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Maven plugins can not be found in IntelliJ

After updating IntelliJ from version 12 to 13, the following Maven-related plugins cannot be resolved:


When using IntelliJ 12, these were not in the plugins list. Somehow they've been added after the update and now IntelliJ complains they cannot be found. Where can I remove these plugins from the list OR resolve the problem by installing them?

I can run maven goals clean and compile without problem, but the profile/plugins appear red with warnings in the IDE.

EDIT after 8 years: Please also have a look at all other good answers here. The accepted answer is a common solution but might not work for you or for your IDE version

Press Ctrl + Alt + S.Go to plugins. Is "Maven integration" checked?
@memainjm yes it is checked
Uncheck the "Work offline" checkbox in Maven settings.
why not accept the first answer? IT seems to work

Dave Jarvis

For newer versions of IntelliJ, enable the use plugin registry option within the Maven settings as follows:

Click File 🡒 Settings. Expand Build, Execution, Deployment 🡒 Build Tools 🡒 Maven. Check Use plugin registry. Click OK or Apply.

For IntelliJ 14.0.1, open the preferences---not settings---to find the plugin registry option:

Click File 🡒 Preferences.

Regardless of version, also invalidate the caches:

Click File 🡒 Invalidate Caches / Restart. Click Invalidate and Restart.

When IntelliJ starts again the problem should be vanquished.

For Mac users, you can find it under Preferences. (Click on IntelliJ IDEA on the menu bar-> Preferences) or (Command⌘+,) ->(Same as above)Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven.
using Invalidate and Restart, works for me. Am using IntellIj 2020.03.
Does anyone know why this isn't a default in Intellij? This should be enabled by default.
Not solving the issue
did not solve the issue for me in 2022.1

Run a Force re-import from the maven tool window. If that does not work, Invalidate your caches (File > Invalidate caches) and restart. Wait for IDEA to re-index the project.

For my colleague, force re-import worked when plugins had not been shown in the right maven panel.
it worked for me. It seems it was using an outdated settings.xml
How do you do a force reimport in IntelliJ?
@a-p From the Maven tool window, click the "Reload all Maven Projects" button (it's the left most button and looks like two arrows in a circle, much like most refresh icons.) It use to be labeled "Re-import..." rather than "Reload...", hence why in my above answer I said "re-import". They changed the nomenclature used a few years ago.

I had this problem for years with the maven-deploy plugin, and the error showed up even though I was not directly including the plugin in my POM. As a work-around I had to force include the plugin with a version into my POMs plugin section just to remove the red-squiggly.

After trying every solution on Stack Overflow, I found the problem: Looking into my .m2/repository/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-deploy-plugin directory there was a version 'X.Y' along with '2.8.2' et al. So I deleted the entire maven-deploy-plugin directory, and then re-imported my Maven project.

So it seems the issue is an IntelliJ bug in parsing the repository. I would not not remove the entire repository though, just the plugins that report an error.

Nice. I had a few of these due to IntelliJ battling my company's proxy server. Finally blew them out. Thanks!
"update maven indices" (under ctrl + enter) after that
I didn't have the issue of the local repository being corrupted. But adding the version did it.
Where is that directory?
Found it (Windows 10): "C:\Users\your_user\.m2\repository\org\apache\maven\plugins\maven-site-plugin\". I had only 1 file inside another directory there. I removed folder, IntelliJ redownloaded it, but then there were couple files, including .jar. Before that I had 2 to 5 errors in IntelliJ, after that I have only 1. The same as before with that folder.
Logan Farci

None of the other answers worked for me. The solution that worked for me was to download the missing artifact manually via cmd:

mvn dependency:get -DrepoUrl= -Dartifact=ro.isdc.wro4j:wro4j-maven-plugin:1.8.0

After this change need to let know the Idea about new available artifacts. This can be done in "Settings > Maven > Repositories", select there your "Local" and simply click "Update".

Edit: the -DrepoUrl seems to be deprecated. -DremoteRepositories should be used instead. Source: Apache Maven Dependency Plugin – dependency:get.

So even after I deleted \.m2\repository\, I was finding that my \.m2\repository\com\whatever\thing\my-plugin\1.2.3 was only "partially' being populated. I deleted the 1.2.3 directory and did what you say here, and then it looked correct populated. I think this is the "nail" solution vs the hammer solution of deleting \.m2\repository thanks.
I tried everything else in this thread, only this one resolved the issue in my case.
I think that this should be the right answer, probably it's the main cause when plugins are not found. Apparently plugin dependencies are not downloaded until the associated profile is enabled (I looked into the maven repository and plugins marked in red where missing). I would try this before to delete the whole m2 repository (it can take some time to re-download).
I tried many solutions and this was the only one that worked for me. Thanks!
This one worked for me loading a project that was built using an older version of IntelliJ. Thanks a bunch!

The red with warnings maven-site-plugin resolved after the build site Lifecycle:

My IntelliJ version is Community 2017.2.4

This downloaded all my missing maven plugins. Thanks for the tip.
Same for the clean, compile, install, but NOT deploy lifecycles, for which I get the following error Deployment failed: repository element was not specified in the POM inside distributionManagement element or in -DaltDeploymentRepository=id::layout::url parameter
Thank you! It worked for Community 2021.3.2
Randhir Ray


This is how I fixed the issue...

Tried one of the answers which include 'could solve it by enabling "use plugin registry" '. Did enable that but no luck. Tried again one of the answers in the thread which says 'If that does not work, Invalidate your caches (File > Invalidate caches) and restart.' Did that but again no luck. Tried These options .. Go to Settings --> Maven --> Importing and made sure the following was selected Import Maven projects automatically Create IDEA modules for aggregator projects Keep source... Exclude build dir... Use Maven output... Generated souces folders: "detect automatically" Phase to be...: "process-resources" Automatically download: "sources" & "documentation" Use Maven3 to import project VM options for importer: -Xmx512m But again no success. Now lets say I had 10 such plugins which didn't get resolve and among them the first was 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin' I went to '.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/plugins/' and deleted the directory 'maven-site-plugin' and did a maven reimport again. Guess what, particular missing plugin got dowloaded. And I just followed similar steps for other missing plugins and all got resolved.

And on Windows 10 that directory is here: "C:\Users\your_user\.m2\repository\org\apache\maven\plugins\maven-site-plugin\". I had only 1 file inside another directory there. I removed folder, IntelliJ redownloaded it, but then there were couple files, including .jar. Before that I had 2 to 5 errors in IntelliJ, after that I have only 1. The same as before with that folder.
4th one is an effective solution.. I think deleting repo finally works in any maven conflict case :)
In short, delete the folder for the offending dependency from inside repository (.m2/repository/path/to/offending/dependency)
Deleting folders of missing plugins is the only solution that worked for me.

I had the same issue. I added the plugins into my pom.xml dependencies and it works for me.




It's worth mentioning that I tried all the 'above' answers before finally caving and adding the declaration directly in my projects pom.xml This is a less-than-optimal solution because we have to add the maven plugins to each new project. Edit: I took this one step further and now REMOVED the declaration. Now the inspection error is gone...
Helped me. I added the repository once, removed it and then it works well.

I tried the other answers, but none of them solved this problem for me.

The problem disappeared when I explicitly added the groupId like this:


Once the color of the version number changed from red to black and the problem disappeared from the Problems tab the groupId can be removed again from the problematic plugin, the error does not show up again and the version number even shows up as suggestion for version.

This is exactly what worked for me. What remains unexplained, however, is what is the cause of this bizarre behaviour, especially considering that org.apache.maven.plugins is the default value of groupId?
@Marchyello the most likely reason is the bug in IntelliJ maven plugin. It just expects that each plugin has a groupId, when it is completly fine to omit one for maven own plugins.
Björn Jacobs

I had the same error and was able to get rid of it by deleting my old Maven settings file. Then I updated the Maven plugins manually using the mvn command:

mv ~/.m2/settings.xml ~/.m2/settings.xml.old
mvn -up

Finally I ran the "Reimport All Maven Projects" button in the Maven Project tab in IntelliJ. The errors vanished in my case.


I am using IntelliJ Ultimate 2018.2.6 and found out, that the feature Reimport All Maven Project does not use the JDK, which is set in the Settings: Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Maven | Runner. Instead it uses it's own JRE in IntelliJ_HOME/jre64/ by default. You can configure the JDK for the Importer in Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Maven | Importing.

In my specific problem, an SSL certificate was missing in the JREs keystore. Unfortunately IDEA only logs this issue in it's own logfile. A little red box to inform about the RuntimeException had been really nice...

Thanks for the tip! Did the above, then deleted the problematic plugin directories, then Reimport and voila!
This worked for me. I also did the comment given by @Vlad. Upvoted both answer and comment. Intellij Version 2019.2 installed after formatting the machine.
Thanks a lot. This worked for me after struggling for 1 day.
To update the cacerts file did it for me (using an own nexus with own SSL certificate). The cacerts file has a default password of "changeit".…. You import the own crt file with: keytool.exe -import -alias mynexus -keystore <path to file>\cacerts -file <path to file>\dataic.crt
Brandon Oakley

This did the trick for me...delete all folders and files under 'C:\Users[Windows User Account].m2\repository'.

Finally ran 'Reimport All Maven Projects' in the Maven Project tab in IntelliJ.


Remove your local Maven unknown plugin and reimport all maven projects. This will fix this issue.

You can find it under View > Tool Windows > Maven :


For me it was as simple as giving the plugin a version:


The full plugin code sample is given below:


Before the version you must force to download the correct version. Then it perfectly run.
Denham Coote

I was recently faced with the same issue. None of the other solutions resolved the red error lines.

What I did was run the actual targets in question (deploy, site). I could see those dependencies then being fetched.

After that, a reimport did the trick.

Seems like intellij didnt auto download these plugins without actually runing the maven goal. Kind of makes sense:-) Worked for me even if the actual site and deploy goals did fail :-)

None of the other solutions worked for me.

My solution:

Maven Settings -> Repositories -> select Local Repository in the list, Update

Worked like a charm!

In my case, I had to update the cloud maven repository index as well in the same page. On my mac the navigation was: Preferences > Maven > Repositories > select required Repository > click on Update > Apply.

I could solve this problem by changing "Maven home directory" from "Bundled (Maven 3) to "/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.2.5/libexec" in the maven settings of IntelliJ (14.1.2).


Uncheck the "Work offline" checkbox in Maven settings.


Here is what I tried to fix the issue and it worked:

Manually deleted the existing plugin from the .m2 repo Enabled "use plugin registry" in IntelliJ Invalidated the cache and restarted IntelliJ Reimported the maven project in IntelliJ

After following above steps, the issue was fixed. Hopefully this helps you as well.

Nipuna Saranga

For me which worked is putting the repository which contained the plugin under pluginRepository tags. Example,



Enabling "use plugin registry" and Restart project after invalidate cash solved my problem

to Enabling "use plugin registry" >>> (intelij) File > Setting > Maven > enable the option from the option list of maven

To invalidate cash >>> file > invalidate cash

That's it...

Worked for me. Thanks. Could you please explain what it actually does?
@NIKHILCHAURASIA The Maven Clean Plugin, attempts to clean the files and directories generated by Maven during its build. While there are plugins that generate additional files, the Clean Plugin assumes that these files are generated inside the target directory. When considering about maven-deploy-plugin deploying means not only copying the artifacts but making sure all this information is correctly updated. But if these files override with cashed files, it may course errors
@NIKHILCHAURASIA When executing Maven, it'll first look in this local cache for artifacts. If the artifact cannot be found here, Maven will access the remote repositories to find the artifact. Once found it will be stored into the local repository, so it's available for current and future usage.
mohit jain

This worked for me

Go to Settings --> Maven --> Importing --> JDK for importer --> use "Use Project JDK" option instead of a custom JDK set previously. Re-build/re-import all the dependencies.

Gauthier Peel

If an artefact is not resolvable. Go in the directory of your .m2/repository and check that you DON'T have that kind of file :


If you don't have any artefact in the folder, just delete it, and try again to re-import in IntelliJ.

the content of those files is like :

#NOTE: This is an Another internal implementation file, its format can be changed without prior notice.
#Fri Mar 10 10:36:12 CET 2017
https\:// not transfer artifact org.codehaus.mojo\:build-helper-maven-plugin\:pom\:1.10 from/to central (https\://\: connect timed out

Without the *.lastUpdated file, IntelliJ (or Eclipse by the way) is enabled to reload what is missing.

Thx! this finally did the trick for me so you guys could try to cd ~/.m2/repository && find . -type f -name '*lastUpdated' | xargs rm
Only this one helped me. Thx!
Abhishek Gupta

This worked for me:

Close IDEA

Delete "*.iml" and ".idea" -directories(present in the root folder of project)

Run "mvn clean install" from the command-line

Re-import your project into IDEA

After re-importing the entire project, installation of dependencies will start which will take some minutes to complete depending upon your internet connection.

Dmitriy Popov

My case:

maven-javadoc-plugin with version 3.2.0 is displayed red in IntelliJ.

Plugin is present in my local maven repo.

Re-imported maven million times.

Ran mvn clean install from the command line N times.

All my maven settings in IntelliJ are correct.

Tried to switch between Bundled and non-bundled Maven.

Tried do delete the whole maven repo and to delete only the plugin from it.

Nothing of the above worked.

The only thing that almost always helps with modern IntelliJ IDEA versions is "Invalidate caches / Restart". It helped this time as well. maven-javadoc-plugin is not red anymore, and I can click on it and to to the source pom file of the plugin.

Roman Egorov

Recently I faced the same issue. All tips doesn't work in my cause.

But I fix it.

Go to Intellij idea setting, find Maven, and in it you need to open Repository tab and update maven and local repos. That's all.


If you have red squiggles underneath the project in the Maven plugin, try clicking the "Reimport All Maven Projects" button (looks like a refresh symbol).

Antonio Petricca

I use the community edition packaged as snap on Ubuntu 18.04.

I experience that issue each time there a IntelliJ release.

In that scenario, my working solution is to invoke the invalidate cache and restart from the file menù flagging the indexes removal too.

Noor Hossain


No Delete, No Reimport.

What I did is, I was going to :


Then double Click on every Plugin Folders, And see what version it is downloaded.

Then I came back to pom file, and according to downloaded version, I carefully changes those versions in <version>....</version> Tags. Then refresh.

And That way, All red marks are gone, Even gone those Yellow Marks.

All Clean. Alhamdulillah.

Here is my full pom file for further notice. The Project is JavaFx+Maven with Shade :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""



                                <transformer implementation=


But why does it happen? What's the reason, shouldn't the plugins only be downloaded in the respected versions?
Generally people don't provide version and may be defaulted version is not the one that is existing. Another reason is wrong plugin version mentioned in the pom so that will not be found either. The key @Noor Hossain has mentioned is provide the right version and it should work.

Goto IntelliJ -> Preferences -> Plugin

Search for maven, you will see 1. Maven Integration 2. Maven Integration Extension.

Select the Maven Integration option and restart your Intellij

Nassim Hassaine

You can add them as dependencies:


Intellij will resolve them. After successfull import dependencies, you can clean them.