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Update without touching timestamps (Laravel)

Is it possible to update a user without touching the timestamps?

I don't want to disable the timestamps completly..


There's no method to override timestamps by default. I'm not sure, but have you tried DB::raw($yourRawQuery)?


Disable it temporarily:

$user = User::find(1);
$user->timestamps = false;
$user->age = 72;

You can optionally re-enable them after saving.

This is a Laravel 4 and 5 only feature and does not apply to Laravel 3.

I've run into problems with this...? Doesn't work when set in the base model. Anyone else have an issue?
Can you explain at all any more? Still can't get this to work and seems stupid. Also using Laravel 3.
It's basically disabling timestamp before saving, in Laravel 3 the property is static, so I'm not sure if you can or not change it in runtime, look at the code:…
This is the only solution that has worked for me. I had tried to do the more "elegant" way : $something->save(['timestamps'=>false]); and it just ignored it. Thanks a lot man!
this still causes relationships to update if the model has "touches" defined.

In Laravel 5.2, you can set the public field $timestamps to false like this:

$user->timestamps = false;
$user->name = 'new name';

Or you can pass the options as a parameter of the save() function :

$user->name = 'new name';
$user->save(['timestamps' => false]);

For a deeper understanding of how it works, you can have a look at the class \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model, in the method performUpdate(Builder $query, array $options = []) :

protected function performUpdate(Builder $query, array $options = [])
    // [...]

    // First we need to create a fresh query instance and touch the creation and
    // update timestamp on the model which are maintained by us for developer
    // convenience. Then we will just continue saving the model instances.
    if ($this->timestamps && Arr::get($options, 'timestamps', true)) {

    // [...]

The timestamps fields are updated only if the public property timestamps equals true or Arr::get($options, 'timestamps', true) returns true (which it does by default if the $options array does not contain the key timestamps).

As soon as one of these two returns false, the timestamps fields are not updated.

Note that this functionality is broken in Laravel 5.1 and 5.2, and has therefore been removed from Laravel 5.3. See:
It does not work in laravel 8
Not tested, but it seems possible in Laravel 8 to set the property of the model $timestamps to FALSE before calling the update() method.
Setting $user->timestamps = false; works for me in Laravel 8. Only the option of the save method has been removed.

Above samples works cool, but only for single object (only one row per time).

This is easy way how to temporarily disable timestamps if you want to update whole collection.

class Order extends Model


    public function scopeWithoutTimestamps()
        $this->timestamps = false;
        return $this;


Now you can simply call something like this:

Order::withoutTimestamps()->leftJoin('customer_products','customer_products.order_id','=','orders.order_id')->update(array('orders.customer_product_id' => \DB::raw('')));

its Order:: w ithoutTimestamps(), please fix
Best solution ;) Thanks @miho

To add to Antonio Carlos Ribeiro's answer

If your code requires timestamps de-activation more than 50% of the time - maybe you should disable the auto update and manually access it.

In eloquent when you extend the eloquent model you can disable timestamp by putting


public $timestamps = false;

inside your model.

This didn't work for me, I had to do public $timestamps = false;
fixed my answer to what @JonathanEllis stated - its now a public property
Really public, not protected (visibility)?

For Laravel 5.x users who are trying to perform a Model::update() call, to make it work you can use

Model::where('example', $data)
       'firstValue' => $newValue,
       'updatedAt' => \DB::raw('updatedAt')

As the Model::update function does not take a second argument anymore. ref: laravel 5.0 api

Tested and working on version 5.2.

this is really helpful in Laravel 5.8 when i do multiple records update in one go and i don't want to touch the default process of updated_at functionality.
This is very clever actually, and works on most versions on Laravel. I even tried on 4.2 and it works!
Luca C.

If you need to update single model queries:

$product->timestamps = false;


$product->save(['timestamps' => false]);

If you need to update multiple model queries use


instead of


Everyone's calling it "model" when they mean "instance". A model is not an actual instance, it's just the class/definition that isn't an actual real object. This is a widespread falsehood, sadly.

I ran into the situation of needing to do a mass update that involves a join, so updated_at was causing duplicate column conflicts. I fixed it with this code without needing a scope:

$query->where(function (\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query) {
    $query->getModel()->timestamps = false;

Marek Skiba

For Larvel 5.1, you can also use this syntax:

Model::where('Y', 'X')
    ->update(['Y' => 'Z'], ['timestamps' => false]);

Tested this in Laravel 5.7 and this does not work.
Laravel 5.7: Type: InvalidArgumentException Message: Unexpected data found.
Dale Ryan

Laravel 8

Doing some overrides using seeders and on one test I have:

$item = Equipment::where('name', item_name))->first();
$item->description = 'some description';
$item->save(['timestamps' => false]);

Which works fine, but if I use firstOrNew then the $item->save(['timestamps' => false]); does not work.

// This does not work on Seeder file
$item = Model::firstOrNew(['name' => 'item_name']);
$item->description = 'some description';
$item->save(['timestamps' => false]);

// Doing the following works tho
$item = Model::firstOrNew(['name' => 'item_name']);
$item->description = 'some description';
$item->timestamps = false;

So in some cases you would use one over the other... Just check with die and dump to see whether +timestamps: false

$item->timestamps = false;


$item->save(['timestamps' => false]);

Edit: In my project I opted using $item->timestamps = false; so I would recommend using this as well. Here is a working snippet from laravelplayground:

Check the HasTimestamps on Laravel api:

and the save method on Model:

The save method still accepts options but passing timestamps will not work.

Does not work...
@Gass can you tell me which one did you tried and didn't work in your case. There are cases where you should use $item->timestamps = false; over $item->save(['timestamps' => false]);. One of the method I mentioned should work.
yes, that's exactly what happened $item->save(['timestamps' => false]); did not work on my Laravel 8 app
@Gass for laravel 8 $item->timestamps = false; would work as I mentioned on the post. I simulated a code snippet on laravel playground here:…