you want to delete the table from the schema perform below operation --

rails db:rollback

This command will only undo the last migrate command. If that command is the creation of the table, it will drop the table. But unless you then delete the migration file that creates it, it will be recreated the at the next db:migrate. Keeping your migrations in order to replicate elsewhere is important, especially if work has been done in the meantime. Using db:rollback to change the final database layout is almost guaranteed to ruin many people's work.