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How can I permanently enable line numbers in IntelliJ?

How can I permanently enable line numbers in IntelliJ IDEA?

why don't all IDE's have the default to "yes show line numbers", how do you debug anythign without using line numbers ?
Most IDE's have the line number where your mouse cursor is in the status bar, but that's not too useful. Normally there is line numbers in stack traces right? In VIM you can jump to line numbers G, and Sublime Text, Ctrl+g (type in line number). What's the benifit of line numbers if you can jump straight where you want to go?
What I like the most about the line number column is that it provides an easy hit area for selecting multiple lines without having to fiddle with exact cursor placement.
I also can't imagine people working without line numbers switched on. And never the less you might possibly don't need it because you just click on links in stacktraces. It gives you orientation in the code and might also be usefull if you talk to someone else about fragments of it.
All of you talking about clicking on stack traces are assuming that the stack trace being debugged is generated in the IDE. This is almost never the case in a real world scenario. You get a stack trace from a client and then you need to track it down.


IntelliJ 14.X Onwards

From version 14.0 onwards, the path to the setting dialog is slightly different, a General submenu has been added between Editor and Appearance as shown below

IntelliJ 8.1.2 - 13.X

From IntelliJ 8.1.2 onwards, this option is in File | Settings1. Within the IDE Settings section of that dialog, you'll find it under Editor | Appearance.

On a Mac, these are named IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences...

Cntrl + Shift + a --- Then type in "show line numbers". I use cntrl+shift+a for finding most menu stuff.
For the Mac new-schoolers, Android Studio > Preferences > Editor > Appearance > Show line numbers
Still the same place in version 15.0... :-)
NOT there in IntelliJ 2016.x :( The Shift-Shift workaround still works though.
@csvan it's still there in IntelliJ 2016.1.1 under the appearance menu

The question is obviously well answered already, but since IJ 13 you can enable line numbers in 2 seconds flat:

Press shift twice Type "line number" The option shows in the menu and press enter to enable/disable.

Et voila ;)

As @user3218743 said, turning line numbers on this way is TEMPORARY. This is not the optimal solution.
@user3218743 and @SamuelKerrien It depends on which of the one of the show line numbers you select. There is one which turns it on/off temporary and one which changes settings (with an on/off toggle at end of line)
@manuna: just for clarity, you have to press and release Shift two times consequently, something like a "double click". Not hold the both Shifts at the same time :)
@HonzaZidek : thanks, I did hold two Shifts at the same time :)
Shift then Shift should surely be written Shift, Shift not Shift+Shift.

NOT a solution, rather a TEMPORARY solution which only works only for the current editor and current session:

Simply right click on the place where the line-numbers should be, and there you'll see a small menu.

then, mark the "Show Line Numbers" option.

Please note that this only works on a per-file basis, however. Enjoy.

This is the most temporary way of turning line numbers on. The top answer is the proper way to do this so it sticks.
Only the current editor and current session. Removed on restarting android studio and does not show in any other windows.
This does not answer the question! How can I permanently enable line numbers in IntelliJ IDEA?
If you are aware that your post does not answer the question, I think it should have been posted as a comment only, not as an answer.
Radu Bompa

In Intellij 14 it's now File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show line numbers. Or Search for "Line Numbers".

Android Studio 1.3.2 and on, IntelliJ 15 and on

Global configuration

File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show line numbers

Current editor configuration

First way: View -> Active Editor -> Show Line Numbers (this option will only be available if you previously have clicked into a file of the active editor)


For InteliJ IDEA 11.0 and above Goto File --> Settings in the Settings window Editor --> Appearance and tick Show line numbers check box.

This exact answer has already been posted two and half years ago by Don.
I looked again in the posts. They are the same, the slight difference does not justify new answer you could add comment on the existing answer saying something like "it also exist in version 11" and maybe explain this slight difference.

IntelliJ 14 (Ubuntu):

See: how-do-i-turn-on-line-numbers-permanently-in-intellij-14


File > Settings > Editor > General > Appearance > show line numbers

For current Editor:

View > Active Editor > Show Line Numbers


IntelliJ IDEA 15

5 approaches

Global change

File > Settings... > Editor > General > Appearance > Show line numbers Hit Shift twice > write "line numbers" > Show Line Numbers (that one that has the toggle) > change the toggle to ON

Change for the Active Editor

Right click on the left side bar > Show Line Numbers Hit Shift twice > write "line" > Show Line Numbers (the line doesn't have the toggle) Ctrl + Shift + A > write "Show line" > Active Editor: Show Line Numbers > change the toggle to ON

Casper LI mentioned that Android Studio 1.5.1 is similar with IntelliJ IDEA 15 regarding the line numbers.
Shawn Vader

Ok in intelliJ 14 Ultimate using the Mac version this is it.

IntelliJ Idea > Preferences > Editor > General > Appearance > Show Line Numbers

For those who have been struggling on Mac like I was to find this, don't be tricked by the "Appearance & Behavior" Tab, Like @Shawn said, it is under the editor tab, there are multiple levels with name appearance. Also Make sure you are looking at the settings under preferences.
@Unome Not only Mac, Windows too.

On IntelliJ 12 on MAC OSX, I had a hard time finding it. The search wouldn't show me the way for some reason. Go to Preferences and under IDE Settings, Editor, Appearance and select 'Show line numbers'

Guy West

Android Studio

Go to Android Studio => Preferences => Editor => General => Appearance => set Checked "Show line numbers"


I just hit this with IdeaVim plugin installed, where even if I set Show Line Numbers, it continued to revert to hiding them.

The (forehead-slapping-worthy) solution was:

:set nu

L Y E S - C H I O U K H

I add this response for IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2 - Ultimate.

Using menu

IntelliJ Idea > Preferences > Editor > General > Appearance > Show Line Numbers

Using Shortcuts - First way

For Windows : Ctrl+Shift+a For Mac : Cmd+shift+a

Using Shortcuts - Seconde way

Touch Shift twice

These three methods exist since the last 4 versions of Intellij and I think they remain valid for a long time.


1st way: Go to View => Active Editor => show line numbers

2nd way Go to Android Studio => Preferences => Editor=> Appearance => set Checked "Show Line Numbers"


For 9.0.4

File > Settings

In the tree view group

------------IDE Settings ---------

Click the Editor [+]

Select Appearance... Its there.


On Mac Intellij 12.1.2 there is no File-Settings:

There is an application-name menu item to the left of "File" with a "preferences" menu item:

and within that is the "Settings" dialog shown by the Windows Intellij.


In IntelliJ 14 it has moved again somewhat down the menu.

Now we have it unter Editor -> General -> Appearance


Just an update for Android Studio 1.5.1 on Windows:


On IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.2

Go to Settings > Editor > General > Appearance then check the Show Line number option

Is 'Settings' in IDEA 2016.1.2 called 'preferences'? I'm new to IntelliJ, so I don't want to edit that in this Answer before asking...
@cellepo Menu File > Settings
Trenton McKinney

IntelliJ 2019 community edition has line number by default. If you want to show or hide line numbers, go to the following settings to change the appearance.

go to → File → Setting → Editor → General → Appearance → [Check] Show line numbers

in OSX this is under the "IntelliJ IDEA" menu not the file menu.

For IntelliJ 20.1 or above, on Mac OSX:

IntelliJ IDEA -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show line numbers

Point to be noted: Always look for Editor

For shortcut:

⌘ + ⇧ + A (command + shift + A)

and click on the pop up to turn on Show line numbers and you are good to go.