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uninstall ruby version from rbenv

How to uninstall or remove ruby version from rbenv. I have installed two versions of ruby. While switching to ruby 1.9.3, I am getting segmentation fault. Can anyone please help, how to remove a particular version from rbenv?


New way

Use the uninstall command: rbenv uninstall [-f|--force] <version>

rbenv uninstall 2.1.0  # Uninstall Ruby 2.1.0

Use rbenv versions to see which versions you have installed.

Old way

To remove a Ruby version from rbenv, delete the corresponding directory in ~/.rbenv/versions. E.g.

rm -rf ~/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p0

Run rbenv rehash afterwards to clean up any stale shimmed binaries from the removed version.

I did that. But rbenv keeps telling me that the deleted version is missing.
@Mr.Ronald I have the same issue.
@Mosselman You can delete the entry from ~/.rbenv/version and the error will be avoided.
@Kashyap I have 'fixed' the issue by reinstalling, but I think it didn't have that particular entry that was popping up for me, but the error remained.
the directory is empty for me but I followed the advice from @Iorcon and that worked. "rbenv uninstall "

ruby-build now adds an uninstall command to rbenv to handle the removal of ruby versions, if you want to avoid manual rm -fr (which might be considered risky) and rbenv rehash suggested by @Stephenson. For removing ruby version 1.9.3-p0 you would run the following:

rbenv uninstall 1.9.3-p0

It would be awesome if this could become the accepted answer, as it's definitely the right way to go.
Does this remove gems?
@DanyalAytekin never too late to say Yes, it removes, afaik
Mauricio Pasquier Juan

Like Stephenson said, but remember to change version & global if they are referencing the deleted version.

I keep getting a version error even after setting the global and local rbenv versions to a newer one.

The correct command is well explained in other answers, However if you are trying to uninstall jruby then you need to explicitly mention jruby in command followed by hyphen and then gem version, For example:

rbenv uninstall jruby-