{ return {foo: "bar"}; }。如果箭头函数返回的不是对象,则 {} 和 return 是不必要的,例如:p => "foo"。p => {foo: "bar"} 返回 undefined......" /> { return {foo: "bar"}; }。如果箭头函数返回的不是对象,则 {} 和 return 是不必要的,例如:p => "foo"。p => {foo: "bar"} 返回 undefined......"> { return {foo: "bar"}; }。如果箭头函数返回的不是对象,则 {} 和 return 是不必要的,例如:p => "foo"。p => {foo: "bar"} 返回 undefined......" />
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ECMAScript 6 arrow function that returns an object

When returning an object from an arrow function, it seems that it is necessary to use an extra set of {} and a return keyword because of an ambiguity in the grammar.

That means I can’t write p => {foo: "bar"}, but have to write p => { return {foo: "bar"}; }.

If the arrow function returns anything other than an object, the {} and return are unnecessary, e.g.: p => "foo".

p => {foo: "bar"} returns undefined.

A modified p => {"foo": "bar"} throws SyntaxError: unexpected token: ':'”.

Is there something obvious I am missing?

I'm not clear when to use return keyword and when not to use it, JS being very very flexible creates loads of bugs for new users of this language. I wish it was as strict like "Java" language


You must wrap the returning object literal into parentheses. Otherwise curly braces will be considered to denote the function’s body. The following works:

p => ({ foo: 'bar' });

You don't need to wrap any other expression into parentheses:

p => 10;
p => 'foo';
p => true;
p => [1,2,3];
p => null;
p => /^foo$/;

and so on.

Reference: MDN - Returning object literals

I'm curious why the parens make a difference.
@wrschneider because without parens js parser thinks that its a function body, not an object, and foo is a label
@wrschneider more specifically, in terms of AST nodes, using parentheses denotes an expression statement, in which an object expression can exist, whereas by default, curly braces are interpreted as a block statement.
No idea why this works, but if you want to use the value of p as key for the object literal, this is how you do it: p => ({ [p]: 'bar' }). Without the [], it'll either be undefined or literally the letter p.
@DanMan It's called computed properties and it's a feature of object literals.
Petr Odut

You may wonder, why the syntax is valid (but not working as expected):

var func = p => { foo: "bar" }

It's because of JavaScript's label syntax:

So if you transpile the above code to ES5, it should look like:

var func = function (p) {
  "bar"; //obviously no return here!

Labels are such a seldom used and esoteric feature. Do they REALLY have any value? I feel like they should be deprecated and eventually removed.
@Kenmore See stackoverflow.com/questions/55934490/… - backwards compatibility. Browsers will refuse to implement a feature which breaks existing sites
@Kenmore you can exit from nested loops if they are labeled. Not often used but definitely useful.
Paul McBride

If the body of the arrow function is wrapped in curly braces, it is not implicitly returned. Wrap the object in parentheses. It would look something like this.

p => ({ foo: 'bar' })

By wrapping the body in parens, the function will return { foo: 'bar }.

Hopefully, that solves your problem. If not, I recently wrote an article about Arrow functions which covers it in more detail. I hope you find it useful. Javascript Arrow Functions

why we don't have to use return keyword inside parenthesis ?
Because p => ({ foo: 'bar' }) is transpiled into p => { return { foo: 'bar' }; }. It's a shorthand syntax.
Arrow functions implicitly return the expression on the right side of the arrow. eg p => p * 2 will return the result of p * 2. The exception to this rule is when the expression on the right side is wrapped in curly braces, then you have to return yourself.


When you do are doing:

p => {foo: "bar"}

JavaScript interpreter thinks you are opening a multi-statement code block, and in that block, you have to explicitly mention a return statement.


If your arrow function expression has a single statement, then you can use the following syntax:

p => ({foo: "bar", attr2: "some value", "attr3": "syntax choices"})

But if you want to have multiple statements then you can use the following syntax:

p => {return {foo: "bar", attr2: "some value", "attr3": "syntax choices"}}

In above example, first set of curly braces opens a multi-statement code block, and the second set of curly braces is for dynamic objects. In multi-statement code block of arrow function, you have to explicitly use return statements

For more details, check Mozilla Docs for JS Arrow Function Expressions


ES6 Arrow Function returns an Object

the right ways

normal function return an object

const getUser = user => {return { name: user.name, age: user.age };};

const user = { name: "xgqfrms", age: 21 };

//  {name: "xgqfrms", age: 21}

(js expressions )

const getUser = user => ({ name: user.name, age: user.age });

const user = { name: "xgqfrms", age: 21 };

//  {name: "xgqfrms", age: 21}







You can always check this out for more custom solutions:

x => ({}[x.name] = x);

This won’t even return a new object. The object you create there is discarded. This has little to do with this question.