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"Prefer to run the dagger processor over that class instead" in Kotlin

I'm getting this note in the build whenever I do an inject into a kotlin class (btw, I have a mixed android project with both kotlin and java).

For example, after this gradle task: compileStagingDebugJavaWithJavac (StagingDebug is my build variant), I get this message:

"Note: Generating a MembersInjector or Factory for com.packageNameXXX.CourseDiscoveryMapFragment. Prefer to run the dagger processor over that class instead."

My CourseDiscoveryMapFragment code can be seen here:

class CourseDiscoveryMapFragment : Fragment(){

    lateinit var presenter: CourseDiscoveryMapPresenter

    lateinit var mapView: MapView

    override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {

        val view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_discovery_map, container, false)


        mapView = view.mapView

        (activity as BaseActivity)

And my ActivityComponent is :

@Subcomponent(modules = ActivityModule.class)
public interface ActivityComponent {

    void inject(BaseActivity baseActivity);

    void inject(CourseDiscoveryMapFragment fragment);

    //Exposed to sub-graphs.
    Activity activity();

So, I'm having dagger component and modules written in Java, while having dagger injections in Kotlin.

Is this anything that I should be worried about?

Thank you.

Can you post the whole error/warning and also the code related to it?
The question needs more detail. You basically wrote a google query as a question.
@marcospereira Re-edited! Thanks!
Hey, did you find solution or maybe reason for that warning?


I am afraid you can't. Why not write dependency modules in Kotlin?

To write dependency modules in java, you need to configure your Gradle script in this way:

compile '' apt ''

But, to write dependency modules in Kotlin, you should configure your Gradle script in this way:

compile '' kapt ''

dagger need the annotation processing tool to generate the dependency code during the compiling process. So I guess you just need to use the right APT(annotation processing tool) according to right language.

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