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What is the Python 3 equivalent of "python -m SimpleHTTPServer"

What is the Python 3 equivalent of python -m SimpleHTTPServer?

python -m http.server 8000 , it will start the server on port 8000

Petr Viktorin

From the docs:

The SimpleHTTPServer module has been merged into http.server in Python 3.0. The 2to3 tool will automatically adapt imports when converting your sources to 3.0.

So, your command is python -m http.server, or depending on your installation, it can be:

python3 -m http.server

In Python 3.3, the replacement for python -m CGIHTTPServer is python3 -m http.server --cgi.
Sure, just tack it on the end of the command line. Read python3 -m http.server --help for all the args & options.
python -m http.server worked for me. I had to remove the 3
@nueverest It depends on how your Python installation is 'named'. Usually Python2 is available as python and Python3 as python3 but some prefer to install Python3 simply as python.
AFAIK, on Windows, it'll install as just python by default. But, the question is for python3 :)
Greg Hewgill

The equivalent is:

python3 -m http.server

And python3 -m http.server 8080 if You need to bind to a port. Read more at the end of the section:…
By default, it will bind to port 8000. See python3 -m http.server --help for details.
Bruno Bronosky

Using 2to3 utility.

$ cat
import SimpleHTTPServer

$ 2to3
RefactoringTool: Skipping implicit fixer: buffer
RefactoringTool: Skipping implicit fixer: idioms
RefactoringTool: Skipping implicit fixer: set_literal
RefactoringTool: Skipping implicit fixer: ws_comma
RefactoringTool: Refactored
---  (original)
+++  (refactored)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import SimpleHTTPServer
+import http.server
RefactoringTool: Files that need to be modified:

Like many *nix utils, 2to3 accepts stdin if the argument passed is -. Therefore, you can test without creating any files like so:

$ 2to3 - <<< "import SimpleHTTPServer"


In addition to Petr's answer, if you want to bind to a specific interface instead of all the interfaces you can use -b or --bind flag.

python -m http.server 8000 --bind

The above snippet should do the trick. 8000 is the port number. 80 is used as the standard port for HTTP communications.

python -m http.server 8081 --bind If your 8000 is being used by another program.
If you are not in a virtual environment where you are running Python3 , please use python3 -m http.server 8081 --bind, otherwise you will get an error that /usr/bin/python: No module named http
Anand Tripathi

As everyone has mentioned http.server module is equivalent to python -m SimpleHTTPServer.
But as a warning from

Warning: http.server is not recommended for production. It only implements basic security checks.


http.server can also be invoked directly using the -m switch of the interpreter.

python -m http.server

The above command will run a server by default on port number 8000. You can also give the port number explicitly while running the server

python -m http.server 9000

The above command will run an HTTP server on port 9000 instead of 8000.

By default, server binds itself to all interfaces. The option -b/--bind specifies a specific address to which it should bind. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. For example, the following command causes the server to bind to localhost only:

python -m http.server 8000 --bind


python -m http.server 8000 -b

Python 3.8 version also supports IPv6 in the bind argument.

Directory Binding

By default, server uses the current directory. The option -d/--directory specifies a directory to which it should serve the files. For example, the following command uses a specific directory:

python -m http.server --directory /tmp/

Directory binding is introduced in python 3.7

Everyone mentions "Warning: http.server is not recommended for production. It only implements basic security checks." but do you have any suggestions for easy to use file servers as alternatives. I have a docker app and I would like to run something like this server in a separate container behind nginx. Any suggestions?

In one of my projects I run tests against Python 2 and 3. For that I wrote a small script which starts a local server independently:

$ python -m $(python -c 'import sys; print("http.server" if sys.version_info[:2] > (2,7) else "SimpleHTTPServer")')
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

As an alias:

$ alias serve="python -m $(python -c 'import sys; print("http.server" if sys.version_info[:2] > (2,7) else "SimpleHTTPServer")')"
$ serve
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

Please note that I control my Python version via conda environments, because of that I can use python instead of python3 for using Python 3.


Just wanted to add what worked for me: python3 -m http.server 8000 (you can use any port number here except the ones which are currently in use)