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Check if a number has a decimal place/is a whole number

I am looking for an easy way in JavaScript to check if a number has a decimal place in it (in order to determine if it is an integer). For instance,

23 -> OK
5 -> OK
3.5 -> not OK
34.345 -> not OK
if(number is integer) {...}


Using modulus will work:

num % 1 != 0
// 23 % 1 = 0
// 23.5 % 1 = 0.5

Note that this is based on the numerical value of the number, regardless of format. It treats numerical strings containing whole numbers with a fixed decimal point the same as integers:

'10.0' % 1; // returns 0
10 % 1; // returns 0
'10.5' % 1; // returns 0.5
10.5 % 1; // returns 0.5

I didn't down vote but I'd say its something to do with 20.0, still has a decimal point and satisfies the above. +1 from me anyway for teaching me something new :)
@Abe: true enough, though I think that's unlikely. It's impossible to say if 20.0 has a decimal point programmatically, unless it is expressed as a string. Also, none of the other solutions got a down vote for not tackling that ;-)
@SREEP: see comments above. 0.00 isn't 0.00 in JavaScript when represented as a number value. It can be represented as a string ("0.00"), in which case the question for that is "check if a string is a whole number" instead of "check if a number is a whole number".
@Swanidhi: what do you mean? What won't be valid? "10." is a whole number and the result will be exactly the same as "10" or 10.
The OP asks about checking if a NUMBER is a whole number. He nowhere mentions strings - in that regards, Andy's answer is right.
Number.isInteger(23);  // true
Number.isInteger(1.5); // false
Number.isInteger("x"); // false: 

Number.isInteger() is part of the ES6 standard and not supported in IE11.

It returns false for NaN, Infinity and non-numeric arguments while x % 1 != 0 returns true.

solution fails for 12.0
@VikasArora No, it works as intended. Number.isInteger(12.0) returns true.
@brianmearns OP's question is whether a number is whole or not. If your input is a string, you need to convert it into a number first e.g. via parseFloat(), of course.
This won't work if there are too many decimal places: Number.isInteger(2.000000000000000000001) // true
@dYale This is because 2.000000000000000000001 === 2 in JavaScript

Or you could just use this to find out if it is NOT a decimal:

string.indexOf(".") == -1;

I think this one is the actual solution as this this working even for XX.0
convert to string before proceed.. ie: yournumber.toString.indexOf(".")
francisco_ssb.. the point symbol is universal... represents the decimal place in math language.. this is universal and should work in any country. If you talking about commas (","), you must convert to point (".") before the indexOf("."), obviously..
I think when he meant it doesn't work in some countries, he's referring to currency, as the Euro uses a comma instead of a decimal point. However, the question isn't specific to currency, just decimals... as in a fraction of a number.
This doesn't work if decimal is 1.00 and you want it to be an int unless you coerce value

Simple, but effective!

Math.floor(number) === number;

@OmShankar efficient != effective
Math.floor(3.0) == 3.0 is true, Math.floor(3.3) == 3.3 is false
@Fiddles, oh right, that's what I wanted to say: Not efficient as this is much slower in performance in comparison to % mod method. Thanks for correcting

The most common solution is to strip the integer portion of the number and compare it to zero like so:

function Test()
     var startVal = 123.456
     alert( (startVal - Math.floor(startVal)) != 0 )

Why not just startVal != Math.floor(startVal)?
Nice. Same concept, but your version is even cleaner.
@Andy E: This is possible only for positive numbers. It won't work for negative numbers..
@SeeyaK: of course it will work for negative numbers. Please feel free to try it.
@DeepakGoyal - The problem to which you refer is related to handling very large numbers in JavaScript. I suspect you'd have to get a library that uses bit manipulation and arrays to handle values larger than JavaScript's largest number. Of course, the other choice is not to do this in JavaScript but instead pass the value to a server side component where you use a language or library that can handle very large values.

//How about byte-ing it?

Number.prototype.isInt= function(){
 return this== this>> 0;

I always feel kind of bad for bit operators in javascript-

they hardly get any exercise.

That fails for integers larger than 2^31 - 1, because >> converts the value to a signed 32-bit integer.
@kennebec awesome--that's by far the most amusing solution. And it is a heck of a lot better than a RegEx.

In JavaScript, isSafeInteger() is a Number method that is used to return a Boolean value indicating whether a value is a safe integer. This means that it is an integer value that can be exactly represented as an IEEE-754 double precision number without rounding.

Thanks for answer this works!
Jean-François Corbett

Number.isInteger() is probably the most concise. It returns true if it is an integer, and false if it isn't.

This should be the accepted answer, because it is better then using modulus due to the string issues.
modulus operator is smart mathematically, this is smart programaticaly, it's always simpler to use a function that already exists (specially if it's in the std)
IE doesn't support a lot of things though/j
number = 20.5

if (number == Math.floor(number)) {


} else {



Pretty cool and works for things like XX.0 too! It works because Math.floor() chops off any decimal if it has one so if the floor is different from the original number we know it is a decimal! And no string conversions :)

var re=/^-?[0-9]+$/;
var num=10;

Fails for num= 999999999999999999999.
convert to string first and then do the re.
Worked for me without converting to string.
function isDecimal(n){
    if(n == "")
        return false;

    var strCheck = "0123456789";
    var i;

    for(i in n){
        if(strCheck.indexOf(n[i]) == -1)
            return false;
    return true;

Doesn't need an explanation. It's pretty simple.
If the string contains any of the values in strCheck, it's a decimal... (he is missing out on . and , though...
parseInt(num) === num

when passed a number, parseInt() just returns the number as int:

parseInt(3.3) === 3.3 // false because 3 !== 3.3
parseInt(3) === 3     // true

I like this one a lot, but depends on one's specific needs. Unfortunately, I need a function to FAIL the test parseInt(3.0) === 3.0 // true

convert number string to array, split by decimal point. Then, if the array has only one value, that means no decimal in string.

    //do stuff

This way you can also know what the integer and decimal actually are. a more advanced example would be.

number_to_array = string.split(".");
inte = number_to_array[0];
dece = number_to_array[1]; 

    //do stuff


Use following if value is string (e.g. from <input):

Math.floor(value).toString() !== value

I add .toString() to floor to make it work also for cases when value == "1." (ends with decimal separator or another string). Also Math.floor always returns some value so .toString() never fails.


Here's an excerpt from my guard library (inspired by Effective JavaScript by David Herman):

var guard = {

    guard: function(x) {
        if (!this.test(x)) {
            throw new TypeError("expected " + this);

    // ...

// ...

var number = Object.create(guard);
number.test = function(x) {
    return typeof x === "number" || x instanceof Number;
number.toString = function() {
    return "number";

var uint32 = Object.create(guard);
uint32.test = function(x) {
    return typeof x === "number" && x === (x >>> 0);
uint32.toString = function() {
    return "uint32";

var decimal = Object.create(guard);
decimal.test = function(x) {
    return number.test(x) && !uint32.test(x);
decimal.toString = function() {
    return "decimal";

uint32.guard(1234);     // fine
uint32.guard(123.4);    // TypeError: expected uint32

decimal.guard(1234);    // TypeError: expected decimal
decimal.guard(123.4);   // fine


You can multiply it by 10 and then do a "modulo" operation/divison with 10, and check if result of that two operations is zero. Result of that two operations will give you first digit after the decimal point. If result is equal to zero then the number is a whole number.

if ( (int)(number * 10.0) % 10 == 0 ){
// your code

Steve Brush
function isDecimal(num) {
  return (num !== parseInt(num, 10));


You can use the bitwise operations that do not change the value (^ 0 or ~~) to discard the decimal part, which can be used for rounding. After rounding the number, it is compared to the original value:

function isDecimal(num) {
  return (num ^ 0) !== num;

console.log( isDecimal(1) ); // false
console.log( isDecimal(1.5) ); // true
console.log( isDecimal(-0.5) ); // true

Dmitry Shashurov
function isWholeNumber(num) {
  return num === Math.round(num);

Eugene Tiurin

Perhaps this works for you?

It uses regex to check if there is a comma in the number, and if there is not, then it will add the comma and stripe.

var myNumber = '50';
function addCommaStripe(text){
    if(/,/.test(text) == false){
        return text += ',-';
    } else {
        return text;
myNumber = addCommaStripe(myNumber);

Welcome to StackOverflow. Could you elaborate what this code does and why you think it will solve the problem.
@quinz It uses regex to check if there is a comma in the number, and if there is not then it will add the comma and stripe. So it does what the question is asking for with the added functionality of adding the formatting for rounded price tags.
jesus, regex is everywhere, I wanna kill myself, why did I become a developer.

When using counters with decimal steps, checking if number is round will actually fail, as shown below. So it might be safest (although slow) to format the number with 9 (could be more) decimal places, and if it ends with 9 zeros, then it's a whole number.

const isRound = number => number.toFixed(9).endsWith('000000000'); for (let counter = 0; counter < 2; counter += 0.1) { console.log({ counter, modulo: counter % 1, formatted: counter.toFixed(9), isRound: isRound(counter) }); }

Tom Sabel

Function for check number is Decimal or whole number

function IsDecimalExist(p_decimalNumber) {
    var l_boolIsExist = true;

    if (p_decimalNumber % 1 == 0)
        l_boolIsExist = false;

    return l_boolIsExist;