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Kotlin - Idiomatic way to check array contains value

What's an idiomatic way to check if an array of strings contains a value in Kotlin? Just like ruby's #include?.

I thought about:

array.filter { it == "value" }.any()

Is there a better way?

Geoffrey Marizy

The equivalent you are looking for is the contains operator.


Kotlin offer an alternative infix notation for this operator:

"value" in array

It's the same function called behind the scene, but since infix notation isn't found in Java we could say that in is the most idiomatic way.

When I try this in Kotlin I get a "Type inference failed. The value of the type parameter T should be mentioned in the input Types." private var domainsArray = arrayOf("", "", "", "") var domainFound = Arrays.asList(domainsArray).contains(email)
Just write var domainFound = domainsArray.contains(email) or more idiomatic var domainFound = email in domainsArray
Any idea how to compare with ignorecase string? array.contains("value") do not check ignorecase for string.
You could map array with the toLowerCase String extension function before calling contains.
Amar Jain

You could also check if the array contains an object with some specific field to compare with using any()

listOfObjects.any{ object -> object.fieldxyz == value_to_compare_here }


Here is code where you can find specific field in ArrayList with objects. The answer of Amar Jain helped me:

listOfObjects.any{ it.field == "value"}


Using in operator is an idiomatic way to do that.

val contains = "a" in arrayOf("a", "b", "c")


You can use the in operator which, in this case, calls contains:

"value" in array


You can use it..contains(" ")

 data class Animal (val name:String)

 val animals = listOf(Animal("Lion"), Animal("Elephant"), Animal("Tiger"))

 println(animals.filter {"n") }.toString())

output will be

[Animal(name=Lion), Animal(name=Elephant)]


You can use find method, that returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or null if no such element was found. Try this code to find value in array of objects

 val findedElement = array?.find {
 if (findedElement != null) {
 //your code here           

How can you get the position of findedElement value from array?
Thank you it's work for me
@AnzyShQ you can find a position with a methods array.indexIf(Object o) -> will return you index of first founded element, array.lastIndexOf(Object o) -> will return you index of last founded element. You can also use predicate too, etc array.indexOfLast { == "test " } or array.indexOfFirst { == "test "}