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Can a spring boot @RestController be enabled/disabled using properties?

Given a "standard" spring boot application with a @RestController, eg

@RequestMapping(value = "foo", produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
public class MyController {
    @RequestMapping(value = "bar")
    public ResponseEntity<String> bar(
        return new ResponseEntity<>("Hello world", HttpStatus.OK);

Is there an annotation or technique that prevents the endpoint from starting at all if/unless a certain application property exists/doesn't exist.

Note: Testing a property inside the method and exploding is not a solution, because the endpoint will exist.

I don't care about the granularity: ie enabling/disabling just a method or the whole class are both fine.

Because a profile is not a property, control via profiles does not solve my problem.


I found a simple solution using @ConditionalOnExpression:

@RequestMapping(value = "foo", produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
public class MyController {
    @RequestMapping(value = "bar")
    public ResponseEntity<String> bar(
        return new ResponseEntity<>("Hello world", HttpStatus.OK);

With this annotation added, unless I have


in my file, the controller won't start at all.

You can also use the more convenient:


Which behaves exactly as above; if the property is present and "true", the component starts, otherwise it doesn't.

You might want to consider @ConditionalOnProperty as it's slightly faster than SpEL evaluation. Try @ConditionalOnProperty(prefix="my.controller", name="enabled")
Thanks, one additional clarification on what level this annotation can be applied:…
Using ConditionalOnProperty or ConditionalOnExpression after RestController is not working for me. Bean is being created URL's are still accessible getting following in logs for AdminController RestController : DozerInitializer - Dozer JMX MBean [org.dozer.jmx:type=DozerAdminController] auto registered with the Platform MBean Server any help ?
The probem with this solution is that if you change the property, you will have to restart the server unless you are using spring cloud for configuration.
@user666 best practice has config as part of the (system tested) deployment bundle, so a restart is expected to be required if you are following best practice. This kind of control is generally a “feature toggle” anyway, so activation will be a planned change, not ad hoc. For ad hoc, you would probably control it through networking external to the application, eg via the load balancer.
David Latief Budiman

Adding to this question and another question here.

This is my answer:

I would actually used the @RefreshScope Bean and then when you want to stop the Rest Controller at runtime, you only need to change the property of said controller to false.

SO's link referencing to changing property at runtime.

Here are my snippets of working code:

class MessageRestController(
    @Value("\${message.get.enabled}") val getEnabled: Boolean,
    @Value("\${message:Hello default}") val message: String
) {
    fun get(): String {
        if (!getEnabled) {
            throw NoHandlerFoundException("GET", "/message", null)
        return message

And there are other alternatives of using Filter:

class EndpointsAvailabilityFilter @Autowired constructor(
    private val env: Environment
): OncePerRequestFilter() {
    override fun doFilterInternal(
        request: HttpServletRequest,
        response: HttpServletResponse,
        filterChain: FilterChain
    ) {
        val requestURI = request.requestURI
        val requestMethod = request.method
        val property = "${requestURI.substring(1).replace("/", ".")}." +
        val enabled = env.getProperty(property, "true")
        if (!enabled.toBoolean()) {
            throw NoHandlerFoundException(requestMethod, requestURI, ServletServerHttpRequest(request).headers)
        filterChain.doFilter(request, response)

My Github explaining how to disable at runtime

what if the path contains variables?

In some case, the @ConditionalOnXXX cannot work, for example, depends on another bean instance to check condition. (XXXCondition class cannot invoke a bean).

In such case, register controller in Java configuration file.

See source code(Spring webmvc 5.1.6):

       protected boolean isHandler(Class<?> beanType) {
              return (AnnotatedElementUtils.hasAnnotation(beanType, Controller.class) ||
                           AnnotatedElementUtils.hasAnnotation(beanType, RequestMapping.class));

Should add @RequestMapping annotation on type level for the controller bean. See:

@RequestMapping // Make Spring treat the bean as request handler
public class MyControllerA implements IMyController {
    @RequestMapping(path = { "/path1" })
    public .. restMethod1(...) {

@RequestMapping // Make Spring treat the bean as request handler
public class MyControllerB implements IMyController {
    @RequestMapping(path = { "/path1" })
    public .. restMethod1(...) {

public class ControllerConfiguration {

     * Programmatically register Controller based on certain condition.
    public IMyController myController() {
        IMyController controller;
        if (conditionA) {
            controller = new MyControllerA();
        } else {
            controller = new MyControllerB();
        return controller;

Akka Jaworek

I assume this question comes from the fact that you are using different files for your different enviroments. In this case you can use spring profiles and separate configurations into different files with profile name suffix for example:

 //some config

//some config

then in your build paramethers you can specify which enviroment are you building by adding option: //<-put here profile local or prod

then in your application you can enable/disable any spring bean by adding

@Profile("put here profile name")

for example:

public class RestForTesting{

//do some stuff


now my RestForTesting will be created only if im running a build created with

No. This question has nothing to do with profiles, which is but one of many ways to manage properties. Rather, I wanted to deploy an endpoint to only non-production environments - I couldn’t have the endpoint exist in any form in production.
I've tried that before, adding a @Profile annotation to a controller does nothing.