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In a django model custom save() method, how should you identify a new object?

I want to trigger a special action in the save() method of a Django model object when I'm saving a new record (not updating an existing record.)

Is the check for ( != None) necessary and sufficient to guarantee the self record is new and not being updated? Any special cases this might overlook?

Please select as the correct answer. The answer doesn't work in many cases like a UUIDField pk

Emilio Conte

Alternative way to checking we can check self._state of the model

self._state.adding is True creating

self._state.adding is False updating

I got it from this page

This is the only correct way when using a custom primary key field.
Not sure about all the details of how self._state.adding works, but fair warning that it seems to always equal False if you're checking it after calling super(TheModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs):…
You should always be careful when using private attributes or methods from Django though, so even if it works it might not be the best solution
@guival: _state isn’t private; like _meta, it’s prefixed with an underscore to avoid confusion with field names. (Notice how it’s used in the linked documentation.)
This is the best way. I used is_new = self._state.adding, then super(MyModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs) and then if is_new: my_custom_logic()
Dave W. Smith

Updated: With the clarification that self._state is not a private instance variable, but named that way to avoid conflicts, checking self._state.adding is now the preferable way to check. is None:

returns True within a new Model object, unless the object has a UUIDField as its primary_key.

The corner case you might have to worry about is whether there are uniqueness constraints on fields other than the id (e.g., secondary unique indexes on other fields). In that case, you could still have a new record in hand, but be unable to save it.

You should use is not rather than != when checking for identity with the None object
Not all models have an id attribute, i.e. a model extending another through a models.OneToOneField(OtherModel, primary_key=True). I think you need to use
This MAY NOT WORK in some cases. Please check this answer:
This is not the correct answer. If using a UUIDField as a primary key, is never None.
Side note: This answer pre-dated UUIDField.

Checking assumes that id is the primary key for the model. A more generic way would be to use the pk shortcut.

is_new = is None

Pro Tip: put this BEFORE the super(...).save().

The check for == None is not sufficient to determine if the object is going to be inserted or updated in the database.

The Django O/RM features an especially nasty hack which is basically to check if there is something at the PK position and if so do an UPDATE, otherwise do an INSERT (this gets optimised to an INSERT if the PK is None).

The reason why it has to do this is because you are allowed to set the PK when an object is created. Although not common where you have a sequence column for the primary key, this doesn't hold for other types of primary key field.

If you really want to know you have to do what the O/RM does and look in the database.

Of course you have a specific case in your code and for that it is quite likely that == None tells you all you need to know, but it is not a general solution.

Good point! I can get away with this in my application (checking for None primary key) because I never set the pk for new objects. But this would definitely not be a good check for a reusable plugin or part of the framework.
This is specially true when you assign the primary key yourself and and through the database. In that case the surest thing to do is to make a trip to the db.
Even if your application code does not specify pks explicitly the fixtures for your test cases might. Though, as they are commonly loaded before the tests it might not be a problem.
This is especially true in the case of using a UUIDField as a Primary Key: the key isn't populated at the DB level, so is always True.
This solution also works for this case:
Tim Tisdall

You could just connect to post_save signal which sends a "created" kwargs, if true, your object has been inserted.

That can potentially cause race conditions if there's a lot of load. That's because the post_save signal is sent on save, but before the transaction has been committed. This can be problematic and can make things very difficult to debug.
I'm not sure if things changed (from older versions), but my signal handlers are called within the same transaction so a failure anywhere rolls back the whole transaction. I'm using ATOMIC_REQUESTS, so I'm not really sure about the default.
Kwaw Annor

Check for and the force_insert flag.

if not or kwargs.get('force_insert', False):
    self.created = True

# call save method.
super(self.__class__, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

#Do all your post save actions in the if block.
if getattr(self, 'created', False):
    # So something
    # Do something else

This is handy because your newly created object(self) has it pk value


I'm very late to this conversation, but I ran into a problem with the being populated when it has a default value associated with it.

The way I got around this is adding a date_created field to the model

date_created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

From here you can go

created = self.date_created is None


For a solution that also works even when you have a UUIDField as a primary key (which as others have noted isn't None if you just override save), you can plug into Django's post_save signal. Add this to your

from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.dispatch import receiver

@receiver(post_save, sender=MyModel)
def mymodel_saved(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    if created:
        # do extra work on your instance, e.g.
        # instance.generate_avatar()
        # instance.send_email_notification()

This callback will block the save method, so you can do things like trigger notifications or update the model further before your response is sent back over the wire, whether you're using forms or the Django REST framework for AJAX calls. Of course, use responsibly and offload heavy tasks to a job queue instead of keeping your users waiting :)


rather use pk instead of id:

if not


It is the common way to do so.

the id will be given while saved first time to the db

Swelan Auguste
> def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
>         if form.instance._state.adding:
>    = request.user
>             super().save_model(request, obj, form, change)
>         else:
>             obj.updated_by = request.user.username
>             super().save_model(request, obj, form, change)

Using cleaned_data.get(), I was able to determine whether I had an instance, I also had a CharField where null and blank where true. This will update at each update according to the logged in user

Would this work for all the above scenarios?

if is not None and <ModelName>.objects.filter(

this would cause an additional database hit.

In python 3 and django 3 this is what's working in my project:

def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
   if not change:
      #put your code here when adding a new object.

Alex L

To know whether you are updating or inserting the object (data), use self.instance.fieldname in your form. Define a clean function in your form and check whether the current value entry is same as the previous, if not then you are updating it.

self.instance and self.instance.fieldname compare with the new value