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Git: cannot checkout branch - error: pathspec '...' did not match any file(s) known to git


I'm not sure why I'm unable to checkout a branch that I had worked on earlier. See the commands below (note: co is an alias for checkout):

ramon@ramon-desktop:~/source/unstilted$ git branch -a
* develop
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
ramon@ramon-desktop:~/source/unstilted$ git co feature/user_controlled_site_layouts 
error: pathspec 'feature/user_controlled_site_layouts' did not match any file(s) known to git.

I'm not sure what it means, and I can't seem to find anything I can understand on Google.

How do I checkout that branch, and what may I have done to break this?


I found this post, and running git show-ref gives me:

97e2cb33914e763ff92bbe38531d3fd02408da46 refs/heads/develop
c438c439c66da3f2356d2449505c073549b221c1 refs/heads/feature/datts_right
11a90dae8897ceed318700b9af3019f4b4dceb1e refs/heads/feature/user_controlled_menu
c889b37a5ee690986935c9c74b71999e2cf3c6d7 refs/heads/master
c889b37a5ee690986935c9c74b71999e2cf3c6d7 refs/remotes/origin/HEAD
e7c17eb40610505eea4e6687e4572191216ad4c6 refs/remotes/origin/develop
c438c439c66da3f2356d2449505c073549b221c1 refs/remotes/origin/feature/datts_right
c889b37a5ee690986935c9c74b71999e2cf3c6d7 refs/remotes/origin/master
23768aa5425cbf29d10ff24274adad42d90d15cc refs/stash
e572cf91e95da03f04a5e51820f58a7306ce01de refs/tags/menu_shows_published_only
429ebaa895d9d41d835a34da72676caa75902e3d refs/tags/slow_dev

UPDATE on .git directory (user_controlled_site_layouts is in the refs/heads/feature folder):

$ ls .git/refs/heads/feature/
datts_right  user_controlled_menu  user_controlled_site_layouts
$ cat .git/refs/heads/feature/user_controlled_site_layouts

UPDATE on git show 3af84fcf1508c44013844dcd0998a14e61455034

$ git show 3af84fcf1508c44013844dcd0998a14e61455034
commit 3af84fcf1508c44013844dcd0998a14e61455034
Author: Ramon Tayag <>
Date:   Thu May 12 19:00:03 2011 +0800

    Removed site layouts migration

diff --git a/db/schema.rb b/db/schema.rb
index 1218fc8..2040b9f 100755
--- a/db/schema.rb
+++ b/db/schema.rb
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # It's strongly recommended to check this file into your version control system.

-ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20110511012647) do
+ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20110503040056) do

   create_table "attachments", :force => true do |t|
     t.string   "name"
@@ -205,15 +205,6 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20110511012647) do
     t.integer  "old_id"

-  create_table "site_layouts", :force => true do |t|
-    t.string   "name"
-    t.text     "description"
-    t.text     "content"
-    t.integer  "site_id"
-    t.datetime "created_at"
-    t.datetime "updated_at"
-  end
   create_table "site_styles", :force => true do |t|
     t.text     "published"
     t.datetime "created_at"
Does it work if you do: git checkout refs/heads/user_controlled_site_layouts?
Mark - nope, still get the same error.
Seeing your update, I'm not sure how you've got a branch that appears in git branch -a but not in git show-ref. Does the file .git/refs/heads/feature/user_controlled_site_layout actually exist? If so, what does cat .git/refs/heads/feature/user_controlled_site_layout give?
I got the same error, I created the branch from another repo and try to checkout that branch to another repo. So I got it because of the different repos.


Try git fetch so that your local repository gets all the new info from Github. It just takes the information about new branches and no actual code. After that, the git checkout should work fine.

You basically see the branch, but you don't have a local copy yet!...

You can simply fetch and then checkout to the branch, use the command below to do that:

git fetch
git checkout <Branch name here>

I also created the image below for you to share the differences, look at how fetch works, and also how it's different to pull:

For further clarification, git fetch is useful when you need to synchronize your local repository with the remote repository, but you don't want to merge the changes into your working folder.
In case of a clone with multiple remotes, the git checkout Branch does not work. With multiple remotes just the Branch name is ambiguous and requires the specification of remote/branch. The command git checkout -b branch remote/branch works in that scenario.
@ Aleks it's not the accepted answer because it has nothing to do with the OP's question. He could no longer check out a branch he'd previously checked out (ie created) locally. Just because other people with a different, much more basic problem have found & upvoted this answer (which is completely trivial and well-known to any git user with more than two days experience) doesn't mean the OP should accept it.
git fetch could do the job. But it may fail to get all the branches from remote. You'd need to set the fetch match pattern. git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" refer:…
git fetch is a bizarre and crazy thing, and it takes more than 2 days to learn about these crazy little tarpits.

I was getting this error when I tried to checkout new branch:

error: pathspec 'BRANCH-NAME' did not match any file(s) known to git.

When I tried git checkout origin/<BRANCH-NAME>, I got the detached HEAD:

(detached from origin/)

Finally, I did the following to resolve the issue:

git remote update
git fetch 
git checkout --track origin/<BRANCH-NAME>

with this "checkout" command I have this message: fatal: Cannot update paths and switch to branch 'foo' at the same time.
After manually modifying the remote address, I could not checkout new branches. "git remote update" seemed to do the trick.
without the "git remote update" it didn't work. Thanks!
git checkout --track origin/staging fatal: git checkout: --track and --no-track require -b git version
For me git fetch alone didn't work, but this solution (that includes remote update and track origin works perfectly.
Gregory McIntyre

I got this error for a branch that was remote and had no local tracking branch. Even though I'm certain I've checked out remote branches via a simple

git checkout feature/foo

in the past, to get around this error I had to

git checkout -t -b feature/foo origin/feature/foo

I have no idea what I did to get myself into that situation either.

Unfortunately, I didn't push it to the remote git server.
This worked for me. It happened on git v 1.6 on FC10 machine.
Git usually guesses the remote branch to check out, but when using more than one remote, it seems like it no longer can do that. Source:…
doing git checkout feature/foo instead of just git checkout foo worked for me
this started happening to me (in a repo with many remotes and hundreds of branches from which I'd been successfully checking out branches from origin for 3 years) and I was mystified. Upon inspection, I discovered I'd added a new remote and I'd done it in with copy/paste in a text editor instead of using the git command, and forgot to change the fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* line to match the new remote name. LOL. Maybe this happened to makandra? because after fixing it, checking out branch once again gets it from origin, even though I have many remotes.
Warren P

If you deleted a branch with git branch -D yourbranchname and pulled/cloned again your repo, you may need to create your local branch again.


git checkout -b yourbranchname

this option always works, even where is files already changed and u wish to push them to newly created branch.
This was a helpful comment because while I shared the same problem/question as the OP here, the answers provided assumed a straightforward situation. Unfortunately, in my situation, I had previously created ONLY a local branch, then deleted it as noted here by @Francisco Alvarez, so no matter how I tried the other solutions here, I could not pull the new remote branch. This answer saved my bacon.
this finally worked for me with un-editable jenkins configurations, thanks! (they are autogenerated by other DSL)

I have the same questions, and got some information from this link: git fetch doesn't fetch all branches

So now, I may not sure how this situation happened, at least we can solve it:

Step 1. Check your "remote.origin.fetch" setting, should be like this

$ git config --get remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/private_dev_branch:refs/remotes/origin/private_dev_branch

Step 2. Change "remote.origin.fetch" to fetch everything

$ git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" $ git config --get remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

Then, you can try "git pull" (maybe "git fetch origin" also works but I didn't try) to get all the branch.

@onionjake is right, sorry that I didn't check the questions in every details. Just I got the same error messages while trying the same action of "git checkout ", but different from the originator's problem actually----- originator could see the branch locally while I cannot. My answer may solve the problem for whom didn't fetch all branches in advanced. But not the situation for originator's problem.
Many people including me receive this error, because they could clone a repo with --branch flag, therefore, even after git fetch they don't get other branches and can't checkout anything from remote. This fixes this issue. Thanks!
Thank you very much. I was using tensorflow's devel docker image, and it restricts the branch to certain version. After setting up fetch config, now I can checkout.
Tks, solution my problem.
Thanks! 'git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"' just saved my life!
Penny Liu

I had the same issue for one of my branch.

These commands work for me.

git fetch --all
git checkout <branch-name>


Git Windows users beware - without the --icase-pathspecs or GIT_ICASE_PATHSPECS = 1 env var setting, that git pathspecs will be case-sensitive, in which case

git checkout origin/FooBranch "Some/Path/To/File.txt"

is not the same as

git checkout origin/FooBranch "some/path/to/file.Txt"

One thing to note that wasn't clear from documentation is that the --icase-pathspecs parameter needs to come first or at least before -C <path>
Sajin M Aboobakkar

If branch name and you dont have any uncommited file, then try this

git fetch && git checkout <branch name>

This doesn't appear to be related to the question at all?
I got the same issue mentioned above, resolved using following commands
Ankit Marothi

I faced the issue while switching my branch.

I did a git pull on the current branch and then tried to checkout the new one and it worked

git pull // on your old branch git checkout <new_branch>

Really useful:)
Why would this work? Does git pull do more than pull the current branch?
This might just be a case that you are trying to pull from a branch created by someone else and that's not yet pulled in your current repo.

Just do a git fetch origin <branchName>:<branchName>.

This will fetch and create a local copy of the same hence now you can

checkout into it git checkout <branchName>

Interesting solution, but it's got a weakness. I just tested it, and while it creates the local branch as desired, it doesn't set the upstream on it. For this to work as one would expect, you'd have to run git branch -u origin/<branchName> after doing your checkout.
I had to set the upstream by running git push --set-upstream origin <branchName> in order to be able to push changes.
git pull origin <branchName> worked for me.
git pull

That simply fixed it for me :)

The reason WHY this worked for me is that I wanted to git checkout master path/to/some/file.ext, but my LOCAL master wasn't in sync with remote master because I had been on a development branch for a long time.

I fixed it by modifying my git config file Check your the config file in your git directory - .git\config

It previously had

[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/develop:refs/remotes/origin/develop

I fixed by modifying it to

[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

Notice the head was pointing to only one branch, so it couldnt find the reference to other existing branches, I changed it to * so it checks everything in origin.

Thanks, buddy, hours of efforts and finally I landed with your solution.
this should be marked as correct answer

I got this error when trying to checkout a branch via:

git checkout branchX

which I had not checked out before. It only worked when explicitly stating the remote:

git checkout --track origin/branchX

The reason for this was, that I had 2 different remotes (origin + sth. else) configured in git config. As I didn't need the second remote, I removed it and voilá, it worked. The alternative to set the default remote via:


did not work for me

I added this answer because all the other suggested answers did not work for me, so I hope this helps someone who has the same cause (2 remotes).
This worked for me after I accidentally ran git rm -f .git/index.lock and then correctly ran rm -f .git/index.lock because I was getting fatal: Unable to create '/home/sagemaker-user/qubed2/.git/index.lock': File exists. from git gui shenanigans
Huachao Huang

I got the same problem because I used git clone --depth=1, which implies --single-branch.

Do a completed git clone will fix it.

Thanks for pointing it out. It is exactly the same issue I was facing. Thanks
A complete clone might not be required. If the branch is created by someone else AFTER you originally cloned the repo, you get this error because your local repo does not have any information about this new branch. Just switch to master and do a git pull. Then try to checkout the new branch.
Somaiah Kumbera

I got this when I did the following:

Used IntelliJ IDE, connected to git

Created a new file, and added to git

Renamed the new file

When I tried to check in the directory, I got this error.

To fix:

I opened the repo in git extensions. I saw that the file (with the old name) was staged. But since it didnt exist anymore, it could not be committed.

I simply unstaged this file.

Then I re-added the file (this time correctly named) into git and committed without errors.

The funny thing is, it still works with TortoiseGit even if it does not in intellij
This helped me alot. I used SourceTree to find that f*ckr of a file and unstaged it.
Scott Weldon

I had this problem today I was trying to git checkout foo and got error: pathspec 'foo' did not match any file(s) known to git.

It turns out I was in the wrong repo. So lesson learned: check which repo you're looking at before freaking out.

Ha - yes this was me - created branch in Bitbucket from Jira ticket, didn't notice it created it in some random repo
sidenote: I was working with multiple remotes, had one set properly, and the other pointing to the wrong repo. sooo. thanks for the reminder, I could easily see my issue when I did a git remote -v
This was my problem too. We had moved the location of the repo in gitlab, but I was still working from a previous checkout of it before the move.

I copied remote origin url from another .git/config file, doing so my new .git/config file was missing following line in [remote "origin"] section

fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

Adding above line fixed error: pathspec 'master' did not match any file(s) known to git.

Shradhey Tripathi

First, checkout parent branch.Then type

git fetch --all --prune 
git checkout <your branch>

Hope it helps!.

This works because of the --all -- I was receiving the error because I had 2 remotes, and one had fetched the new branch while the other hadn't. Either remove the second remote, or do git fetch --all

I encountered this same issue when I was first playing around with git. When attempting my first commit...

git commit -m 'first commit!'

I got the error mentioned by the OP...

error: pathspec 'commit!'' did not match any file(s) known to git.

I thought I might have been confusing git by using a keyword in the commit message, so I tried a few other words and received the same error.

Finally I used double-quotes in the message...

git commit -m "first commit!"

This turned out to be successful...

[master (root commit) 0000000] first commit!
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 dummyDoc.txt


Well, I had few deleted branches like dev/{feature_branch} and when I created a new branch dev and tried to checkout, I was getting the same issue. I ran the below command

git fetch -p

and worked for me.

I wonder why this worked? I initialized git locally, created a branch right away, added and commited files, then pushed it. Then tried to go to checkout to main - got the error: pathspec 'main' did not match any file(s) known to git . Ran this git fetch -p - it worked. I wonder if this is because it got updated remote references to main which it did not have before? Or likely when I initialized the repo with git init, it created a master branch - but when I created a repo on github there - its branch is main.
Vasile Bors

On Windows OS by default git is instaled with

core.ignorecase = true

This means that git repo files will be case insensitive, to change this you need to execute:

\yourLocalRepo> git config core.ignorecase false

you can find this configuration on .git\config file

Ajain Vivek

I had made a silly mistake of not providing -m flag while committing (lol happens)

git commit -m "commit message in here"

same situation here. just forget "-m" get the same error msg.
Mark Lakata

I had the same issue.. I thought I had branch named foo when I try to:

git checkout foo

I was getting:

error: pathspec 'foo' did not match any file(s) known to git.

Then I tried the full branch name:

git checkout feature/foo

then worked for me.


In my case I have TWO branch 1) master(which is for live server) 2) dev(test server). I had set multiple remote to push code on respective server. When I tried to switch branch I got the error like error: pathspec 'master' did not match any file(s) known to git.

You can see them by git remote -v. I had removed other remote except origin remote by git remote remove <remote-name>

Then git fetch

Now I am able to checkout branch by git checkout <branch-name>.

Tabish Zaman

Three steps

Write a command 'git fetch' then you will see the desired branch then switch to the relevant branch 'git checkout 'your_branch_name' then write a command 'git pull origin your_desired_branch_name'

Marcin Nabiałek

If it happens on Windows, it is probably the filename case issue.

I had this error today - I've created new file, added to GIT, then I changed one letter in filename from lower to upper and then I couldn't to anything - commit, revert, delete file from repo.

The only solution I found was changing the filename again back to exact same case when I added this file to GIT, then doing GIT revert to remove this file from GIT, then changing filename again as I want. After those changes I could commit to repo and then push without any problem.

This helped, but it should be mentioned to do the renaming via git mv. Guess you've done it this way, because doing it via my IDE (IntelliJ PhpStorm) failed for me...
Marian Klühspies

Happened to me after renaming an uncommitted file in Android Studio.

Git seemed to have the old version in its repository, even if it didn´t exist anymore.

fetch, pull, checkout, add all and so on did not help in my case!

So I opened the Git GUI of TortoiseGit which showed me the exact file that caused trouble.

Afterwards I deleted the file from the repository with

git rm -r --cached /path/to/affected/file

and the problem was gone


I had a different root cause

I had a script that basically searches all branches matching jira issue key in the for "PRJ-1234" among all branches to execute a git branch checkout command on the matching branch

The problem in my case was 2 or more branches shared the same jira key and hence caused my script to fail with the aforementioned error

By deleting the old unused branch and making sure only a single branch had the jira key reference fixed the problem

Here's my code in case someone wants to use it

git remote update
git fetch --all --prune 
git branch -r --list *$1* | xargs git checkout --force

save this as

Then use it from the terminal ./ PRJ-1234

For me, it was also the right upstream path/name and including to fetch all of the remote tags as well "git fetch --all --tags --prune" finding the right name: "git branch -a | grep some_upstream" before checking it out with the full path as "git checkout -f --track -b new_branch remotes/upstream/some_upstream_branch"
Matteus Barbosa

check whether it is not a typo in the target file name. I was attempting to stage by typing

git add includes/connection..php

But I did not notice that I was using two dots But then I type

git add includes/connection.php

It works


In my case I had renamed a file changing the case of the file, i.e. SomeFile.js -> someFile.js

I think that was related to the problem. Doing a git fetch didn't fix the issue.

I moved the files out of my project, did a fetch, and did a push without them. Then I did a fetch, added them back, and did a push, and it worked. I don't know if all those steps were needed, but it did ultimately work.

Push without the renamed file and issuing git add file afterwards did it for me