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jQuery get specific option tag text

All right, say I have this:

<select id='list'>
    <option value='1'>Option A</option>
    <option value='2'>Option B</option>
    <option value='3'>Option C</option>

What would the selector look like if I wanted to get "Option B" when I have the value '2'?

Please note that this is not asking how to get the selected text value, but just any one of them, whether selected or not, depending on the value attribute. I tried:


But it is not working.

For this period of time, use: $("#list option").filter(function () { return $(this).html() == "stuff"; }).val();


If you'd like to get the option with a value of 2, use

$("#list option[value='2']").text();

If you'd like to get whichever option is currently selected, use

$("#list option:selected").text();

To get the value instead of the text, you will need to write:- $("select#list").val(); I know that this is not the actual answer of the question asked, but still thought of mentioning this point for newbies coming through Google.
I use $("#list option:selected").text() and $("#list option:selected").attr('value')
For getting the selected text (even though the question didn't ask for that specifically), this method is superior due to not having to know what the selected value is.
Arsen Khachaturyan

It's looking for an element with id list which has a property value equal to 2.
What you want is the option child of the list:

$("#list option[value='2']").text()

Thank you for this nickf. Here is this answer expanded if you want to get the value dynamically: var selectValue = document.getElementById('list').value; var selectOption = $("#list option[value=" + selectValue + "]").text(); ///good example nickf.
@Kevin, in that case, you might want to use the answer below this one. $('#list option:selected').text()
@nickf , and more simpler, $('#list').val()
@Derek ,val() will not give the text of the option, it will give its value, which in some cases (many I dare say) is not the same.
you should always use .trim() after .text() since some browser may add sometimes some spaces before and after the text that are invisible to the user but may lead to getting wrong values $("#list option[value='2']").text().trim()
Paul Vargas

This worked perfectly for me, I was looking for a way to send two different values with options generated by MySQL, and the following is generic and dynamic:


As mentioned in one of the comments. With this I was able to create a dynamic function that works with all my selection boxes that I want to get both values, the option value and the text.

Few days ago I noticed that when updating the jQuery from 1.6 to 1.9 of the site I used this code, this stop working... probably was a conflict with another piece of code... anyway, the solution was to remove option from the find() call:


That was my solution... use it only if you have any problem after updating your jQuery.

supposedly this is the more efficient way to do it according to WebStorm 8.
While this answer is insightful and helped me with a problem I was having, to nitpick, it does not properly answer the question: Please note that this is not asking how to get the selected text value, but just any one of them, whether selected or not, depending on the value attribute.
Peter Mortensen

Based on the original HTML posted by Paolo I came up with the following.

$("#list").change(function() {
    alert($(this).find("option:selected").text()+' clicked!');

It has been tested to work on Internet Explorer and Firefox.

An alternative to this is: $("option:selected", this).text()
This is a better answer because it accounts for complex scenarios not just static html and simple javascript events.
Shawn Chin
$("#list option:selected").each(function() {

for multiple selected value in the #list element.

Wesley Smith

If there is only one select tag in on the page then you can specify select inside of id 'list' jQuery("select option[value=2]").text(); To get selected text jQuery("select option:selected").text();

Andrew Moore

Try the following:

$("#list option[value=2]").text();

The reason why your original snippet wasn't working is because your OPTION tags are children to your SELECT tag, which has the id list.

Shaunak D

This is an old Question which has not been updated in some time the correct way to do this now would be to use

$("#action").on('change',function() {
    alert($(this).find("option:selected").text()+' clicked!');

I hope this helps :-)

This is definitely not correct Please note that this is not asking how to get the selected text value
Peter Mortensen

I wanted to get the selected label. This worked for me in jQuery 1.5.1.

$("#list :selected").text();

Avinash Saini

Unfortunatelly, this does not work when you have optgroup tag as a child of your select and the selected option is in this optgroup. use $("#list option:selected").text(); which works even in this case
Chaitanya K

You can get selected option text by using function .text();

you can call the function like this :

jQuery("select option:selected").text();

Bill the Lizard
$("#list [value='2']").text();

leave a space after the id selector.


While "looping" through dynamically created select elements with a .each(function()...): $("option:selected").text(); and $(this + " option:selected").text() did not return the selected option text - instead it was null.

But Peter Mortensen's solution worked:


I do not know why the usual way does not succeed in a .each() (probably my own mistake), but thank you, Peter. I know that wasn't the original question, but am mentioning it "for newbies coming through Google."

I would have started with $('#list option:selected").each() except I needed to grab stuff from the select element as well.



function selected_state(){
    jQuery("#list option").each(function(){
        if(jQuery(this).val() == "2"){
            return false;
           jQuery(this).removeAttr("selected","selected"); // For toggle effect



I was looking for getting val by internal field name instead of ID and came from google to this post which help but did not find the solution I need, but I got the solution and here it is:

So this might help somebody looking for selected value with field internal name instead of using long id for SharePoint lists:

var e = $('select[title="IntenalFieldName"] option:selected').text(); 

Solid solution. Sorry it's in such a secret place down here. You might want to find a more prominent place to provide this solution. Maybe you could ask and answer a question of your own?

A tip: you can use below code if your value is dynamic:

$("#list option[value='"+aDynamicValue+"']").text();

Or (better style)

$("#list option").filter(function() {
     return this.value === aDynamicValue;

As mentioned in jQuery get specific option tag text and placing dynamic variable to the value

Peter Mortensen

I needed this answer as I was dealing with a dynamically cast object, and the other methods here did not seem to work:


This of course uses the DOM object instead of parsing its HTML with nodeValue, childNodes, etc.


As an alternative solution, you can also use a context part of jQuery selector to find <option> element(s) with value="2" inside the dropdown list:

$("option[value='2']", "#list").text();

Peter Mortensen

I wanted a dynamic version for select multiple that would display what is selected to the right (wish I'd read on and seen $(this).find... earlier):

<script type="text/javascript">
            $(this).after("<span id='spn"+$(this).attr('id')+"' style='border:1px solid black;width:100px;float:left;white-space:nowrap;'>&nbsp;</span>");
            doShowSelected($(this).attr('id'));//shows initial selections
            doShowSelected($(this).attr('id'));//as user makes new selections
    function doShowSelected(inId){
        var aryVals=$("#"+inId).val();
        var selText="";
        for(var i=0; i<aryVals.length; i++){
            var o="#"+inId+" option[value='"+aryVals[i]+"']";
<select style="float:left;" multiple="true" id="mySelect" name="mySelect" showChoices="true">
    <option selected="selected" value=1>opt 1</option>
    <option selected="selected" value=2>opt 2</option>
    <option value=3>opt 3</option>
    <option value=4>opt 4</option>

Anfath Hifans

You can get one of following ways




$("#list option[value='2']").text()

$(function(){ console.log($("#list").find('option').filter('[value=2]').text()); console.log($("#list").find('option[value=2]').text()); console.log($("#list").children('option[value=2]').text()); console.log($("#list option[value='2']").text()); });

Zakaria Binsaifullah

Try this:

jQuery("#list option[value='2']").text()

Kamil Kiełczewski


[...list.options].find(o=> o.value=='2').text

let text = [...list.options].find(o=> o.value=='2').text; console.log(text);