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Check that Field Exists with MongoDB

So I'm attempting to find all records who have a field set and isn't null.

I try using $exists, however according to the MongoDB documentation, this query will return fields who equal null.

$exists does match documents that contain the field that stores the null value.

So I'm now assuming I'll have to do something like this:

db.collection.find({ "fieldToCheck" : { $exists : true, $not : null } })

Whenever I try this however, I get the error [invalid use of $not] Anyone have an idea of how to query for this?

Sergio Tulentsev

Use $ne (for "not equal")

db.collection.find({ "fieldToCheck": { $ne: null } })

What does this return? A null collection? A single item? An array?
@iLoveUnicorns: what find always returns: a collection of records, matching the criteria.
@SergioTulentsev AFAIK it returns a cursor
@fernandohur: yeah, but if you have less than one page of documents, you won't even see the difference. And if you were to run this query from external driver, I'm pretty sure most of them shield you from the cursor implementation detail.
I know this is old, but as this is the accepted answer: {$exists: true} is redundant, just {$ne: null} is enough.

Suppose we have a collection like below:


We want to know if the bottle field is present or not?



When <boolean> is true, $exists matches the documents that contain the field, including documents where the field value is null. From the docs.
yep, but i don' see why a DB would contain the value null, it's sloppy
Yakir Manor

i find that this works for me

db.getCollection('collectionName').findOne({"fieldName" : {$ne: null}})

Hardik Gajjar
db.<COLLECTION NAME>.find({ "<FIELD NAME>": { $exists: true, $ne: null } })


This comment is written in 2021 and applies for MongoDB 5.X and earlier versions.

If you value query performance never use $exists (or use it only when you have a sparse index over the field that is queried. the sparse index should match the criteria of the query, meaning, if searching for $exists:true, the sparse index should be over field:{$exist:true} , if you are querying where $exists:true the sparse index should be over field:{$exist:false}

Instead use :

db.collection.find({ "fieldToCheck": {  $ne: null } })


db.collection.find({ "fieldToCheck": {  $eq: null } })

this will require that you include the fieldToCheck in every document of the collection, however - the performance will be vastly improved.

See my answer: It explains the current limitations of $exists with full index and the reason.

I Tried to convert it into boolean condition , where if document with table name already exist , then it will append in the same document , otherwise it will create one .

table_name is the variable using which i am trying to find the document

query = { table_name : {"$exists": "True"}}
    result = collection.find(query)
    flag = 0
    for doc in result:
        collection.update_one({}, { "$push" : { table_name : {'name':'hello'} } } )
        flag = 1
    if (flag == 0):
        collection.insert_one({ table_name : {'roll no' : '20'}})


aggregate example

    "$match": {
      "finishedAt": {
        "$exists": true
    "$unwind": "$tags"
    "$match": {
      "$or": [
          "": "Singapore"
          "": "ABC"
    "$group": {
      "_id": null,
      "count": {
        "$sum": 1