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Why composer install timeouts after 300 seconds?

I have small project made in symfony2 when I try to build it on my server it's always fails when unzipping symfony. Build was OK and suddenly composer won't unzip symfony and I didn't change anything. I tried to build with Jenkins and also manually from bash with same result. It's not permissions problem and also internet connection on my server is OK.

Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
 - Installing symfony/symfony (v2.3.4)
 Downloading: 100%
The process "unzip '/path/vendor/symfony/symfony/6116f6f3
d4125a757858954cb107e64b' -d 'vendor/composer/b2f33269' && chmod -R u+w 'vendor/composer/b2f33269'" exceeded the timeout of 300 seconds.

Nicolai Fröhlich

try composer update/install -o -vvv and check wether the package is being loaded from composer's cache.

if yes try clearing composer's cache or try adding -cache-dir=/dev/null.

To force downloading an archive instead of cloning sources, use the --prefer-dist option in combination with --no-dev.

Otherwise you could try raising composer's process timeout value:

export COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT=600   ( defaults to 300 )

Using php composer.php install --prefer-dist --no-dev worked for me.
Works for me too. Does anyone know why?
Well after while I figure out why this happened and the reason was slow NFS. I don't know why, since it's on local network, but I made a switch to sshfs and it's working without problem.
A common problem is NFS shares being slow when it comes to heavy disk i/o ... i.e. cache folders are affected by this. You can work around this by moving cache folders to /dev/shm/. In the case of composer you could use --cache-dir=/dev/shm/composer/cache. Read more about it in this article that targets performance tricks for symfony2 with vagrant nfs shares. Glad you solved your issue though. You might still consider accepting my answer as 11 upvotes + the comments clearly state it is helpful for others.
export COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT=600 ( defaults to 300 )
Ali Motameni
composer config --global process-timeout 2000

or without --global if you want to set in a specific composer.json
riguang zheng

The easiest method is add config option to composer.json file, Add process-timeout 0, That's all. It works anywhere.

  "scripts": {
    "start": "php -S -t public public/index.php"
  "config": {

As of composer 1.9, you can also disable process timeout on a per script basis. eg. "start": ["Composer\\Config::disableProcessTimeout","php -S -t public public/index.php"],
This is what the answer from @Ali Motameni does for you, and what the comment under the answer does (by @morris4). They both actually change the corresponding composer.json file for you, altering this config value. One changes it in your global composer.json file, and the one from the comment changes it in the current project's composer.json file.
Tahir Yasin

Composer itself impose a limit on how long it would allow for the remote git operation. A look at the Composer documentation confirms that the environment variable COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT governs this. The variable is set to a default value of 300 (seconds) which is apparently not enough for a large clone operation using a slow internet connection.

Raise this value using:

COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT=2000 composer install


Deleting composer cache worked for me.

rm -rf ~/.composer/cache/*

Hadi Sharghi

It's an old thread but I found out the reason for time out was running a php debugger (PHPStorm was listening to xdebug connections) which caused the process timeout. When I closed the PHPStorm or disabled the xdebug extension, no time out occurred.

This was indeed the reason for my timeout, VS Code was debugging and I'd left it listening for connections...
Daydream Nation

old thread but new problem for me. No solutions here were working when trying to install google/apiclient (it failed on google/apiclient-services) on an Ubuntu VM within a Windows 10 host.

After noticing Windows' "antimalware executable" taking up considerable CPU cycles when doing this composer install/update, I disabled "real-time protection" on the Windows 10 machine, and my composer update/install worked!!

Hope that helps someone.

It helped me! I had the exact same problem installing the google/apiclient on an Ubuntu VM running on Windows 10 via VirtualBox and this fixed the issue.
Even on Windows 11, this appears to have also helped with this issue. You can always re-enable the setting later, or let it turn back on by itself.
I have a docker in windows 10 using ubuntu, I was facing the same problem with google/apiclient and I disabled the antimalware realtime protection and it worked for me
Mahmoud Zalt

The Symfony Component has process timeout set to 60 by default. That's why you get errors like this:

The process "composer update" exceeded the timeout of 60 seconds. 


Set timeout to 5 minutes or more

$process = new Process("composer update");
$process->setTimeout(300); // 5 minutes

The snippet in the question says exceeded the timeout of 300 seconds. So it would either need to be higher than 300, or else the timeout isn't the problem (could be a caching issue, per @nifr and @wormhit's answers).
Michael Kiarie

I agree with most of what has been suggested above, but I had the same issue and what worked for me was deleting the vendor folder and re-run composer install


Locally or on the server?
Wherever it is the issue is being experienced

This is the problem slow NFS. Composer write cache into NFS directory. You must install composer globally and rewrite cache path.

This doesnt work:

php composer.phar install

Using this:

composer install

Before this run you must config composer globally. See this

Also, you must add this lines to your config.json:

"config": {
    "cache-dir": "/var/cache/composer"

Works for me.

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