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How do I parse command line arguments in Java?

What is a good way of parsing command line arguments in Java?

I wouldn't recommend using Apache Common CLI library, as it is non-threadsafe. It uses stateful classes with static variables and methods to do internal work (e.g. OptionBuilder) and should only be used in single-threaded strongly controlled situations.
It's good to keep in mind CLI library is not thread-safe. However, I would assume command-line parsing is usually done in a single thread during application startup, and then, depending on parameters, other threads may be started.
See args4j and a detailed example how to use it:
Voted for reopening. @AlikElzin: Indeed, they do need to review their moderating process. I suspect there's a badge for closing so many questions, and that it's luring want-to-be-moderators to be overzealous.
This question is a honeypot for bad/one-line answers and tool recommendations. It should remain closed.


Check these out:

Or roll your own:

For instance, this is how you use commons-cli to parse 2 string arguments:

import org.apache.commons.cli.*;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Options options = new Options();

        Option input = new Option("i", "input", true, "input file path");

        Option output = new Option("o", "output", true, "output file");

        CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        CommandLine cmd = null;//not a good practice, it serves it purpose 

        try {
            cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            formatter.printHelp("utility-name", options);


        String inputFilePath = cmd.getOptionValue("input");
        String outputFilePath = cmd.getOptionValue("output");




usage from command line:

$> java -jar target/my-utility.jar -i asd                                                                                       
Missing required option: o

usage: utility-name
 -i,--input <arg>    input file path
 -o,--output <arg>   output file

Note that unlike many other Apache libraries, Apache CLI has no dependencies.
The one downside to many apache-commons projects is they get fewer and fewer commits and eventually end up obsoleted.
Here's the "Usage Scenarios" page for the Apache CLI project, detailing how to quickly start using it:
@RemkoPopma your picocli library looks just great and thank you for doing it, really. But I consider what you are doing here and in other posts (edit accepted answers and promote your library at the top of it without even disclosing it's an edit not from post's original author and it's your lib) a horrible horrible abuse of your moderation powers. Flagging this to other mods.
@AlexanderMalakhov I want to rectify one thing: anyone can edit (no moderation powers needed) and editing is encouraged to keep posts relevant and up to date (the current answer is 10 years old). That said, good edits should be balanced to avoid being considered spam and must disclose affiliation. Thank you for pointing that out.
Roger Fan

Take a look at the more recent JCommander.

I created it. I’m happy to receive questions or feature requests.

Glad you like JCommander :-) I didn't want to add too much semantic to how the flags are treated, so you just need to add synonyms in the annotations you use: @Parameter(names = { "-h", "--help" }) I thought it's a reasonable compromise.
Great tool. Powerful, flexible, and you don't have to deal with the annoying, traditional option parsers.
Yup, i think i would have wrote my own command line argument parser the exact same way you wrote JCommander. Great work.
@CedricBeust, this is a brilliant library, I thank you very much. Since we can define our own Args classes that can then be passed around without any dependency on a libraries class it makes it extremely flexible.
blows the competition out of the water!

I have been trying to maintain a list of Java CLI parsers.

Airline Active Fork:

Active Fork:








dolphin getopt

DPML CLI (Jakarta Commons CLI2 fork)

Dr. Matthias Laux

Jakarta Commons CLI










jewelcli (written by me)

JOpt simple



Object Mentor CLI article (more about refactoring and TDD)




TE-Code Command

picocli has ANSI colorized usage help and autocomplete

@Ben Flynn hehe, there are some quite surprising and interesting shaped wheels in there. I guess its a mostly harmless way to show that there's many more than one way to do it!
I note the author of JOpt Simple maintains a very similar list! What we need text is to turn these lists into a table, listing features and points of interest, so us poor users can make an informed choice.
I've built Rop -, which features annotation based solution that you declare commands and options via plain classes and fields, pretty much a declarative way to build command line parsers. it can build either Git (single-cmd) or Maven (multi-cmd) like apps.
Most of the projects listed are essentially abandonware. After going through the list I'd say the big hitters, that are actively maintained and popular, seem to commons-cli, jcommander, args4j, jopt-simple and picocli. Apologies to the authors of things like argparse4j and cli-parser - I had to make a somewhat arbitrary ranking, and chose a top five, clearly other projects in the list are popular and still under active development too.
I challenge someone to include the date of the last stable release of each parser.
Remko Popma

It is 2022, time to do better than Commons CLI... :-)

Should you build your own Java command line parser, or use a library?

Many small utility-like applications probably roll their own command line parsing to avoid the additional external dependency. picocli may be an interesting alternative.

Picocli is a modern library and framework for building powerful, user-friendly, GraalVM-enabled command line apps with ease. It lives in 1 source file so apps can include it as source to avoid adding a dependency.

It supports colors, autocompletion, subcommands, and more. Written in Java, usable from Groovy, Kotlin, Scala, etc.


Annotation based: declarative, avoids duplication and expresses programmer intent

Convenient: parse user input and run your business logic with one line of code

Strongly typed everything - command line options as well as positional parameters

POSIX clustered short options ( -xvfInputFile as well as -x -v -f InputFile)

Fine-grained control: an arity model that allows a minimum, maximum and variable number of parameters, e.g, "1..*", "3..5"

Subcommands (can be nested to arbitrary depth)

Feature-rich: composable arg groups, splitting quoted args, repeatable subcommands, and many more

User-friendly: usage help message uses colors to contrast important elements like option names from the rest of the usage help to reduce the cognitive load on the user

Distribute your app as a GraalVM native image

Works with Java 5 and higher

Extensive and meticulous documentation

The usage help message is easy to customize with annotations (without programming). For example:

I couldn't resist adding one more screenshot to show what usage help messages are possible. Usage help is the face of your application, so be creative and have fun!

Disclaimer: I created picocli. Feedback or questions very welcome.

Pure genius! It's a shame this answer is buried at the bottom. Apache Commons CLI is verbose, buggy, and hasn't been updated in a long time. And I don't want to use Google's CLI parser because I don't want targeted advertisements based on my command line argument usage history. But it looks a little more verbose than picocli anyway.
I second @Pete here... I went through the list above which was a complete waste of time with this buried at the bottom. This should be the top answer by a mile. Great job! My requirements couldn't be covered by apache CLI or most of these other parsers. They were challenging even for picocli but it was able to give me the closest thing to the syntax/behavior I wanted and was flexible enough to hack to what I really needed. As a bonus it's great looking thanks to the ANSI stuff.
@ShaiAlmog The top-voted answer is 10 years old and outdated. I agree that recommending Commons CLI in 2019 is misleading IMHO. Please consider rewriting the top answer to make it more up to date.
@RemkoPopma I added pico to the accepted answer. Hopefully it sticks.
this is the correct answer ! you cannot go wrong with this library
Duncan Jones

Someone pointed me to args4j lately which is annotation based. I really like it!

+1 for Args4J! Extremely human-friendly, flexible, and understandable. I think it should be the standard go-to library for building Java CLI apps.
Great that it can handle unordered (sorted by field order) usage print, that JCommander can't, and it's more flexible.
@DanielHári Just for information, this functionnality was added in JCommander (sometime along late february 2017).
Suggestion: You might want to add an example to your answer, which would be more helpful than just an external link.

I've used JOpt and found it quite handy:

The front page also provides a list of about 8 alternative libraries, check them out and pick the one that most suits your needs.

Ioannis Koumarelas

I know most people here are going to find 10 million reasons why they dislike my way, but nevermind. I like to keep things simple, so I just separate the key from the value using a '=' and store them in a HashMap like this:

Map<String, String> argsMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String arg: args) {
    String[] parts = arg.split("=");
    argsMap.put(parts[0], parts[1]);

You could always maintain a list with the arguments you are expecting, to help the user in case he forgot an argument or used a wrong one... However, if you want too many features this solution is not for you anyway.

Peter Mortensen

This is Google's command line parsing library open-sourced as part of the Bazel project. Personally I think it's the best one out there, and far easier than Apache CLI.



    name = "com_github_pcj_google_options",
    artifact = "com.github.pcj:google-options:jar:1.0.0",
    sha1 = "85d54fe6771e5ff0d54827b0a3315c3e12fdd0c7",


dependencies {
  compile 'com.github.pcj:google-options:1.0.0'




Create a class that extends OptionsBase and defines your @Option(s).

package example;


import java.util.List;

 * Command-line options definition for example server.
public class ServerOptions extends OptionsBase {

      name = "help",
      abbrev = 'h',
      help = "Prints usage info.",
      defaultValue = "true"
  public boolean help;

      name = "host",
      abbrev = 'o',
      help = "The server host.",
      category = "startup",
      defaultValue = ""
  public String host;

    name = "port",
    abbrev = 'p',
    help = "The server port.",
    category = "startup",
    defaultValue = "8080"
    public int port;

    name = "dir",
    abbrev = 'd',
    help = "Name of directory to serve static files.",
    category = "startup",
    allowMultiple = true,
    defaultValue = ""
    public List<String> dirs;


Parse the arguments and use them.

package example;

import java.util.Collections;

public class Server {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    OptionsParser parser = OptionsParser.newOptionsParser(ServerOptions.class);
    ServerOptions options = parser.getOptions(ServerOptions.class);
    if ( || options.port < 0 || options.dirs.isEmpty()) {

    System.out.format("Starting server at %s:%d...\n",, options.port);
    for (String dirname : options.dirs) {
      System.out.format("\\--> Serving static files at <%s>\n", dirname);

  private static void printUsage(OptionsParser parser) {
    System.out.println("Usage: java -jar server.jar OPTIONS");
    System.out.println(parser.describeOptions(Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(),


Hi Paul. When I read your answer or your project documentation I do not have any idea what kind of command line it can handle. For instance, you may provide something like myexecutable -c file.json -d 42 --outdir ./out. And I do not see how you define short/long/description options... Cheers
Marc Novakowski

Take a look at the Commons CLI project, lots of good stuff in there.



I think you're looking for something like this:

The Apache Commons CLI library provides an API for processing command line interfaces.

Stefan Haberl

If you are already using Spring Boot, argument parsing comes out of the box.

If you want to run something after startup, implement the ApplicationRunner interface:

public class Application implements ApplicationRunner {

  public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

  public void run(ApplicationArguments args) {
    args.containsOption("my-flag-option"); // test if --my-flag-option was set
    args.getOptionValues("my-option");     // returns values of --my-option=value1 --my-option=value2 
    args.getOptionNames();                 // returns a list of all available options
    // do something with your args

Your run method will be invoked after the context has started up successfully.

If you need access to the arguments before you fire up your application context, you can just simply parse the application arguments manually:

public class Application implements ApplicationRunner {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ApplicationArguments arguments = new DefaultApplicationArguments(args);
    // do whatever you like with your arguments
    // see above ..., args);


And finally, if you need access to your arguments in a bean, just inject the ApplicationArguments:

public class MyBean {

   private ApplicationArguments arguments;

   // ...

This is awesome :).
Remko Popma

Maybe these

JArgs command line option parsing suite for Java - this tiny project provides a convenient, compact, pre-packaged and comprehensively documented suite of command line option parsers for the use of Java programmers. Initially, parsing compatible with GNU-style 'getopt' is provided.

ritopt, The Ultimate Options Parser for Java - Although, several command line option standards have been preposed, ritopt follows the conventions prescribed in the opt package.

Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

I wrote another one:

Argparse4j is a command line argument parser library for Java, based on Python's argparse.

Welcome to Stack Overflow! Thanks for posting your answer! Please be sure to read the FAQ on Self-Promotion carefully.
Peter Mortensen

If you are familiar with gnu getopt, there is a Java port at:

There appears to be a some classes that do this:

Peter Mortensen

airline @ Github looks good. It is based on annotation and is trying to emulate Git command line structures.

Peter Mortensen

Argparse4j is best I have found. It mimics Python's argparse libary which is very convenient and powerful.

Salvatore Giampà

I want to show you my implementation: ReadyCLI


for lazy programmers: a very small number of classes to learn, just see the two small examples on the README in the repository and you are already at 90% of learning; just start coding your CLI/Parser without any other knowledge; ReadyCLI allows coding CLIs in the most natural way;

it is designed with Developer Experience in mind; it largely uses the Builder design pattern and functional interfaces for Lambda Expressions, to allow a very quick coding;

it supports Options, Flags and Sub-Commands;

it allows to parse arguments from command-line and to build more complex and interactive CLIs;

a CLI can be started on Standard I/O just as easily as on any other I/O interface, such as sockets;

it gives great support for documentation of commands.

I developed this project as I needed new features (options, flag, sub-commands) and that could be used in the simplest possible way in my projects.

Himanshu Shekhar

If you want something lightweight (jar size ~ 20 kb) and simple to use, you can try argument-parser. It can be used in most of the use cases, supports specifying arrays in the argument and has no dependency on any other library. It works for Java 1.5 or above. Below excerpt shows an example on how to use it:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String usage = "--day|-d day --mon|-m month [--year|-y year][--dir|-ds directoriesToSearch]";
    ArgumentParser argParser = new ArgumentParser(usage, InputData.class);
    InputData inputData = (InputData) argParser.parse(args);

    new StatsGenerator().generateStats(inputData);

More examples can be found here

Link is dead. Did you kill off you project? :-(

As one of the comments mentioned earlier ( would be a good choice to start with.

One thing I want to add-on is:

1) If you run into some parser reflection error, please try use a newer version of the guava. in my case:

    name = "com_google_guava_guava",
    artifact = "",
    server = "maven2_server",

    name = "com_github_pcj_google_options",
    artifact = "com.github.pcj:google-options:jar:1.0.0",
    server = "maven2_server",

    name = "maven2_server",
    url = "",

2) When running the commandline:

bazel run path/to/your:project -- --var1 something --var2 something -v something

3) When you need the usage help, just type:

bazel run path/to/your:project -- --help

Pierluigi Vernetto

For Spring users, we should mention also and his twin brother (JOpt implementation of the same functionality). The advantage in Spring is that you can directly bind the command line arguments to attributes, there is an example here