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The difference between "require(x)" and "import x"

I've just started working on a small node project that will interface with a MongoDB. However, I cannot seem to get the relevant node modules to import correctly, even though I have installed them correctly via npm.

For example, the following code throws an error, telling me that "express has no default export":

import express from "express";

However, this code works:

const express = require("express");

So my question is, what is the difference in how the import and variable/require methods function? I'd like to fix whatever is plaguing my imports on the project, as it seems likely to cause additional problems down the road.

Unless you include the typing definitions for express, the first form won't make sense - in which case you can use the second form, but the variable express will be of type any. You could include the definitions from here
@Ryall this is different question. Notice import x = require('x') is not the same as var x = require('x').


This simple diagram will help you understand the difference between require and import.

Apart from that,

You can't selectively load only the pieces you need with require but with import, you can selectively load only the pieces you need, which can save memory.

Loading is synchronous(step by step) for require on the other hand import can be asynchronous(without waiting for previous import) so it can perform a little better than require.

Biggest difference that affects code is that exports in CommonJS modules are "computed", whereas exports in an ESM module are static (pre-defined). JS can determine the exports in an ESM module after only parsing the code (not yet running it). In a commonJS module, the exports are only known when the module actually runs and you see what is assigned to module.exports when the module initialization code finishes running. This difference alone creates compatibility headaches in trying to make a single module work for both ESM and CommonJS.
ESM modules are friendlier to bundlers, but are more restrictive to coders because you can't have computed exports in ESM modules.

The major difference between require and import, is that require will automatically scan node_modules to find modules, but import, which comes from ES6, won't.

Most people use babel to compile import and export, which makes import act the same as require.

The future version of Node.js might support import itself (actually, the experimental version already does), and judging by Node.js' notes, import won't support node_modules, it base on ES6, and must specify the path of the module.

So I would suggest you not use import with babel, but this feature is not yet confirmed, it might support node_modules in the future, who would know?

For reference, below is an example of how babel can convert ES6's import syntax to CommonJS's require syntax.

Say the fileapp_es6.js contains this import:

import format from 'date-fns/format';

This is a directive to import the format function from the node package date-fns.

The related package.json file could contain something like this:

"scripts": {
    "start": "node app.js",
    "build-server-file": "babel app_es6.js --out-file app.js",
    "webpack": "webpack"

The related .babelrc file could be something like this:

    "presets": [
                    "node": "current"

This build-server-file script defined in the package.json file is a directive for babel to parse the app_es6.js file and output the file app.js.

After running the build-server-file script, if you open app.js and look for the date-fns import, you will see it has been converted into this:

var _format = require("date-fns/format");

var _format2 = _interopRequireDefault(_format);

Most of that file is gobbledygook to most humans, however computers understand it.

Also for reference, as an example of how a module can be created and imported into your project, if you install date-fns and then open node_modules/date-fns/get_year/index.js you can see it contains:

var parse = require('../parse/index.js')

function getYear (dirtyDate) {
  var date = parse(dirtyDate)
  var year = date.getFullYear()
  return year

module.exports = getYear

Using the babel process above, your app_es6.js file could then contain:

import getYear from 'date-fns/get_year';

// Which year is 2 July 2014?
var result = getYear(new Date(2014, 6, 2))
//=> 2014

And babel would convert the imports to:

var _get_year = require("date-fns/get_year");

var _get_year2 = _interopRequireDefault(_get_year);

And handle all references to the function accordingly.

aaaaahhhhhh. Babel hasn't been installed on this particular project, which makes everything make sense. I thought that ES6 imports/exports were functional already, but now I understand that Babel is just changing everything to require anyway
stick to require for now. You can always change it in the future without any problem
import won't support node_modules What did you mean by that?
import and require both scan node_modules for the package specified by the statement. require loads anything assigned to module.exports in the package to the variable it's assigned to, or global scope if no left hand is declared. However, import will only load an es6 default export by name, unless all are assigned to an alias: import * as X from 'pkg'. You can import es6 packages with no default using object destructuring too: import { X } from 'pkg'. It'll work the same as require if you import the entire package, including all exports, to global scope import 'package'.

Let me give an example for Including express module with require & import


var express = require('express');


import * as  express from 'express';

So after using any of the above statement we will have a variable called as 'express' with us. Now we can define 'app' variable as,

var app = express(); 

So we use 'require' with 'CommonJS' and 'import' with 'ES6'.

For more info on 'require' & 'import', read through below links.

require - Requiring modules in Node.js: Everything you need to know

import - An Update on ES6 Modules in Node.js

This is definitely the right answer. The poster had an issue with using the es6 import statement, and was confused by the express has no default export error. This answer provides the solution. Modules with multiple (and even single) exports which do not define a default export will need to have all exports assigned to a named variable, as the answer explains: import * as whatever from 'package';
Agreed, this should be the top answer. As an amendment to previous comment, you can check the code of the package that you are depending on in node_modules (the entrypoint will be listed under its package.json main key). Something like module.export = whatever means you likely have to import it as import * as whatever from 'package';.

I will make it simple,

Import and Export are ES6 features(Next gen JS).

Require is old school method of importing code from other files

Major difference is in require, entire JS file is called or included. Even if you don't need some part of it.

var myObject = require('./otherFile.js'); //This JS file will be included fully.

Whereas in import you can extract only objects/functions/variables which are required.

import { getDate }from './utils.js'; 
//Here I am only pulling getDate method from the file instead of importing full file

Another major difference is you can use require anywhere in the program where as import should always be at the top of file

Edit: In Latest node versions you can use destructuring. It will look like this

const { getDate } = require('./date.js');

You can use object destructuring with require, e.g. const { getDate } = require('./utils.js');
Yes in latest node versions we can use, but in earlier versions it wasn't.
Since version 6 (April 2016) destructured imports have been supported in Node.
Your overall explanation is too simple and isn't accurate. Even the statement about using require anywhere in the program while import only at the top of the file is disguising important details. When you use require scoped to a function (or block scope somewhere in the application code) rather than scoped to the module/file this has an equivalent with ES modules (aka import syntax). It's an async operation though and this "dynamic importing" needs a .then() or an await keyword to be used.
require does not "call" or "include" a file, it loads and executes a module. And of course it evaluates the whole code of the module, not just some part - exactly like import does!

new ES6:

'import' should be used with 'export' key words to share variables/arrays/objects between js files:

export default myObject;

// another file

import myObject from './otherFile.js';

old skool:

'require' should be used with 'module.exports'

 module.exports = myObject;

// another file

var myObject = require('./otherFile.js');


There's a big difference between this:

import express from "express";

and this:

import * as express from "express";

the correct translation from CommonJS to ES6 of

const express = require("express");

is the second import.

Basically, that's because in the first import you are looking for an export in module express named express. The second one you are importing the whole express module with name express.