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How to sum up elements of a C++ vector?

What are the good ways of finding the sum of all the elements in a std::vector?

Suppose I have a vector std::vector<int> vector with a few elements in it. Now I want to find the sum of all the elements. What are the different ways for the same?

"How many"? Really? That seems an overly vague question. :p Might be more useful to ask for a good way to do it.
What do you mean when you say "function similar to?" Are you looking for a replacement for std::accumulate in Boost? (If so, why?) Are you looking for functions that do something similar to std::accumulate? (If so, what?)
If you want something similar to std::accumulate, presumably you also want it to be different in some respect (otherwise you could just use std::accumulate); what difference(s) from std::accumulate are you looking for?

18 revs, 7 users 64%

Actually there are quite a few methods.

int sum_of_elems = 0;


Classic for loop: for(std::vector::iterator it = vector.begin(); it != vector.end(); ++it) sum_of_elems += *it; Using a standard algorithm: #include sum_of_elems = std::accumulate(vector.begin(), vector.end(), 0); Important Note: The last argument's type is used not just for the initial value, but for the type of the result as well. If you put an int there, it will accumulate ints even if the vector has float. If you are summing floating-point numbers, change 0 to 0.0 or 0.0f (thanks to nneonneo). See also the C++11 solution below.

C++11 and higher

b. Automatically keeping track of the vector type even in case of future changes: #include sum_of_elems = std::accumulate(vector.begin(), vector.end(), decltype(vector)::value_type(0)); Using std::for_each: std::for_each(vector.begin(), vector.end(), [&] (int n) { sum_of_elems += n; }); Using a range-based for loop (thanks to Roger Pate): for (auto& n : vector) sum_of_elems += n;

Of course in C++03 you can use std::for_each with a functor, it just takes more lines of code to define than the C++0x lambda.
Why do your lambda examples use for_each? accumulate would be more concise (even if it doesn't need the lambda)
@jalf: your point is correct, I should have used accumulate inside for_each but isn't this example useful(for learning purpose) as it shows that we can also have nested lambdas :-)
Be careful with accumulate. The last argument's type is used not just for the initial value, but for the type of the result. If you put an int there, it will accumulate ints even if the vector has float. The result can be subtly wrong, and the compiler will cast the result back up to a float without telling you.
Why would you use for_each if you have accumulate?

The easiest way is to use std:accumulate of a vector<int> A:

#include <numeric>
cout << accumulate(A.begin(), A.end(), 0);


Prasoon has already offered up a host of different (and good) ways to do this, none of which need repeating here. I'd like to suggest an alternative approach for speed however.

If you're going to be doing this quite a bit, you may want to consider "sub-classing" your vector so that a sum of elements is maintained separately (not actually sub-classing vector which is iffy due to the lack of a virtual destructor - I'm talking more of a class that contains the sum and a vector within it, has-a rather than is-a, and provides the vector-like methods).

For an empty vector, the sum is set to zero. On every insertion to the vector, add the element being inserted to the sum. On every deletion, subtract it. Basically, anything that can change the underlying vector is intercepted to ensure the sum is kept consistent.

That way, you have a very efficient O(1) method for "calculating" the sum at any point in time (just return the sum currently calculated). Insertion and deletion will take slightly longer as you adjust the total and you should take this performance hit into consideration.

Vectors where the sum is needed more often than the vector is changed are the ones likely to benefit from this scheme, since the cost of calculating the sum is amortised over all accesses. Obviously, if you only need the sum every hour and the vector is changing three thousand times a second, it won't be suitable.

Something like this would suffice:

class UberVector:
    private Vector<int> vec
    private int sum

    public UberVector():
        vec = new Vector<int>()
        sum = 0

    public getSum():
        return sum

    public add (int val):
        rc = vec.add (val)
        if rc == OK:
            sum = sum + val
        return rc

    public delindex (int idx):
        val = 0
        if idx >= 0 and idx < vec.size:
            val = vec[idx]
        rc =  vec.delindex (idx)
        if rc == OK:
            sum = sum - val
        return rc

Obviously, that's pseudo-code and you may want to have a little more functionality, but it shows the basic concept.

interesting, but be careful as std::vector isn't meant for subclassing.
Sorry, I should have been clearer - you could create your own class with the same methods as vector which maintained a has-a vector within it, rather than being a proper subclass (is-a).
This is problematic unless you disable the accessors into the data, including but not limited to operator[](int), non-const iterators...
@paxdiablo I believe David means if the data stored in the vector is manipulated through the use of operator[] or indirecting through a non-const iterator. The value at the manipulated position will now be different which will make the sum incorrect. There's no way to assure the sum is correct if client code is ever able to hold a mutable reference to any element within the "subclassed" vector.
This approach causes performance penalty for basic vector operations.
3 revs, 2 users 94%

Why perform the summation forwards when you can do it backwards? Given:

std::vector<int> v;     // vector to be summed
int sum_of_elements(0); // result of the summation

We can use subscripting, counting backwards:

for (int i(v.size()); i > 0; --i)
    sum_of_elements += v[i-1];

We can use range-checked "subscripting," counting backwards (just in case):

for (int i(v.size()); i > 0; --i)
    sum_of_elements +=;

We can use reverse iterators in a for loop:

for(std::vector<int>::const_reverse_iterator i(v.rbegin()); i != v.rend(); ++i)
    sum_of_elements += *i;

We can use forward iterators, iterating backwards, in a for loop (oooh, tricky!):

for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator i(v.end()); i != v.begin(); --i)
    sum_of_elements += *(i - 1);

We can use accumulate with reverse iterators:

sum_of_elems = std::accumulate(v.rbegin(), v.rend(), 0);

We can use for_each with a lambda expression using reverse iterators:

std::for_each(v.rbegin(), v.rend(), [&](int n) { sum_of_elements += n; });

So, as you can see, there are just as many ways to sum the vector backwards as there are to sum the vector forwards, and some of these are much more exciting and offer far greater opportunity for off-by-one errors.

And why not also cycle through the vector by adding a prime number with the modulus operator for wraparound? :-)
@paxdiablo You only really need to be relatively prime to v.size().
-1: vector::size() returns an unsigned value, making expressions like (v.size() - 1) generate warnings, or a minefield in worst cases.
Why does this answer exist? Is there an advantage to summing backwards, or are you just trolling?
@Lynn: If the end of the vector is hot in cache (from a previous loop that went forwards), then yes, looping backwards can be measurably faster on current Intel x86 CPUs. Also, counting a loop-counter down to zero can save the compiler an instruction in the asm, which can be significant if it doesn't unroll the loop. Prefetching sometimes works slightly better when looping forwards, though, so in general it's not better to always loop backwards.
int sum = boost::accumulate(vector, 0);

Thanks for the answer. BTW what is the difference between std::accumulate and boost::accumulate in time complexity?
The time complexity is the same for std's and boost's accumulate -- linear. In this case, boost::accumulate is just easier to type than sending in the begin and end manually. There's no real difference.
boost::accumulate is just a wrapper around std::accumulate.
The non-boost way is not much harder: #include <numeric> and std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), (int64_t)0);. Notice that the type of the initial accumulator value is used as the accumulator type, so if you want to sum 8-bit elements into a 64-bit result, that's how you do it.

One can also use std::valarray<T> like this


int main()
    std::vector<int> seq{ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 };
    std::valarray<int> seq_add{, seq.size() };
    std::cout << "sum = " << seq_add.sum() << "\n";

    return 0;

Some may not find this way efficient since the size of valarray needs to be as big as the size of the vector and initializing valarray will also take time.

In that case, don't use it and take it as yet another way of summing up the sequence.

In 2022, this should be the accepted answer

C++0x only:

vector<int> v; // and fill with data
int sum {}; // or = 0 ... :)
for (int n : v) sum += n;

This is similar to the BOOST_FOREACH mentioned elsewhere and has the same benefit of clarity in more complex situations, compared to stateful functors used with accumulate or for_each.

If you change for (int n : v) sum += n; into for (auto n : v) sum += n; it will work with any vector template. I known OP referes to vector<int>, but this way is slightly more general :-)

I'm a Perl user, an a game we have is to find every different ways to increment a variable... that's not really different here. The answer to how many ways to find the sum of the elements of a vector in C++ is probably an infinity...

My 2 cents:

Using BOOST_FOREACH, to get free of the ugly iterator syntax:

sum = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(int & x, myvector){
  sum += x;

iterating on indices (really easy to read).

int i, sum = 0;
for (i=0; i<myvector.size(); i++){
  sum += myvector[i];

This other one is destructive, accessing vector like a stack:

while (!myvector.empty()){

Why do you say iterating on indices is inefficient? What's your basis for saying that?
@bobobobo: well, inefficient is probably excessive. You have both to compute effective data position from vector and increment counter but one of these two operations should be enough, but cost of dereferencing iterators may even be worse. Hence I will remove the word.
An optimizing compiler can optimize away the index variable and just use a pointer increment if it wants to. (It can make the loop-exit condition be a pointer-comparison against start + length). Actual iterators should also optimize away entirely. Remember, it's not perl; it's fully compiled to asm, not interpreted.
hey dude
    using namespace std;
    int main() {
       vector<int> v = {2,7,6,10};
       cout<<"Sum of all the elements are:"<<endl;

I think this is the simplest i can think of
Pavan Chandaka

Using inclusive_scan (C++17 and above):

The advantage is you can get sums of first "N" elements in a vector. Below is the code. Explanation in comments.

To use inclusive_scan , need to include "numeric" header.

    std::vector<int> data{ 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6 };

    //FIRST ELEMENT - 3 
    //SECOND ELEMENT - 3 + 1 
    //THIRD ELEMENT - 3 + 1 + 4 
    //FOURTH ELEMENT - 3 + 1 + 4 + 1
    // ..
    // ..
    //LAST ELEMENT - 3 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 9 + 2 + 6
    std::vector<int> sums(data.size());

    inclusive_scan(data.begin(), data.end(),

    std::cout << "Sum of first 5 elements :: " << sums[4] << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Sum of all elements :: " << sums[data.size() - 1] << std::endl;

Also there is an overload where the execution policy can be specified. Sequential execution or Parallel execution. Need to include "execution" header.

    inclusive_scan(std::execution::par,data.begin(), data.end(),

Using reduce :

One more option which I did not notice in the answers is using std::reduce which is introduced in c++17.

But you may notice many compilers not supporting it (Above GCC 10 may be good). But eventually the support will come.

With std::reduce, the advantage comes when using the execution policies. Specifying execution policy is optional. When the execution policy specified is std::execution::par, the algorithm may use hardware parallel processing capabilities. The gain may be more clear when using big size vectors.


std::vector<int> vec = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18};
int sum = std::reduce(vec.begin(),vec.end());
int sum2 = std::reduce(std::execution::par,vec.begin(),vec.end());
std::cout << "Without execution policy  " << sum << std::endl;
std::cout << "With execution policy  " << sum2 << std::endl;

You need <numeric> header for std::reduce. And '<execution>' for execution policies.

Dhruv Kakadiya

std::accumulate could have overflow issues so the best approach could be to do range based accumulation on bigger data type variable to avoid overflow issues.

long long sum = 0;
for (const auto &n : vector)
  sum += n;

And then downcast to appropriate data type further using static_cast<>.


Nobody seems to address the case of summing elements of a vector that can have NaN values in it, e.g. numerical_limits<double>::quite_NaN()

I usually loop through the elements and bluntly check.

vector<double> x;


size_t n = x.size();

double sum = 0;

for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++){

  sum += (x[i] == x[i] ? x[i] : 0);


It's not fancy at all, i.e. no iterators or any other tricks but I this is how I do it. Some times if there are other things to do inside the loop and I want the code to be more readable I write

double val = x[i];

sum += (val == val ? val : 0);


inside the loop and re-use val if needed.


It is easy. C++11 provides an easy way to sum up elements of a vector.

sum = 0; 
vector<int> vec = {1,2,3,4,5,....}
for(auto i:vec) 
cout<<" The sum is :: "<<sum<<endl;