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How do I return early from a rake task?

I have a rake task where I do some checks at the beginning, if one of the checks fails I would like to return early from the rake task, I don't want to execute any of the remaining code.

I thought the solution would be to place a return where I wanted to return from the code but I get the following error

unexpected return


A Rake task is basically a block. A block, except lambdas, doesn't support return but you can skip to the next statement using next which in a rake task has the same effect of using return in a method.

task :foo do
  puts "printed"
  puts "never printed"

Or you can move the code in a method and use return in the method.

task :foo do

def do_something
  puts "startd"
  puts "end"

I prefer the second choice.

I like the second one best, too. The more I use rake, the more I like to keep non-trivial code outside of the task definition. Not a 100% firm rule, but seems to be a good guideline to work to.
I've tried with break and I've got this error: rake aborted! break from proc-closure (See full trace by running task with --trace)
I prefer using next. Why should we declare a new method just to support early returns?
What do you do if you're deeply nested within multiple blocks? (next only works if there's on "level" of block to break out of.
Warning: declaring methods in Rake tasks is a bad idea because they are global to all loaded Rake tasks, irrelevant of namespace. Next is used instead of break because the code in the block may be called multiple times by whatever is executing the block (think of the .each method).

You can use abort(message) from inside the task to abort that task with a message.

@TylerRick No, it's Kernel#abort.
This way is superior for exiting in non-success situations as it automatically sets exit status.
This is a winner. Also an easy way to provide usage feedback for argument errors.
Inline and much more explanatory than next. Love it.
This might not be a good idea if you are testing your rake task, this will most likely have the test fail.
Joshua Pinter

Return with an Error ❌

If you're returning with an error (i.e. an exit code of 1) you'll want to use abort, which also takes an optional string param that will get outputted on exit:

task :check do
  # If any of your checks fail, you can exit early like this.
  abort( "One of the checks has failed!" ) if check_failed?


On the command line:

$ rake check && echo "All good"
#=> One of the checks has failed!

Return with Success ✅

If you're returning without an error (i.e. an exit code of 0) you'll want to use exit, which does not take a string param.

task :check do
  # If any of your checks fail, you can exit early like this.
  exit if check_failed?

On the command line:

$ rake check && echo "All good"
#=> All good

This is important if you're using this in a cron job or something that needs to do something afterwards based on whether the rake task was successful or not.

Bonus: Return with an Error from a rescue block without the stacktrace.

By default, if you use abort inside of a rescue block, it will output the entire stack trace, even if you just use abort without re-raising the error.

To get around this, you can supply a non-zero exit code to the exit command, like:

task :check do

  rescue => error
    puts error.message
    exit( 1 )


This one should be accepted answer @simone-carletti

I tend to use abort which is a better alternative in such situations, for example:

task :foo do
  something = false
  abort 'Failed to proceed' unless something

But how do you abort without exiting with a 1 exit code? Rake tasks are often use in the command line to determine success or failure. Is there a "successful" abort?
Answered my own questions: looks like exit is a good way to exit successfully.

If you need to break out of multiple block levels, you can use fail.

For example

task :something do
  [1,2,3].each do |i|
    fail "some error" if ...



If you meant exiting from a rake task without causing the "rake aborted!" message to be printed, then you can use either "abort" or "exit". But "abort", when used in a rescue block, terminates the task as well as prints the whole error (even without using --trace). So "exit" is what I use.

In general, I think using "exit" instead of return/break is a bad idea since it doesn't just jump out of the current proc/method/etc. -- it exits the entire process and skips any code that the caller method may have intended to be run afterwards (including possibly some cleanup). But for a rake task I guess it's probably not a problem...
"abort", when used in a rescue block, terminates the task as well as prints the whole error (even without using --trace). Boy were you right with this! Couldn't find this anywhere else. I've updated my answer to indicate this as well. Thanks!

I used next approach suggested by Simone Carletti, since when testing rake task, abort, which in fact is just a wrapper for exit, is not the desired behavior.


task auto_invoice: :environment do
  if Application.feature_disabled?(:auto_invoice)
    $stderr.puts 'Feature is disabled, aborting.'