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AWS: How to disable all services?

I was dorking around with AWS (and related services), hoping that I could stay in the Free Tier, like I do when I'm exploring Google App Engine.

A few days ago, I get a letter from Amazon that they've charged me $33 or so for my 2 days of exploration.

This has got to end, but I forget what services I've enabled. Ideally, I'd just disable the AWS account entirely, as without a free sandbox there's no way I'm going to be using their service. Is there a global off button, or do I have to stumble around to turn all their services off individually? Or do I have to delete my CC information and just create a new Amazon account altogether?

how about submitting them a support ticket? they reply rather fast usually
i'm freaking out. I was 100% sure i signed up for free tier. And i even went over the things i could do and not. 1 month passes i am being charged ~$30. what should i do? I haven't even used it for anything. Never uploaded anything or etc. All i did is start micro something following some tutorial... which free tier said would be free for 1 years.
Yep. AWS "Free" == "Free-ish". Not good customer experience.
I have the same problem. I have been charged 236$ and counting! Although I disabled EC2 instances, it keeps charing me. Any way I can stop it?
18,201 Views of this question,4 years since question was raised and still no global off button. Almost as if they are purposefully making it hard.

Noam Manos

You can close your entire account in AWS Billing:

Or if you just want to disable your "Free-Tier" services that has charges, view them here:

Then open your EC2 dashboard - and cancel those services:

For example: Stop running instances, delete volumes, remove elastic IPs, etc.

Otherwise, I recommend sending an email to from the email you used to signup with their service.

Cancel services is only for cancelling support plans. It has nothing to do with canceling services which AWS really don't want you to cancel.
and Delete your credit card or update the credit card record to fake data
Worth noting that even if you delete your credit card information, Amazon will continue to charge to any and all cards they have ever had associated with your account. It's in their terms and conditions...
Vincent Tang

I had an RDS running and I couldn't figure out how to cancel just that service

Here's how to do it:

Go to billing services

Click "Bill Details"

Inspect it

You'll find NAME OF SERVICE + ITS LOCATION. This is the information you need.

Go to topright of page. Select the correct server location

The rest is straightforward from here

I don't understand why they would do so if it is not for hiding.

I was also frustrated (by being charged on the free tier without any info/warning in prior) and found a simple and elegant solution to turn off all AWS services. You delete your account and forget about these fraudulent (to be honest) AWS services.

Here is the link:

Here is the section:

I did the same, I really tried so hard to disable all services, I stopped some instances and then other instances are created
Mohammed Joraid

I know this is a somehow an old question, but I would like to add a new answer because I think AWS has changed a lot since this was asked. I have stumbled on a similar situation as the OP and I found out that there are 3 possible ways to achieve this:

To have a single turn-off-everything button, but I'm not sure if this exists.

Overkill, go through the services and check them one by one and shutdown/delete any instances or running services.

To find out the actual source of leaking (cost occurring services) by viewing what is posting charges on your account and then turn off these services one by one. This can be done by visiting:

your AWS account >> My Billing Dashboard

Find your account username and open the drop down menu:

You can check what services are incurring fees.

Percentage table:

I followed the services by searching for their name on AWS console, if I couldn't find it I'd Google how to do so and then turned them off one by one.

In my case, there was no charge towards my bank even thought billing showed I have some balance, I think it's because I was using the free tier, maybe?

What does "I followed the services and turned them off one by one" mean? Where did you "follow" them? I don't see any links to the actual service consoles in the billing dashboard. Did you manually search for them?
Yes. I started from Billing Dashboard to see what was posting charges. Then I went and searched for them in the console and google how to set them off or disable or delete.I can't really remember as this was two years ago.
This should be the accepted answer

I just hit my free tier limit. I terminated my ec2 instance, deleted my storage volume and even removed my security group and key pair so I have nothing now. Hopefully no charge :P

Always make sure you select the right region. I once had 2 instances running and didnt realize it.

Top notch, didnt know that. Had to bill even though I thought I had removed everything frmo the EC2 dashboard. But it was hidden because I was on the wrong location. Damn it, thanks!