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Find an element in DOM based on an attribute value

Can you please tell me if there is any DOM API which search for an element with given attribute name and attribute value:

Something like:

doc.findElementByAttribute("myAttribute", "aValue");
Duplicate if you are looking for a Jquery Sol:…
Can you please update the accepted answer to the modern solution, Wojtek's answer?

Wojtek Kruszewski

Modern browsers support native querySelectorAll so you can do:


Details about browser compatibility:

You can use jQuery to support obsolete browsers (IE9 and older):


in order to concretize the "modern" definition:
The selector should be: '[data-foo="value"]'
Any notes about perfomance? Is this faster then iterating over all nodes?
Note that the "jQuery" example might not be jQuery. It could be Chrome or Firefox implementation of $. Read more about this here:…
What is "data-foo" ...and where is 'myAttribute' gone in this example?

Update: In the past few years the landscape has changed drastically. You can now reliably use querySelector and querySelectorAll, see Wojtek's answer for how to do this.

There's no need for a jQuery dependency now. If you're using jQuery, great...if you're not, you need not rely it on just for selecting elements by attributes anymore.

There's not a very short way to do this in vanilla javascript, but there are some solutions available.

You do something like this, looping through elements and checking the attribute

If a library like jQuery is an option, you can do it a bit easier, like this:


If the value isn't a valid CSS identifier (it has spaces or punctuation in it, etc.), you need quotes around the value (they can be single or double):

$("[myAttribute='my value']")

You can also do start-with, ends-with, contains, etc...there are several options for the attribute selector.

Actually vanilla JavaScript DOM API works pretty well on modern browsers
@WojtekKruszewski not in 2010 :) I did update though, hopefully the asker will move the accept for us - we want current info out there.
I think jQuery (or equivalent) is probably the easiest especially to be cross browser compatible without having to know what that requires.
I keep getting an empty array! I'm trying to grab an SVG by it's d attribute, and am trying $("[d=path]"); where 'path' is a variable containing the specific d-attribute I need. Has anyone tried doing this with svg paths?

We can use attribute selector in DOM by using document.querySelector() and document.querySelectorAll() methods.

for yours:


and by using querySelectorAll():


In querySelector() and querySelectorAll() methods we can select objects as we select in "CSS".

More about "CSS" attribute selectors in

I had to remove inner quote marks like this document.querySelectorAll("selector[myAttribute=aValue]");
FindByAttributeValue("Attribute-Name", "Attribute-Value");   

p.s. if you know exact element-type, you add 3rd parameter (i.e.div, a, p ...etc...):

FindByAttributeValue("Attribute-Name", "Attribute-Value", "div");   

but at first, define this function:

function FindByAttributeValue(attribute, value, element_type)    {
  element_type = element_type || "*";
  var All = document.getElementsByTagName(element_type);
  for (var i = 0; i < All.length; i++)       {
    if (All[i].getAttribute(attribute) == value) { return All[i]; }

p.s. updated per comments recommendations.

Why ?! You're looping all your DOM by doing this
This seems great - if you only have 5 elements on the page.
document.querySelectorAll('[data-foo="value"]'); as proposed by @Wojtek Kruszewski on accepted awnser.
Daniel De León

Use query selectors, examples:

document.querySelectorAll(' input[name], [id|=view], [class~=button] ')

input[name] Inputs elements with name property.

[id|=view] Elements with id that start with view-.

[class~=button] Elements with the button class.


you could use getAttribute:

 var p = document.getElementById("p");
 var alignP = p.getAttribute("align");

He want to select the p element without using id or every p on the DOM (and test attributes)

Here is an example , How to search images in a document by src attribute :



Here's how you can select using querySelector:



Amendment for Daniel De León's Answer
It's possible to search with
^= - filters Elements where id (or any other attr) starts with view keyword



function optCount(tagId, tagName, attr, attrval) { inputs = document.getElementById(tagId).getElementsByTagName(tagName); if (inputs) { var reqInputs = []; inputsCount = inputs.length; for (i = 0; i < inputsCount; i++) { atts = inputs[i].attributes; var attsCount = atts.length; for (j = 0; j < attsCount; j++) { if (atts[j].nodeName == attr && atts[j].nodeValue == attrval) { reqInputs.push(atts[j].nodeName); } } } } else { alert("no such specified tags present"); } return reqInputs.length; }//optcount function closed

This is a function which is is used tu to select a particular tag with specific attribute value. The parameters to be passed are are the tag ID, then the tag name - inside that tag ID, and the attribute and fourth the attribute value. This function will return the number of elements found with the specified attribute and its value. You can modify it according to you.

Why did you put a snippet when there is no point in running it?