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Laravel - find by custom column or fail

There's findOrFail() method which throws 404 if nothing was found, e.g.:


How can I find an entity by custom column or fail, something like this:


Mister Verleg

Try it like this:

Page::where('slug', '=', 'about')->firstOrFail();    
// or without the explicit '='
Page::where('slug', 'about')->firstOrFail();

Page::where('about', 'data')->firstOrFail(); this should work for equality operator '=' no need to put it explicitly
@Alupotha You can also do Page::whereAbout('data')->firstOrFail();
we need samples for more where methods like this that worked after models. is there any article that on laravel... any knowledge base?

Update: I'm currently using Laravel 6.9.0 and I confirm that @jeff-puckett is right. Where clause works fine. This is how it works on my tinker.

>>> \App\Models\User::findOrFail('123b5545-5adc-4c59-9a27-00d035c1d212');
>>> App\Models\User
     id: "123b5545-5adc-4c59-9a27-00d035c1d212",
     name: "John",
     surname: "Graham",
     email: "",
     email_verified_at: "2020-01-03 16:01:53",
     created_at: "2020-01-03 16:01:59",
     updated_at: "2020-01-03 16:01:59",
     deleted_at: null,

>>> \App\Models\User::where('name', 'Buraco')->findOrFail('123b5545-5adc-4c59-9a27-00d035c1d212');
>>> Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/ModelNotFoundException with message 'No query results for model [App/Models/User] 123b5545-5adc-4c59-9a27-00d035c1d212'

>>> \App\Models\User::where('name', 'John')->findOrFail('123b5545-5adc-4c59-9a27-00d035c1d212');
>>> App\Models\User
     id: "123b5545-5adc-4c59-9a27-00d035c1d212",
     name: "John",
     surname: "Graham",
     email: "",
     email_verified_at: "2020-01-03 16:01:53",
     created_at: "2020-01-03 16:01:59",
     updated_at: "2020-01-03 16:01:59",
     deleted_at: null,

Outdated: It took at least two hours to realize that if you chain firstOrFail() method after where() in Laravel 5.6, it basically tries to retrieve the first record of the table and removes where clauses. So call firstOrFail before where.

Model::firstOrFail()->where('something', $value)

hmm, I think you must have some other problem. the where clause going first works fine for me in laravel v5.6.23
Yep! It work's but the difference is, in this example querying database then using where helper of collections. I meant querying database with where clause before it turns into collections.
Cristhofer Montalvo
## Or Via Scope For Multiple Rows ##

public function scopeGetOrFail ($query)
    if (empty($query->count())) {
    } else {
        return $query->get();


syafiq zahir

In my opinion maybe you can define function getRouteKeyName() to explicitly taken the column you want when you use static find() for eloquent model.

public function getRouteKeyName(){
  return 'slug';

And if you insist, you can write it as static function inside model

public  static function findBySlugOrFail($value){
  //get slug collection or return fail
  return Post::where('slug', '=', $value)->firstOrFail();

Peter Csala

Try it like this:

Page::where('slug', '=', 'about')->get()

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