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How to solve "The specified service has been marked for deletion" error

I try to remove a Windows Service with sc delete <service name>, and encounter the following error:

[SC] DeleteService FAILED 1072: The specified service has been marked for deletion.

What I've already done:

Stopped the service, obviously. The sc queryex "" gives the following result: SERVICE_NAME: Stub service TYPE : 10 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS STATE : 1 STOPPED WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 1067 (0x42b) SERVICE_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0) CHECKPOINT : 0x0 WAIT_HINT : 0x0 PID : 0 FLAGS :

Ensured that Microsoft Management Console is closed (taskkill /F /IM mmc.exe),

Ensured that Event Viewer is closed,

Removed the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ from the registry. Due to this removal, services.msc still shows the service (with a name, but no status or startup type), but the description is “”. When attempting to view the properties, “The system cannot find the file specified.” is shown five times.

The problem persists.

What is the next step?

A reboot should normally clear up any lingering state.
I know. But I thought about a less radical solution. Rebooting thirty times per day won't be an acceptable solution in my case.
"why are you deleting services this regularly?": I'm writing a Windows service. Each time it is compiled, it should be restarted. "Yet hacking around in the registry 30 times per day is acceptable?": totally. Removing a key from registry doesn't force me to save everything, close every opened app, wait for a minute, and then reopen everything.
I've written windows services. Unless you're changing the actual code that performs the registration, there's no need to uninstall and reinstall it every time you do a build. So long as the path is still the same, the older registration information will still be valid.
@NickTurner - link to any bug report? Whatever bug you're referring to, I've not encountered. And I'm not sure how an MSI is involved since we're presumably talking about building and running services on a dev machine (that at least appears to be the context on this 5 year old question)

Dan Atkinson

There may be several causes which lead to the service being stuck in “marked for deletion”.

SysInternals' Process Explorer is opened. Closing it should lead to automatic removal of the service. Task Manager is opened. Microsoft Management Console (MMC) is opened. To ensure all instances are closed, run taskkill /F /IM mmc.exe. Services console is opened. This is the same as the previous point, since Services console is hosted by MMC. Event Viewer is opened. Again, this is the same as the third point. The key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\{service name} exists. Someone else is logged into the server and has one of the previously mentioned applications opened. An instance of Visual Studio used to debug the service is open.

Task manager seems to do the same. And as noted below leaving the Services console open could cause this too.
...and if closing all these still does not help and you still see the service as "marked for deletion" do simple log off instead of full restart. it helped me a few times.
Closing the services console solved this problem for me! My process was the following: In the VS2012 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt --> Navigate to directory with service exectuable --> installutil /u servicename.exe (to uninstall the obsolete service) --> copy over new built service exe --> installutil servicename.exe (to install the updated service). I generally can uninstall and reinstall right away with no problems. Until I randomly can't. Closing the services console solved it. Thanks for the tip!
Process Explorer is the big one here, in my opinion. I suggest bolding it and/or moving it to the top of the list.
In addition to that, I had to run sc stop "Task Name" and wait for the error message, until the sc delete worked.

This can also be caused by leaving the Services console open. Windows won't actually delete the service until it is closed.

As I indicated in my question, “Microsoft Management Console is closed” during the tests.
In my case the Services console was the problem. As soon as I closed it and reopened it the deleted services went away.
Hard to believe that keeping the window open was the case... Thank you!
This worked for me too, although strangely there's been plenty of cases where simply pressing F5 will refresh the list with the service removed.
You saved my day

I had the same problem, finally I decide to kill service process.

for it try below steps:

get process id of service with sc queryex

kill process with taskkill /F /PID

my PID is 0 so I had better not kill that!
you can uninstall service for it do below steps 1- run cmd 2- change direction to .exe file of your service locate that 3- execute command installutil /u
+1 for sc queryex I'll be able to use that to get the PID if I want to attach the debugger
Using an administrator mode command prompt is recommended.

In my case it worked after closing the Services. Check if the Services.msc is open, if yes close it and check any process of service is found in Task Manager.

IT WORKED for me !! The service process still lingered on in the task manager, I first closed the services console, then deleted the service process from Task manager. Then reopened services console to see the service gone!
This was the culprit for me too, and had it not worked, I would have tested with closing Visual Studio.

Closing the services console as suggested by a few of the answers here did allow me to remove the service. In my scenario this was only a short term fix since all subsequent reinstalls and removal of the service would require me to take these additional steps. Reviewing my web.config file, it was discovered that there was an error that once fixed, allowed me to easily remove the service without the additional closing of the services console step.

Amey P Naik

That means the service is still listed as disabled in services.msc. Just close the services.msc and re open as administrator... The service will not be listed. Now, install the service using the command,

installutil "path of service"

easiest solution ever :)
I just had to reopen my services.msc and it's gone. thanks!
Rick Smith

Deleting registry keys as suggested above got my service stuck in the stopping state. The following procedure worked for me:

open task manager > select services tab > select the service > right click and select "go to process" > right click on the process and select End process

Service should be gone after that

Kathy Gryta

Discovered one more thing to check - look in Task manager - if other users are connected to this box, even if they are 'disconnected' you have to actually sign them out to get the service to finally delete.

Unnecessary. You just have to ensure everybody exits the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and Services control panel.
Tshilidzi Mudau

Closing every window that was currently open followed by running the following command solved the issue for me:

taskkill /F /IM mmc.exe

klaus triendl

It seems that on Windows versions later than Windows 7 (unverified, but by experience latest with Windows Server 2012 R2), the Service Control Manager (SCM) is more strict.

While on Windows 7 it just spawns another process, it is now checking whether the service process is still around and may return ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE (1072) for any subsequent call to CreateService/DeleteService even if the service appears to be stopped.

I am talking Windows API code here, but I want to clearly outline what's happening, so this sequence may lead to mentioned error:

SC_HANDLE hScm = OpenSCManager(nullptr, nullptr, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);

SC_HANDLE hSvc = OpenService(hScm, L"Stub service", SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | DELETE);

ControlService(hSvc, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ss);
// ... wait for service to report its SERVICE_STOPPED state

hSvc = nullptr;

// any further calls to CreateService/DeleteService will fail
// if service process is still around

The reason a service process is still around after it already has reported its SERVICE_STOPPED state isn't surprising. It's a regular process, whose main thread is 'stuck' in its call to the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher API, so it first reacts to a stop control action, but then has to execute its remaining code sequence.

It's kind of unfortunate the SCM/OS isn't handling this properly for us. A programmatic solution is kinda simple and accurate: obtain the service executable's process handle before stopping the service, then wait for this handle to become signaled.

If approaching the issue from a system administration perspective the solution is also to wait for the service process to disappear completely.


This is what worked for me: - I hit the same issue: my service was stuck in 'marked for deletion'. - I opened services.msc My service did show up as running, although it was already uninstalled. - I clicked Stop Received an error message, saying the service is not in a state to receive control messages. Nevertheless, the service was stopped. - Closed services.msc. - Reopened services.msc. - The service was gone (no longer showing in the list of services).

(The environment was Windows 7.)

Windows 2008 here, I had to just close the services panel

In my case, I execute taskkill /f /im dongleserver.exe , where dongleserver.exe is my program's exe file.

Then I can able to reinstall my program already.

Arijus Gilbrantas

In my case, it was caused by unhandled exception while creating eventLog source. Use try catch to pin point the cause.


This works for me.

Open Task Manager

Select services tab

Select the service with the issue

Right click and select "Go to details"

Right click on the service and select "End process tree"

End process tree will end the process and all the processes created by the process.

Then, you can reinstall the service.


In my case, the service name was 'Monitor' which is also used by a windows service called 'Monitor', when I tried to update my services, I tried uninstalling them, the installer tried to remove the windows service 'Monitor' which it couldn't, and the installation was always rolled back.

I ended up renaming my service to something else

Donald Duck

The main reason for the error is the process is not stopped. to resolve it start task manager go to services and see if you are still able to see your service than go to the process of that service and end process. Than the issue will be solved completely.

Divyang Shah

steps to follow:

step-1 goto the location C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319

step-2 run command: installutil /u full-path/servicename.exe

step-3 close services panel and reopen it

step-4 run command: installutil full-path/servicename.exe

a side note: installutil works ONLY as admin, so open a shell as admin.
When my service ended up in a marked for deletion state and I couldn't manage to get its registration deleted using any of the other solutions here, this worked for me!

If the steps provided by @MainMa didn't work follow following steps

Step 1 Try killing the process from windows task manager or using taskkill /F /PID . You can find pid of the process by command 'sc queryex '. Try next step if you still can't uninstall.

Step 2 If above

Run Autoruns for Windows Search for service by name and delete results.


I was having this issue when I was using Application Verifier to verify my win service. Even after I closed App Ver my service was blocked from deletion. Only removing the service from App Ver resolved the issue and service was deleted right away. Looks like some process still using your service after you tried to delete one.


Most probably deleting service fails because

protected override void OnStop()

throw error when stopping a service. wrapping things inside a try catch will prevent mark for deletion error

protected override void OnStop()
                //things to do
            catch (Exception)


Alex Podles

Sometimes this could happen during service deletion via PowerShell remote session script, especially when you are trying to delete service several times. In this case, try to recreate a session before the deletion:

Remove-PSSession -Session $session
$newSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $Name  -Credential $creds -ErrorAction Stop
Enter-PSSession $newSession