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Set selected item of spinner programmatically

I am working on an android project and I am using a spinner which uses an array adapter which is populated from the database.

I can't find out how I can set the selected item programmatically from the list. For example if, in the spinner I have the following items:

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

How would I programmatically make Category 2 the selected item when the screen is created. I was thinking it might be similar to c# I.E Spinner.SelectedText = "Category 2" but there doesn't seem to be any method similar to this for Android.

Please follow this link : [How to set selection on spinner item][1] [1]:…
You can pass your index into spinner.setSelection(). That would work just fine. You can also create a method that can help you match your indexes to their actual strings.

Arun George

Use the following: spinnerObject.setSelection(INDEX_OF_CATEGORY2).

Thanks, this worked great, while I was doing this I also found a way of getting the index without needing to loop through the adapter. I used the following mySpinner.setSelection(arrayAdapter.getPosition("Category 2"));
in case you dont have the adapter to reference. mySpinner.setSelection(((ArrayAdapter)mySpinner.getAdapter()).getPosition("Value"));
sexSpinner.setSelection(adapter.getPosition(mUser.getGender()) == -1 ? 0 : adapter.getPosition(mUser.getGender()));
calling SetSelection() just after setAdapter() seem to display the 1st item always (Android 2.3), even the good one is selected in the dropView. adding (@Marco Hernaiz Cao answer) fix it for me.
This doesn't work if the Spinner has an onItemSelectedListener(). The Listener won't be called.
ישו אוהב אותך

No one of these answers gave me the solution, only worked with this: Runnable() {
    public void run() {

I call SetSelection() just after setAdapter(). This display the 1st item always (Android 2.3), even the good one is selected in the dropView. Your solution did it for me.
Thanks, that worked! btw works for performItemClick() as well
How can I select the last one based on the size?
John Slegers
public static void selectSpinnerItemByValue(Spinner spnr, long value) {
    SimpleCursorAdapter adapter = (SimpleCursorAdapter) spnr.getAdapter();
    for (int position = 0; position < adapter.getCount(); position++) {
        if(adapter.getItemId(position) == value) {

You can use the above like:

selectSpinnerItemByValue(spinnerObject, desiredValue);

& of course you can also select by index directly like


An error with this code is that @Boardy want the selection of Category 2 which I suppose is a String (assuming he tried using Spinner.SelectedText = "Category 2") but the above code is for a long.
He is populating the categories from the database there must be an ID for each category.
Why assume it is a CursorAdapter? SpinnerAdapter works just as well.
I think you have a mistake here, it should be adapter.getItem(position), not adapter.getItemId(position).

Some explanation (at least for Fragments - never tried with pure Activity). Hope it helps someone to understand Android better.

Most popular answer by Arun George is correct but don't work in some cases.
The answer by Marco HC uses Runnable wich is a last resort due to additional CPU load.

The answer is - you should simply choose correct place to call to setSelection(), for example it works for me:

public void onResume() {


But it won't work in onCreateView(). I suspect that is the reason for the interest to this topic.

The secret is that with Android you can't do anything you want in any method - oops:( - components may just not be ready. As another example - you can't scroll ScrollView neither in onCreateView() nor in onResume() (see the answer here)

Thanks - I didn't know Fragments had onResume method.
I will I could give a +18 so that your answer would be above @Marco HC's. You are the only one trying to do things the way it is meant to be done
John Slegers

To find a value and select it:

private void selectValue(Spinner spinner, Object value) {
    for (int i = 0; i < spinner.getCount(); i++) {
        if (spinner.getItemAtPosition(i).equals(value)) {

David Bohunek

Why don't you use your values from the DB and store them on an ArrayList and then just use:

yourSpinner.setSelection(yourArrayList.indexOf("Category 1"));

The various solutions using the DataAdapter didn't work for me, but using the ArrayList that the values were built from in this sample did the trick.
Vadim Kotov

The optimal solution is:

    public String[] items= new String[]{"item1","item2","item3"};
    // here you can use array or list 
    ArrayAdapter adapter= new ArrayAdapter(Your_Context, R.layout.support_simple_spinner_dropdown_item, items);
    final Spinner itemsSpinner= (Spinner) findViewById(;

To get the position of the item automatically add the following statement


Cannot resolve method 'getPosition' in 'Spinner'
For getPosition() use adpater like spinnerAdapter.getPosition(). It will resolve your problem. @PedroJoaquín
John Slegers

You can make a generic method for this kind of work as I do in my UtilityClass which is

public void SetSpinnerSelection(Spinner spinner,String[] array,String text) {
    for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++) {
        if(array[i].equals(text)) {

Vadim Kotov

You can easily set like this: spinner.setSelection(1), instead of 1, you can set any position of list you would like to show.


I have a SimpleCursorAdapter so I have to duplicate the data for use the respose in this post. So, I recommend you try this way:

for (int i = 0; i < spinnerRegion.getAdapter().getCount(); i++) {
    if (spinnerRegion.getItemIdAtPosition(i) == Integer
            .getColumnIndexOrThrow("id_region")))) {

I think that is a real way

yes, in case of SimpleCursorAdapter, spinnerRegion.getItemIdAtPosition(i) gives a Cursor, which can be used to get the columns.
Donny Rozendal

This is what I use in Kotlin:

spinner.setSelection(resources.getStringArray(R.array.choices).indexOf("Choice 1"))

if indexOf can not make a match, then it returns -1, which appears to result in the default value being the selected by spinner.setSelection. I'm ok with that.

I know that is already answered, but simple code to select one item, very simple:

spGenre.setSelection( ( (ArrayAdapter) spGenre.getAdapter()).getPosition(client.getGenre()) );

Arpit Patel

This is work for me.


what about the +1?
Because it’s start from 0 so we have to add one for getting right answer
getposition can return 0 for first index
אריאל עדן

In Kotlin I found a simple solution using a lambda: {spinnerObjec.setSelection(yourIndex)}

There are twenty-four existing answers to this question, including an accepted answer with 843 (!!!) upvotes. Are you sure your answer hasn't already been provided? If not, why might someone prefer your approach over the existing approaches proposed? Are you taking advantage of new capabilities? Are there scenarios where your approach is better suited?

If you have a list of contacts the you can go for this:

((Spinner) view.findViewById(;

Julio Cezar Riffel
  for (int x = 0; x < spRaca.getAdapter().getCount(); x++) {
            if (spRaca.getItemIdAtPosition(x) == reprodutor.getId()) {

Could you add a bit of text to explain your answer?

This is stated in comments elsewhere on this page but thought it useful to pull it out into an answer:

When using an adapter, I've found that the spinnerObject.setSelection(INDEX_OF_CATEGORY2) needs to occur after the setAdapter call; otherwise, the first item is always the initial selection.

// spinner setup...

This is confirmed by reviewing the AbsSpinner code for setAdapter.

Of course, you can select an item only after the adapter has been filled.
Mohammad Ashraful Kabir

Here is the Kotlin extension I am using:

fun Spinner.setItem(list: Array<CharSequence>, value: String) {
    val index = list.indexOf(value) { this.setSelection(index) }


spinnerPressure.setItem(resources.getTextArray(R.array.array_pressure), pressureUnit)

Akshay Khajuria

Yes, you can achieve this by passing the index of the desired spinner item in the setSelection function of spinner. For example:


Juan Pablo

In my case, this code saved my day:

public static void selectSpinnerItemByValue(Spinner spnr, long value) {
    SpinnerAdapter adapter = spnr.getAdapter();
    for (int position = 0; position < adapter.getCount(); position++) {
        if(adapter.getItemId(position) == value) {

You don't need to do this. adapter has a getPosition(item) call that returns int position.

Most of the time spinner.setSelection(i); //i is 0 to (size-1) of adapter's size doesn't work. If you just call spinner.setSelection(i);

It depends on your logic.

If view is fully loaded and you want to call it from interface I suggest you to call

spinner.setSelection(i); // i is 0 or within adapter size

Or if you want to change between activity/fragment lifecycle, call like this Runnable() {
  @Override public void run() {

Sagar Chapagain

I had made some extension function of Spinner for loading data and tracking item selection.


fun <T> Spinner.load(context: Context, items: List<T>, item: T? = null) {
    adapter = ArrayAdapter(context, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, items).apply {

    if (item != null && items.isNotEmpty()) setSelection(items.indexOf(item))

inline fun Spinner.onItemSelected(
    crossinline itemSelected: (
        parent: AdapterView<*>,
        view: View,
        position: Int,
        id: Long
    ) -> Unit
) {
    onItemSelectedListener = object : AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener {
        override fun onNothingSelected(parent: AdapterView<*>?) {

        override fun onItemSelected(parent: AdapterView<*>, view: View, position: Int, id: Long) {
            itemSelected.invoke(parent, view, position, id)

Usaage Example

val list = listOf("String 1", "String 2", "String 3")
val defaultData = "String 2"

// load data to spinner
your_spinner.load(context, list, defaultData)

// load data without default selection, it points to first item
your_spinner.load(context, list)

// for watching item selection
your_spinner.onItemSelected { parent, view, position, id -> 
    // do on item selection

Anas Nadeem

This Worked For me: Runnable() {
    public void run() {



This worked for me:

protected void onStart() {

It's similar to @sberezin's solution but calling setSelection() in onStart().

Vikhyat Chandra

I had the same issue since yesterday.Unfortunately the first item in the array list is shown by default in spinner widget.A turnaround would be to find the previous selected item with each element in the array list and swap its position with the first element.Here is the code.

int before_index = ShowLastSelectedElement();
if (isFound){
adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(CurrentActivity.this,
                            android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, yourArrayList);
adapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item;                    yourListView.setAdapter(adapter);
private int ShowLastSelectedElement() {
        String strName = "";
        int swap_index = 0;
        for (int i=0;i<societies.size();i++){
            strName = yourArrayList.get(i);
            if (strName.trim().toLowerCase().equals(lastselectedelement.trim().toLowerCase())){
                swap_index = i;
                isFound = true;
        return swap_index;