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Sending email fails when two factor authentication is on for Gmail

I am using my Gmail account and inside my web application to test and send email. when two factor authentication is ON for my Gmail account, it fails to send the email, however when I turn it off, the web application sends email successfully. Appreciate any kind of advice.

Stoyan Dimov

Create a custom app in you Gmail security settings.

Log-in into Gmail with your account Navigate to In 'select app' choose 'custom', give it an arbitrary name and press generate It will give you 16 chars token.

Use the token as password in combination with your full Gmail account and two factor authentication will not be required.

Note: The link in step 2 will work only if you have 2-factor-authentication enabled.

Works perfectly, should be marked as a solution. Sadly gmail documentation is not that simple.
Works. I'm using the SMTP plugin in Drupal 7 w/ these gmail credentials.
Where i should use my token? With my username or password? Can you please be more clearer?
@Freedo username remains the same, the new token should be used as a password
@Ze'ev it works on the premise that the password will be secure in your app. (The hope is that phones nowadays allow it to store app data securely.) But if you know the password is compromised, you can at least revoke it without breaking access for other apps.

If you are here because of difficulties with the ARQ backup app on Mac OSX, I found the following settings worked for me:

SMTP hostname:
SMTP Port: 587
Click: Enable SSL (STARTTLS)
Authentication Type: Password (SASL PLAIN)
User Name: <full Gmail email address>
Password: <Google-generated app password>

The Google-generated app password is generated as @stoyan-dimov suggests in his answer above, using the following URL:

Choose to generate a 'Mail' password, and set the device as 'Custom' (I called mine "ARQ".)

Caveat: You must have two-factor authentication enabled on your Google account to get to the above URL.