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Android Studio - Failed to apply plugin [id '']

I am working on an app. In my app there is no error in code but when I try to run my project it gives following errors.

Error:(1, 1) A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'. Failed to apply plugin [id ''] Could not create plugin of type 'AppPlugin'.

I try this also Gradle is issuing an error "Could not create plugin of type 'AppPlugin'"

and this also Gradle errors in Android Studio

Following is my build.gradle file

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: ''

android {

    compileSdkVersion 23
    buildToolsVersion "21.1.2"

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.praval.healthfreak"
        minSdkVersion 15
        targetSdkVersion 23
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'

    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile 'de.hdodenhof:circleimageview:1.3.0'
    compile ''
    compile files('libs/YouTubeAndroidPlayerApi.jar')

Whats your gradle (wrapper) version? Whats your android gradle plugin version?
How I can find gradle version ? @DavidMedenjak
@PravalSharma Check build.gradle file of Project folder.
@Kunu I have posted build.gradle file
@PravalSharma this is gradle file for app module. There's is other gradle file for the whole project, in parent folder.

Martin Zeitler

Updated June 24, 2020

You need to update to the latest gradle version to solve this issue.

Please make sure you are on the latest Android Studio

and then update your project level build.gradle by updating this dependency

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

It might show a popup asking your permission to update gradle, please update and it will download the latest distribution automatically and the issue will be resolved.

Or else you can

Get Latest Gradle 5.6.4 from here and Add it manually

If you don't want to download it manually:

Open YourProject > gradle > wrapper > and replace




Rebuild the project or just run gradle sync again.

Doesn't work for me. I also have low level exceptions like: IllegalStateException: Cache values are being processed. and at start he telling me: "Sync with Gradle for project 'android-app' failed: MALFORMED"
Where do we put the gradle folder that we downloaded and what do we name it?
Doesn't work for me too, I had to roll-back to gradle plugin 2.3.3
instead of apply plugin: '' instead add classpath dependency?
Nicodemus Ojwee

I faced the same issue in Android Studio version 3.5.3. This is how i fixed it.

I updated the dependecy in my project level build.gradle file from a lower version to 3.5.3 as below.

classpath ''

I then went ahead and edited the value of distributionUrl in file as below. This file is in the directory /gradle/wrapper/ from the root of your project folder.


Thanks, this helped solved it for me. Also needed to add google() to repos in build.gradle

I found the simplest answer to this.

Just go file and change the enableUnitTestBinaryResources from true to false


The snapshot is shown below

I can vouch for that. mine works just fine

Delete gradle cache files. It can be in path like C:\Users\username\.gradle\caches for Windows users. For UNIX based operating systems it will be ~/.gradle/caches.

Thank you buddy for wasting my 6GB gradle files
😂 It was Great @KrishnaAcharya

Feb 25th 2021:

For me, after over 8 hours of trials and errors, it was the re-ordering of the repositories sources in the project-level build.gradle file that solved the issue for me. So, instead of:

buildscript {
  repositories {
        maven { url "" }

I moved google() to the bottom:

buildscript {
  repositories {
        maven { url "" }

Of course, be sure to update the gradle android plugin and the matching gradle-wrapper distribution versions too.

Paul Roub

Just go to the file and change enableUnitTestBinaryResources from true to false



Open the project on Android Studio and let it solve the problems for you

It immediately shows at the left bottom:

Then click that link, and it will fix the right files for you.

This ended up fixing the Gradle version as mentioned at: but it also fixed further errors, so it is the easiest thing to do.

Tested on , Android Studio 2.3, Ubuntu 14.04.

Mohamed Ben Romdhane

i fixed it by upgrade to in project\gradle\wrapper\

#Wed Mar 11 15:20:29 WAT 2020

Amine Messabhia

Solved it by setting gradle version 3.2.1

buildscript {
dependencies {
    classpath ''

In Project level Gradle

It´s now version "3.5.2"

you just need to change your project.gradle file. And sync your Gradle.

dependencies {
 classpath ''

what do you mean by "sync your gradle"? latest version?
Simply it means 'Sync up all your 'gradle dependencies' to your project.
Mahdi Moqadasi

As in Accepted post, the problem solved with updating gradle to 4.4.1.

Get Latest Gradle 4.4.1 from here Extract and put it in "C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle" Then from android studio go to "File -> Settings -> Build, Excecution, Deployment -> Gradle", from Project-level settings: Select Use local gradle Distribution and give the above address(folder with name "gradle-4.4.1" in "C:\Program Files\ ...") Then make project.

My Problem solved this way.

Chrystian Melo

When I had this problem was beacuse my directory had non ASCII characteres. Try changing it

shreya zarkar

First update the gradle to the latest version, if the issue still persists (in my case it did) then do the below- go to file and comment the line android.enableUnitTestBinaryResources=true

click on sync now.

it should solve the issue.

Yaqoob Bhatti

On Mac Just Goto :

Android Studio -> Preference -> Gradle -> Gradle JDK -> Download JDK -> Ok

Mihai Chelaru

In my case, if your version of build tools in the build.gradle file in the root folder like :

classpath '' <--- version of tools

is not supported by the Gradle installed in your project, you can check the build tools/plugin supported versions here, and make sure that the version installed in your project is supported by that version of Gradle.

You don't need to upgrade Gradle, you just check if it supports the plugin installed in your project or not.

Jan Málek

My problem was I had czech characters (č,ú,ů,á,ó) in the project folder path.


I had the same issue and this is what I did and I was able to solve my issue:

I'm working with ShimmerAndroidAPI ( this library ) with Android Studio 3.6.1.

This worked well before I upgrade the Gradle and Android Studio to a new version using pop up upgrade suggestions appeared in android studio.

I followed the below steps as mentioned in this answer and I was able to make the project work.The steps I followed are as below.

Gradle file was updated from classpath '' to classpath ''

Then distribution URL in file was updated from distributionUrl= to distributionUrl=

Gradle was then synched.

Imagine reading your answer without having access to the links. Even if you have the link name (a/56...) do you think it would still mean anything? Can't you add at least the name of the stackoverflow question, and maybe its most important info that helped you?
as @B.Go mentioned, link only answers are not considered high-quality. read How to Answer for tips about improving your answer, and edit it.
I got it, thank you very much for suggestions. It really helps. I edited my answer with more information.

Whenever you update your Gradle files do not forget to check the compatible Gradle wrapper distibutionUrl, in your case it happened because of the same.



Inside my project there is a .gradle folder which had cached the previous gradle version I was using (5.4.1) and gradle kept using that instead of my newly downloaded one (5.6.4).


Close Android Studio Delete the older gradle version folders from your project. Restart Android Studio. Everything should be working correctly

In case this didn't work you can also try the following:

Delete all versions in project .gradle folder so only the new one is redownloaded by AS when reopening the IDE.

Check your project settings for gradle build version and make sure it is set to the latest one.

Check that other modules aren't using older versions of the gradle build. You can search for this using project search (Ctrl+Shift+F) for "distributionUrl" and making sure that all modules have the latest version.

Delete .gradle/caches under your root gradle folder, usually C://Users/{you}/.gradle

try gradle build --stacktrace, --info, --scan or --debug in your AS terminal to get help and more info to debug your problem.


In my case delete your gradle file and then again import your file again it will work


delete C:\Users\username\.gradle\caches folder.

Ananthu Ashokan

flutter clean flutter run --debug flutter build apk --release

the debug will create the build gradle and building apk will work fine

Karthick Ramanathan

As of Android Gradle version above 7.0.0, Remove android.enableUnitTestBinaryResources from file


One of the causes of the following error could be that exists an incompatibility with the configured version of the JVM in the project regarding the JDK location.


org.gradle.api.plugins.InvalidPluginException: An exception occurred applying plugin request [id: '']

Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(java.lang.Class, java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup)
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(java.lang.Class, java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup)
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(java.lang.Class, java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup)


Note: For JVM version in compileOptions{} and kotlinOptions{}

For JVM version: JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

Use JDK Location: /java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64

For JVM version: JavaVersion.VERSION_11

Use JDK Location: /java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64

Yazdan Ilyas

Try this simple and quick solution. Invalidating cache solved my problem. Just go to File>Invalidate Cache /Restart.

The MJ

non of above solution not worked for me but this is worked for me just add in this line in android.overridePathCheck=true for more info :

Agravat Dipak


Hello, I am Dipak, I faced this issue because I have downloaded and built a project on my PC, and it is on old java version 1.8, so when project building it will ask me to change the java version, and I have accepted that.

Here is the Solution, As you see my project need a java 11 version to build Gradle so,

GoTo File -> Settings Build,Execution and Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle Change java version, Apply and click Ok. Sync build.gradle and run the project.


Sunny Jha

I am facing same issue. But I am able to run app from Android Studio

First, in a terminal/command-prompt, open Metro-Bundler, by running command: npm start from project folder (Ex: D:\AwesomeProject>npm start) Then in Android Studio, open ~/ProjectFolder/android (Ex: D:\AwesomeProject\android), and click Play icon (or press Shift+F10 for windows).

Note: This worked on Emulator only.


Engr. Meshach Koech

This answer is only valid if you cloned your project. For example. I had an app for USA only and wanted to clone it for other countries. I copied the project then renamed each project folder with country name. The names were already in excel so using copy-paste some projects gave me this error. When I sorted by name, I noticed the problematic ones were not in the correct alphabetical position.

So if this happened to you after cloning or renaming an existing project folder in file explorer (especially if you made names in excel and copy pasted) it introduces non-ascii characters.

Close android studio Navigate to project location (in my case D://published apps/project name) right click and rename the project name without using paste, instead type it. When you open android studio again it should work, otherwise follow the other answers above.

TIP: It helps if you have multiple folders as you can sort by name and see project names that do not adhere to alphabetical order.

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